And yet there was a moment of pure magic, and that when I arrived at the clock tower, and lo and behold 2 of the rooms were remade, it wasn't perfect, but it had more magic than anything thus far, and for that one moment it felt like we were in our Raccoon again, and not Slant 6's.
No announcement yet.
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
Review and contributor for
Honestly? I think it would have been a lot more impressive if they'd worked within the existing framework. I'm calling them lazy because it feels, at least to me, like they've just gone, 'fuck it, who cares if they had previous street layouts, let's just make our own and shoot more guns!' Assuming they actually knew Raccoon City had a layout. Did the wiki mention it?
I honestly cannot accept that it's just not possible for a minute and 30 second scene with no to light fighting where the characters, you know, talk. Would that really cause people to yank the disc out and hurl it from a window screaming, 'NOT ENOUGH STIMULATION!' if the bugs didn't stop them? I'm not saying that they should even have all the streets from the old games. But there were some pretty major streets, mostly cut up into easily loadable sections, which they could have gone done before the barricades and car crashes happened.
Excuse the shitty copy and paste;
You can see a pretty major road going by the RPD. The gap is for the bus, obviously. Without those blocks and such there it's not a small road - you could certainly have a boss fight of some kind there. And then you can go and explore whole new sections of the city instead of, you know, making a whole new one anyway, slapping Raccoon City on some signs and hoping no one will notice. The downtown area also has some pretty major roads - again, you don't actually see a lot of them because the mess means they're chopped up, but you can see the outline.
Probably true, but it would still be better than creating a brand new Raccoon City...why even set the game in the city if you aren't gonna get the most out of location? Besides, it's not as though those roads were built with barricades on them - do it near the start of the Outbreak and most people won't complain. You could even show how some of those crashed vehicles crashed and, y'know, add to the plot a little.
Originally posted by Smiley View PostSo all I factor is that ORC being linear doesn't work yet RE4 and RE5 do.
However, the reason why it works in those games is because, as I said, of the pacing. There are breaks in the action, whether in the form of vehicle sections, moderate puzzle solving, or even light exploration. Both games take time to set the mood and establish an atmosphere (perhaps less so with RE5, but that's a discussion for another time). People accuse these games of being little more than "enter arena, kill enemies, walk down corridor to next arena, kill enemies, lather, rinse, repeat," but it's just not true. There's much more to them than that.
ORC, on the other hand, fits that description to a T. Now, before you get up in arms and claim that because ORC is a third person shooter, it shouldn't have any of those things (or we shouldn't have expected it to have any of those things), look at another TPS franchise such as Gears of War. Or even something like Vanquish. Both are unequivocally TPS games, but even they offer more to do in their campaigns than ORC. The reason why they work where ORC doesn't is because these games do interesting things with their setups. Vanquish, in particular, is arguably just as short as ORC, and yet it offers way more variety and much better pacing than ORC.
ORC doesn't do anything interesting with its environments to take advantage of the new gameplay style. Developers like Epic understand that it's not enough to make a competent shooter. You have to create environments that engage the player and offer increasingly unique scenarios that take advantage of those mechanics. Both RE4 and RE5 did this in spectacular fashion. ORC simply relies more on nostalgia and hopes no one will notice the difference.
Originally posted by Archelon View PostIt doesn't matter if it's a spinoff, a main title, whether it was developed by a Western team or a Japanese team, or if it was in development for years or a matter of months.
It's still a bad game.
But the point is that regardless of this game's production values, it's simply poorly designed. All the production value in the world can't save a game if it isn't designed well.
Originally posted by Dracarys View PostI suppose the story being near non-existant didn't help.
Originally posted by Smiley View PostLinear design never stopped RE4 and RE5.
Originally posted by Smiley View PostLimited BOWs? They had a great range of monsters. Even brought back the Crimson Heads. Plus when did a short supply of BOW variety make the game automatically poor? Revelations would like a word with you.
Originally posted by Smiley View PostYou say it's lazy, and would probably argue it's not creative like others have said. But making your own stuff is never lazy. It does take effort. Regardless, you can still spot each location and know where it's supposed to be in the city.
Originally posted by Wrathborne View PostHeadcrabs(thats all they are, we just need to accept it)
So very true. More evidence of Slant Six's unoriginality.
Originally posted by Wrathborne View PostThe RE series hasnt really had side quests in the main game, but we're at a point now where developers should be doing this more.
Originally posted by Wrathborne View PostRE4 is in no way as linear as RE5, just because you keep saying it is, doesnt mean it is. Do you even remember the optional paths in RE4? There weren't a huge amount of them, but they were there and gave some extra fights along the way.
Exploration (item scrounging, scavenger hunts) is the most important part of a game to me; the less there is, the less I'll like the game. Just my opinion.
Originally posted by Darkmoon View PostAs I said, there aren't a huge number of streets in RE2, and not that many more in RE3. Unless you need full on, run and gun action all the time, why can't these be light action areas transitioning to new, action crammed areas? Why just change the whole layout? Does this game never allow moments where you aren't shooting things in the face?
Even if you must be fighting enemies all the times, and have decided that removing barricades and destroyed vehicles to open up some fairly long street areas (how many streets actually ended at a wall or junction and how many were barricaded or had a crashed vehicle?) is just impossible, then you could still use those areas for small, frentic fights with monsters that you'd usually prefer to engage at close range to make more panicking situations.
The Raccoon City streets already there could have been incorporated. It's not impossible. Not by any stretch. An area where you aren't fighting Special Forces isn't really that big and impossible, and might even make the monsters more than a background noise from what you've said (something I'd consider another nail in the games coffin - how did the monsters destroy the whole city if guys with guns are so much better than them? Why would Umbrella's B.O.W department, the bit that didn't know Spencer's master plan, make multi-million dollar that your average four man squad with assault rifles can take down?) or just a bit that's quiet and allows for some conversation to enhance the story.
