Can you make action replay code to let us play on unused backgrounds of Dining Room 2F,please?
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Originally posted by ANDYARKLAY View PostCan you make action replay code to let us play on unused backgrounds of Dining Room 2F,please?
Are there any unused/inaccessible rooms (beyond the upper floor dining hall) of interest?
I'll have to look through the RDT's again.
It's been a while since I followed robert_kendo's showcase of these builds, so I am a bit rusty when it comes to which rooms are actually included in the two samples.
Found it already!
It's at 0x098C1090 (On the PSP, that is)
(I was in the dining hall and turned it into the famous "1st zombie floor")
Upon further investigation I come to think that this simply loads the backgrounds of another room over the current one.
It does NOT give it the camera angles and collision data of the new room I change it to and fails to correctly load the new backgrounds, I'm afraid.
Some parts of the old backgrounds (those which "overlay" the player) show up in front of the new backgrounds:
I'm sure that the background problem fixes itself when I leave the room through a door while the background changing code is activated tough.
I'll continue experimenting to see what I can find!Last edited by Upaluppa; 03-27-2011, 10:55 AM.
Are there any unused/inaccessible rooms (beyond the upper floor dining hall) of interest?
I think there are not enough of AR codes shared.Last edited by ANDYARKLAY; 03-26-2011, 11:13 AM.
Originally posted by ANDYARKLAY View PostThere are few unused rooms, most of them showed by Kendo(Kendo missed only 2F dining room).I watched all backgrounds - i found that one room(one of unused) has a wardrobe and some papers on table - is it possible to come in these rooms and interact with these things?
I think there are not enough of AR codes shared.
Meanwhile, here's a gameplay speed modifier:
0x098C0008 (default value is 0x02, lower = faster, higher = slower)
If you are like me and find the intro conversation scene boring after watching it for the felt 9000th time try speeding up the game to get past it within seconds!
Hooray, here comes the item modifier:
Sometimes I just can't stop spitting out codes...
Guess what, the Flamethrower is already included in the 10/04 build!
There's no model or animation for the weapon but you can equip and fire it:
Last edited by Upaluppa; 03-26-2011, 12:48 PM.
Originally posted by Chris' Boob View PostIs there a code to unlock all doors?
I have strong feelings that most of them won't work anyways.
I think so because that's how it was with the Biohazard Trial Edition...
Most doors crashed the game when you "force unlocked" them with an events already done code...
Besides, I am not even sure whether the doors are really locked (as in can be opened with a key) or if they were programmed to be non functional via a "demo ends here" style restriction similar to how the game force ends the fight with the giant snake...
(Making the snake room accessible in a non demo mode is high on my list of must find memory hacks, by the way)
As for another way to (possibly) unlock the doors:
Since I already have a working item modifier code I'll see if there are any keys available which might work on the doors!
It was ridiculously easy to do and it works perfectly, too!
I hacked one of those mansion keys into my item menu and it allowed me to open that door and access previously inaccessible parts of the mansion:
(Terrific, how different the keeper's room looks, don't you agree?)
Something unrelated but still interesting:
The mansion key's 3d model was terribly glitched when I examined it on in the item subscreen.
I don't think it was caused by my item hacking exploits as all the other item models I examined looked just fine...
Another thing I just realized is that Capcom removed all (almost, the Broken Shotgun, for example is still included) the puzzles and puzzle related items from the two sample versions of the game. Obviously they would've been included if these were regular WIP builds, but since they were for public showcase these restrictions were added.
That's sad, because it means we're missing out on the more interesting differences these early versions had to offer such as different puzzles and character interactions. (Plus the entire latter half of the game which takes place outside the mansion)
And did I mention that we still don't know what the Oil Can and the Pickaxe (which are in this build, I just checked) were used for?
Another thing I found out is that the game does not (no joke) allow you to do something stupid to crash it...
What I mean is that whenever you try to access a room which does not exist/work correctly the game sends you back to the 1st zombie hallway instead of crashing as I was expecting it to. (anti crash protection?)
Makes me wonder why this quite handy feature wasn't included in the latter BH Trial Edition and RE series game demos in general...Last edited by Upaluppa; 03-26-2011, 01:42 PM.
The mansion key's 3d model was terribly glitched
Obviously they would've been included if these were regular WIP builds
It has STAGE3(outside of mansion) and STAGE 4 folders with some empty room folders + if you look on maps - you can see all maps, even lab maps.Maybe it was possible to finish game in WIP build.Ton of stuff was removed.
Looks like I was wrong...
Forget the mansion keys, they don't work at all!
What I found (completely by incident, I must admit) is a simple flag which determines whether the game runs in demo mode or in "full" mode!
It's probably the same thing which allowed us to remove the timer and unlock Jill's scenario in the BH Trial Edition!
I must've changed this byte while looking for the item modifier and I did not realize what it does, so I was thinking it was the mansion key I hacked into my inventory which unlocked the doors...
Anyways, set 0x098C11BC to 0x00 and you can play the 10/04 sample without any locked doors to bother you!
I have hope that this also unlocks the non demo boss fight against the snake, but I haven't had the opportunity to try it yet.
I'll let you know if the snake can be fought in about a minute or so!
By the way, I think it might be possible to unlock Jill's scenario in the 04/08 sample by finding and changing a similar byte in that version!
I'll look for it when I'm done with the snake!Last edited by Upaluppa; 03-26-2011, 02:12 PM.
Good stuff i'm also making codes ;-) gotta get that debug unlocked in the V-Jump build.
AR/GS codes are exactly same as those psp codes just drop 0x part.
07 = Alternative Knife - Only works with Chris.
I think the Pickaxe was probably to be used in the catacombs.
