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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

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  • I started a versus match and suddenly my charackter multiplied into 4-5 more, which were doing the same thing as I . Then they all vanished and I was alone and the entire ps3 crashed. There was this one mission which I was playing with 4 others in were you first see Leon. When we started following him, there was this garage door that was marked as the next place we needed to go to. As we stood infront of it, it turned out that we were still 1.6 meters away from it - but this would've meant that we would already have to be inside the building which was impossible. We restarted the match by rejoining and could fix it by all just gathering togetherinfront of the door. Somehow that worked for us and we could then enter. I've encountered 3-4 bugs already.

    Can someone tell me if there is a special trick to kill Leon? I shot him with 4-5 grenades from a grenade launcher and that didn't do it. He simply shoots me three times and I'm down. Seems a bit silly.


    • Leon is tough. You just got to get close enough to get some good shots in.

      I actually have a request seeing the game is still fresh but no one seems to have it yet. Is it possible someone could either upload a video of all the concept art from the collector's discs you find throughout the game or upload the pictures themselves? I really like the art but it's a shame to keep the system on to look at them. Even if it's not considered cannon, still some cool concept art in there. I would do it myself but I lack the proper equipment and PS3 doesn't have a camera capture feature in-game wise.


      • Run into some really crappy design choices. If you start a multiplayer mission on Professional but other players quit...the difficulty defaults down to whatever you beat it on single player, so you can do an entire mission on Professional then if in the last 5 seconds the last human player besides yourself get awarded whatever you beat on single player.

        What crap.
        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


        • Originally posted by DeadArtist View Post
          I started a versus match and suddenly my charackter multiplied into 4-5 more, which were doing the same thing as I . Then they all vanished and I was alone and the entire ps3 crashed. There was this one mission which I was playing with 4 others in were you first see Leon. When we started following him, there was this garage door that was marked as the next place we needed to go to. As we stood infront of it, it turned out that we were still 1.6 meters away from it - but this would've meant that we would already have to be inside the building which was impossible. We restarted the match by rejoining and could fix it by all just gathering togetherinfront of the door. Somehow that worked for us and we could then enter. I've encountered 3-4 bugs already.

          Can someone tell me if there is a special trick to kill Leon? I shot him with 4-5 grenades from a grenade launcher and that didn't do it. He simply shoots me three times and I'm down. Seems a bit silly.
          I had that same glitch, only there was just two of me. As for Leon, I actually stayed as far away as possible. I took cover behind a box all the way in the back, where there is a convenient ammo crate located near by. I would shoot at his head/arm poking out as he took cover, and I was just out of reach of his grenades so when he threw one, I would light him up as he moved back into position. This method takes a while of course, seeing that he's so tough. It took me about 15 minutes to kill him, but it got the job done with minimal damage. As for the versus matches in general, be prepared for many crashes to come. I play around 20 matches a night, so I have to restart my ps3 at least three or four times. Hopefully the much needed patch will at least partially fix this problem.
          "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
          Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


          • I've also heard that if you go through Professional in a group, only one person in the group can get all the files and therefore only one person at a time can get an S rank.
            See you in hell.


            • Hey! Despite al the hate he got, Producer Kawata was actually right:

              CoD-like, all-action-shooters Resident Evil games do sell better than survival horror games.

              UK sales for the week ending March 24, 2012:

              1. FIFA Street (EA)
              2. Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (Capcom)
              3. Mass Effect 3 (EA)
              4. FIFA 12 (EA)
              5. SSX (EA)
              6. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Activision)
              7. Kid Icarus: Uprising (Nintendo)
              8. Battlefield 3 (EA)
              9. F1 2011 (Sega)
              10. Mario & Sonic London 2012 Olympic Games (Sega)

              P.S. Not surprisingly, the Xbox 360 version sold more ORC units than the PS3 version.


              I was right, yo!
              Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


              • Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                Hey! Despite al the hate he got, Producer Kawata was actually right:

                CoD-like, all-action-shooters Resident Evil games do sell better than survival horror games.

                UK sales for the week ending March 24, 2012:

                1. FIFA Street (EA)
                2. Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (Capcom)
                3. Mass Effect 3 (EA)
                4. FIFA 12 (EA)
                5. SSX (EA)
                6. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Activision)
                7. Kid Icarus: Uprising (Nintendo)
                8. Battlefield 3 (EA)
                9. F1 2011 (Sega)
                10. Mario & Sonic London 2012 Olympic Games (Sega)

                P.S. Not surprisingly, the Xbox 360 version sold more ORC units than the PS3 version.