Instead they made a whole new city map. Despite what you say, I don't think it was to make the game flow more smoothly. If they wanted to do that they might have done some beta testing. I think it;s the same reason you use guns and see cars from the wrong time period, why information from a wiki is included and why so many people are finding so many bugs - Slant Six just don't have high enough production values to make a game like this, for this big a franchise.
As I was trying to say to Smiley earlier, I understand taking some creative liberty with the building interiors or widening the streets a bit. However, the style of architecture of the city is completely different. Why would Slant Six feel the need to change that? Simply put - this is not Raccoon City! One trek through the Smithsonian-sized city hall (for a small/mid-sized Midwestern town) should provide enough evidence for that.
Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View PostAnd yet there was a moment of pure magic, and that when I arrived at the clock tower, and lo and behold 2 of the rooms were remade, it wasn't perfect, but it had more magic than anything thus far, and for that one moment it felt like we were in our Raccoon again, and not Slant 6's.
Originally posted by Darkmoon View PostI honestly cannot accept that it's just not possible for a minute and 30 second scene with no to light fighting where the characters, you know, talk. Would that really cause people to yank the disc out and hurl it from a window screaming, 'NOT ENOUGH STIMULATION!' if the bugs didn't stop them?
BTW, I agree with the rest of your post with the maps and all. I could have worked well.
Originally posted by Dracarys View PostIf S6 unblocked those roads people would complain they are not blocked.
Originally posted by Darkmoon View PostBesides, it's not as though those roads were built with barricades on them - do it near the start of the Outbreak and most people won't complain. You could even show how some of those crashed vehicles crashed and, y'know, add to the plot a little.
Originally posted by Archelon View PostORC simply relies more on nostalgia and hopes no one will notice the difference.
I hope the Spec Ops campaign tries to nail things more accurately, but I'm just going to assume it will be as bad as the USS one. Hell, they'll probably re-use most of the USS campaign locations; then we'll know for sure how lazy Slant Six really is!Last edited by Det. Beauregard; 03-23-2012, 11:53 AM.Mass production? Ridiculous!
Finally got it and completed it
its not a outbreak classic sadly and it was way to short.. but for what it was worth hell a 8/10 from me its not a totally crap game as the reviews says but as i said i was hoping it would be longer plus why only claire leon ( ada for 5 min) and nicolai where was the rest it did feel like a unfinished game or els they cut stuff out for dlc later on but yeah 8/10 from me.
I did a bad thing.... :-( .....I feel dirty....Embarrased......Ashamed......I went to Blockbusters just to have a look wasnt decided on buying it or anything in all honesty was hoping to rent it. One of the workers there said he just bought it and how terrible it is and he was looking to sell it asap. So I gave him £30.....I need a shower.
One positive is I didnt boost their sales which looks like they are doing pretty damn well, he said there was people phoning all day to get it and couldnt find it anywhere. Sold out everywhere. At least I bought it second hand though. Uhhhhh I need to go wash and throw up.Last edited by CrimsonElder; 03-23-2012, 02:24 PM.
You can see a pretty major road going by the RPD. The gap is for the bus, obviously. Without those blocks and such there it's not a small road - you could certainly have a boss fight of some kind there. And then you can go and explore whole new sections of the city instead of, you know, making a whole new one anyway, slapping Raccoon City on some signs and hoping no one will notice. The downtown area also has some pretty major roads - again, you don't actually see a lot of them because the mess means they're chopped up, but you can see the outline.
And the thing too from your next comment is most people aren't complaining about the Raccoon City redesign. Newcomers won't care either way. People who are familiar with character and location redesigns in the series aren't fazed that a different team made their own version of the city for this type of game. It goes without saying that the layout for RE2 and 3 would not be done without major changes regardless so the only people I can see generally upset are those that had a preference in the Outbreak games. Because in two games they created a much larger city to explore in.
Resident Evils 4 and 5 are nowhere near as linear as Operation Raccoon City, and Resident Evil 4 is much less linear than Resident 5, at that.
And their environments do take advantage of the game play style. That's why they are mapped out the way they are, and allow for chaotic experiences when dealing with Spec Ops and BOWs all at once. If you're expecting puzzles and the like then this is the wrong game to play.
If you ask me, taking the time to actually research the locations and environments from RE2, RE3, and the Outbreaks and faithfully re-creating them to the best of their power (while making some small sacrifices for the TPS squad-based nature of the game) would take a lot more work than making a new city from scratch that simply doesn't resemble Raccoon in the slightest.
Originally posted by CrimsonElder View PostI did a bad thing.... :-( .....I feel dirty....Embarrased......Ashamed......I went to Blockbusters just to have a look wasnt decided on buying it or anything in all honesty was hoping to rent it. One of the workers there said he just bought it and how terrible it is and he was looking to sell it asap. So I gave him £30.....I need a shower.
One positive is I didnt boost their sales which looks like they are doing pretty damn well, he said there was people phoning all day to get it and couldnt find it anywhere. Sold out everywhere. At least I bought it second hand though. Uhhhhh I need to go wash and throw up.Last edited by Smiley; 03-23-2012, 02:30 PM.
I got my version for 360 for the time being. If anyone fancies some matches or co-op run, add me, STARS TyranT The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Review and contributor for
Has anyone else noticed this?
In the lab where you extract the Nemesis parasite from the T-103, there is a white board that says "Attn: RPD - Let's be safe out there." It's signed "Chief Irons."
On it, it lists the units that comprise the RPD, including STARS, but here's the kicker. They say STARS stands for "Special Tactics and Rescue Squad."