The oil is for the lighter the same remake and re3, I think re2 had it also can't remeber other than the jewel puzzle in the meeting room.Last edited by kevstah2004; 03-26-2011, 02:31 PM.If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.
Originally posted by kevstah2004 View PostGood stuff i'm also making codes ;-) gotta get that debug unlocked in the V-Jump build.
AR/GS codes are exactly same as those psp codes just drop 0x part.
I always get excited when someone discovers working debug menus in a game, so be sure to let us know if you find a way to access it!
I'll do some snooping around the 10/04 sample for now.
I just checked the snake fight, it's not unlocked with the door unlocking hack.
And I'll try combining the Oil with the lighter, just out of curiosity!
Not that I expect it to do anything exciting, but who knows...
Now that you mention it, I remember the oil in RE3, it was right next to the shotgun at the beginning of the game.
RE2 had the lighter (and CV did, but whatever...) and no oil was needed for it, but I'm getting off-topic...Last edited by Upaluppa; 03-26-2011, 02:42 PM.
oops I think maybe wrong about your psp codes 09?????? seems to high a memory range for the ps1 with only 2mb ram. I know did I that delete 0x trick with a few of your earlier codes an it worked, what are using to make codes atm? cwcheat?Last edited by kevstah2004; 03-26-2011, 02:42 PM.If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.
Originally posted by kevstah2004 View Postoops I think maybe wrong about your psp codes 09?????? seems to high a memory range for the ps1 with only 2mb ram. I know did I that delete 0x trick with a few of your earlier codes an it worked, what are using to make codes atm? cwcheat?
It's much faster than CWCheat when it comes to memory dumping/comparing, that's why I'm using it.
I just don't like having to use the PC all the time to compare some dumps...
Should be easy to convert the codes to CWCheat (and PSX) format though:
_M 0x098C11BC 0x00000000
_L 0x010C11BC 0x00000000
That's how the addresses correspond:
TempAR: 0x08800000
CWCheat 0x00000000
TempAR: 0x08900000
CWCheat 0x01000000
TempAR: 0x098C11BC
CWCheat 0x010C11BC
From now on I'll post my codes in the usual CWCheat format like before, guess that's of more use to most people here.
I didn't even think about the addressing problem while hacking these codes.
Well, TempAR reads both formats, so this won't make much of a difference to me.
I'll probably open a thread in the modding section in which I post all the codes I created for the two alpha builds once I have build a good collection of handy codes!
For now, here are the things I have found so far:
300C0008 00??
00 = Faster
01 = Fast
02 = Default
03 = Slow
04 = Slower
05 = Even Slower
The higher the number the slower the gameplay...
There must be an upper limit at which point it won't get any slower, but don't ask me where it is, I don't like slowdowns! ^^
300D6261 00??
300D6262 00??
300C11BC 0000
The room modifier I discovered earlier is rendered obsolete thanks to this code, so forget about it and use this instead!
Keep in mind that many rooms are missing in this sample build, so you might get unwanted results when opening certain doors!
Special hint: Try leaving the mansion through the main door when using this code for a laugh! *~*
300C1091 00FF
300C1093 00FF
300C1090 00??
300C1092 00??
00 = Nothing (Crashes the game when used on the 1st slot while there's an item in the 2nd slot)
01 = Knife
02 = Handgun
03 = Shotgun
04 = Colt
05 = Grenade Launcher
06 = Flamethrower
07 = Rocket Launcher (I only assume this to be the RL, it shows up as a glitched knife when equipped as Chris and crashes the game when equipped as Jill)
08 = Handgun Ammo Clip
09 = Broken Shotgun
0A = Pickaxe
0B = Winch
0C = Emblem
0D = Gold Emblem
0E = Oil
0F = Blue Crystal Ball (Probably the blue jewel from the tiger statue in the final game)
10 = Tiny Glitchy Thingy (Could be the red jewel, but there's no way to know for sure unless someone who knows Japanese translates the text)
11 = Music Notes (Moonlight Sonata)
12 = Lighter
13 = Silver Crest (Wolf)
14 = Gold Crest (Eagle)
15 = Chemical (Herbicide)
16 = Battery
17 = Lockpick
18 = MO Disc
19 = White Book (Plant 42 Report)
1A = Small Key (Brown)
1B = Small Key (Silver)
1C = Mansion Key 1 (Glitched 3d Model)
1D = Mansion Key 2 (Glitched 3d Model)
1E = Mansion Key 3 (Glitched 3d Model)
1F = Golden Handgun (Not a weapon, must've been a puzzle item)
20 = Crash (From 20 onwards you'll get nothing but crashes and junk/glitch items)
That's all for now, more codes follow soon!
These codes are now in PSX AR/GS format, so you should be able to use them without any problems on your emulator/cheatdevice!Last edited by Upaluppa; 03-30-2011, 03:39 PM.
Originally posted by kevstah2004 View PostAh so it's ignore 0x01 to convert CWCheat to AR/GS.
300C11BC 00??
30 = 8-Bit Constant Write
80 = 16-Bit Constant Write
All of these codes in the post above yours are 8-bit writes only, so replace 01 with 30 at the beginning of each code and you're set!
I'll edit my previous post again and add the 30 indicators to the codes instead of the CWCheat ones!
Sorry for all the code formating confusion I've created, I promise I'll stick to the regular PSX AR/GS format for every code I post from now on!Last edited by Upaluppa; 03-26-2011, 05:28 PM.
It's no bother post the codes in whatever format you want. I know the offsets between them nowor if want for others put a offset note to the codes.
Note example:
TempAR to CWCheat -8800000
CWCheat to TempAR +8800000
CWCheat to AR/GS first byte of address 30 or 80 remove 0x.
Here's a complete map so you can avoid the missing rooms.If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.