                I was right, yo!
                These sales do not indicate anything. Many games will sell "well" in their first week or two, then fizzle out.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • I must say.

                  I've gave the game the benefit of the doubt, and given it the best part of the week.

                  But it's absolutely fucking atrocious. From start to finish all i've seen and played is horrendous mechanics, the worst AI i've seen in this type of game in a long long time, glitchy controls (honestly the A/X button to revive, change weapon.etc. - it's fun when there's a weapon to swap right on a dead team-mate).

                  Multiplayer saves it a little, as most of the games inherent problems are single player issues (really is one of the worst single player games out there at the minute).

                  This is an absolute abomination, not just a blight on the series, but a highlight of everything that's wrong with games at the minute. One only has to play something such as Gears of War to see a similar type of game done so right. Slant Six only had to build on what others have established within the genre, but it's actually one of the very worst examples of a team based shooter in a long long time.

                  I'm usually highly respective of peoples opinion on products, and can nearly always understand that some people can get the most out of something even when most don't (hell I do with Resident Evil 5 and of course most of you disagree), but I'm genuinly struggling to see where any of your are coming from with regard to anything positive from this game. It's not a blind devotion, I don't know what it is, I can't put my finger on it.
         The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
                  Review and contributor for


                  • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                    These sales do not indicate anything. Many games will sell "well" in their first week or two, then fizzle out.
                    I disagree.They do indicate something... if gamers in the UK fell for this game, imagine how things went here in America. Where we're all suppose to be dumb and stupid for things that go KA-BOOM and pew, pew, pew.

                    My prediction: It will be at #1 or #2 on the NPD charts

                    And when that happens, Kawata's vindication will be complete.
                    Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                    • Doubt it be number 1 or 2 in NPD since it released late in the month.
                      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                      • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                        Doubt it be number 1 or 2 in NPD since it released late in the month.
                        Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                        • When did this place become 4chan?


                          • Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                            When did this place become 4chan?
                            Round about the time the kids discovered the [IMG] tags basically.


                            • Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                              CoD-like, all-action-shooters Resident Evil games do sell better than survival horror games.
                              *looks at list*

                              UK sales for the week ending March 24, 2012:

                              1. FIFA Street (EA)

                              In breaking news today, Capcom via producer Masachika Kawata announced today that the next title in the Resident Evil franchise is to be called "Resident Evil Action Soccer" and will be an highly action focused title based on two teams, one made of Resident Evil franchise heroes and one of numerous series villains playing a un-friendly urban soccer match against each other, where zombie heads are used as footballs and people use virus' as sports enhancers set within the Raccoon City Sports Arena.

                              Capcom's explanation for the unseen turn of events leading to the decision to create the game was cited as the fact that sports titles sell exceptionally well, and Capcom also decided to focus specifically this time on the European market.

                              Kawata was also quoted stating that if the title meets expectations in the European Union that a US Gridiron Football title is also possibly on the cards to meet the demands of the average fickle US videogamer.
                              Last edited by Rombie; 03-26-2012, 07:00 PM.


                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                These sales do not indicate anything. Many games will sell "well" in their first week or two, then fizzle out.
                                Even though I enjoy the game, this is actually true. Sales numbers the first few weeks might be up. If they remain up is yet to be seen. Even then that simply means the game is a success financially despite being bashed critically. And it in no way should mean that Capcom has to make the main games like ORC.

                                In breaking news today, Capcom via producer Masachika Kawata announced today that the next title in the Resident Evil franchise is to be called "Resident Evil Action Soccer" and will be an highly action focused title based on two teams, one made of Resident Evil franchise heroes and one of numerous series villains playing a un-friendly urban soccer match against each other, where zombie heads are used as footballs and people use virus' as sports enhancers set within the Raccoon City Sports Arena.

                                Capcom's explanation for the unseen turn of events leading to the decision to create the game was cited as the fact that sports titles sell exceptionally well, and Capcom also decided to focus specifically this time on the European market.

                                Kawata was also quoted stating that if the title meets expectations in the European Union that a US Gridiron Football title is also possibly on the cards to meet the demands of the average fickle US videogamer.
                                Already happened I'm afraid... ;

                                Last edited by Smiley; 03-26-2012, 07:13 PM.

