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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

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  • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    DC was an overall better job. UC really aggravated me.
    I agree with this. UC felt cheap in comparison to the higher-quality DC. For example, playing through the mansion incident in UC didn't feel as authentic as playing through the RPD and Rockfort in DC. UC may have had more weapons and stages, but DC just seemed more polished overall.

    Also, thanks for the info on the guys working on RE6. Seems impressive. Is that "tit" Kawata the one who made the "survival horror is dead" comment?
    Mass production? Ridiculous!


    • Is that "tit" Kawata the one who made the "survival horror is dead" comment?
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • No need to buy Slant 6 when you have Capcom Vancouver... I'll keep saying it, if ORC gets some sort of sequel, they should do it.

        "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
          None of the team that worked on Revelations or Operation Raccoon City are working on BH6 (so that tit Kawata isn't involved)....
          Why are you so pissed at Kawata for SAYING THE TRUTH anyway?

          NPD numbers for ORC vindicated what Kawata said about gamers preferring CoD type games rather than survival-horror games.

          It's the fucking truth, man.

          The fact is, RE games are taking the same route as the RE live action movies. The same route that always leads to $ucce$$. The Michael Bay/Paul Anderson route.

          So lay off Kawata for being right. He was correct not only in the eyes of the company he works for but also in the eyes of the fans that support ORC with their wallets.

          EDIT: ORC beat CoD on the list. Priceless.
          Last edited by Pikminister; 04-13-2012, 04:03 PM.
          Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


          • Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
            Why are you so pissed at Kawata for SAYING THE TRUTH anyway?

            NPD numbers for ORC vindicated what Kawata said about gamers preferring CoD type games rather than survival-horror games.

            It's the fucking truth, man.

            The fact is, RE games are taking the same route as the RE live action movies. The same route that always leads to $ucce$$. The Michael Bay/Paul Anderson route.

            So lay off Kawata for being right. He was correct not only in the eyes of the company he works for but also in the eyes of the fans that support ORC with their wallets.

            EDIT: ORC beat CoD on the list. Priceless.
            I never said Kawata is wrong. I agree with him and it's common knowledge. For games in general. But he's an idiot if he thinks the series should suddenly become a CoD clone. That logic is retarded and will only limit creativity in the industry. The fact that it's also what a bunch of dicks in suits feel does not mean it is suddenly BEST IDEA.

            And ORC is a very sub-par game that sells itself using a well-known franchise name, not for its inherent quality, so not sure why you're trying to use that as a "good" example.

            ORC "beat" CoD on the list... probably because CoD has been out for a long time already? First month sales are generally when things sell best.
            Last edited by News Bot; 04-13-2012, 04:14 PM.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              I never said Kawata is wrong. I agree with him and it's common knowledge. For games in general. But he's an idiot if he thinks the series should suddenly become a CoD clone. That logic is retarded and will only limit creativity in the industry. The fact that it's also what a bunch of dicks in suits feel does not mean it is suddenly BEST IDEA.

              And ORC is a very sub-par game, not sure why you're trying to use that as a "good" example.

              ORC "beat" CoD on the list... probably because CoD has been out for a long time already? First month sales are generally when things sell best.
              Kawata is not an idiot. On the contrary. He saw the fucking writing on the wall. What was the last survival-horror game that sold tons? (and b4 you say it, DS is not in that same genre & neither is SH - psychological-horror)

              Anyway, unlike Mikami, Kawata doesn't believe a company can make artsy-fartsy games without having to worry about getting some profits. He actually wants to help his company make a buck. And you call him an idiot for doing that? For noticing that present day gamers love action shooter games? And after ORC being a success despite being a big pile of shit that only confirmed his views on that? Ok.

              ORC is a good example because it's a success financially speaking. I mean, the production values are low. How much could they have invested in it? Not much, you agree? Sure you do. You played the game. They didn't even invested in hiring game testers. So yeah, it's a perfect example of a game that caters to the twitch gamer type of crowd, one that requires little in terms of major investments but offer back awesome return$.
              Last edited by Pikminister; 04-13-2012, 04:22 PM.
              Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


              • Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                Kawata is not an idiot. On the contrary. He saw the fucking writing on the wall. What was the last survival-horror game that sold tons? (and b4 you say it, DS is not in that same genre & neither is SH - psychological-horror)

                Anyway, unlike Mikami, Kawata doesn't believe a company can make artsy-fartsy games without having to worry about getting some profits. He actually wants to help his company make a buck. And you call him an idiot for doing that? For noticing that present day gamers love action shooter games. And after ORC being a succees despite being a big pile of shit that only confirmed his views on that? Ok.

                ORC is a good example because it's a success financially speaking. I mean, the production values are low. How much could they have invested in it? Not much, you agree? Sure you do. You played the game. They didn't even invested in hiring game testers. So yeah, it's a perfect example of a game that caters to the twitch gamer type of crowd, one that requires little in terms of major investments but offer back awesome return$.
                I didn't say he was an idiot. I said he is an idiot if he truly believes the industry needs to be over-saturated with CoD clones. I've yet to see whether this is true or not.

                Umbrella Chronicles was a success because it had "Resident Evil" in the name and people were high on the greatness presented by BH4. It got a sequel. Guess what? People were now wise to the shittiness of the previous game and completely ignored Darkside Chronicles. Did "present day gamers" love rail shooter games? No. A better game sold worse. ORC is the exact same. Production value has nothing to do with it. It's simply a poor game. Production values mean very little if you have talented developers. Slant Six haven't really exhibited any talent.

                CoD sells because it's CoD. Other games won't sell because they imitate it, and any success they do achieve will pale in comparison to the sheer numbers presented by CoD.

                And Dead Space is a Survival Horror game. It is a game focusing on survival with horror elements. That is literally all that term means. People throw it around like it's a fucking Holy Grail or some shit.
                Last edited by News Bot; 04-13-2012, 04:30 PM.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • Well, Dead Space is more action horror. Especially the sequel. Wait, present day gamers don't love rail shooters? But...but I do!
                  See you in hell.


                  • They do, but REUC tarnished DSC.


                    • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                      Well, Dead Space is more action horror. Especially the sequel. Wait, present day gamers don't love rail shooters? But...but I do!

                      Damn Super Mario games have more survival elements in it than DS.

                      So yeah... Kawata had no choice but to agree with the masses.
                      Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                      • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                        Well, Dead Space is more action horror. Especially the sequel. Wait, present day gamers don't love rail shooters? But...but I do!
                        Resident Evil is also action horror. The only true "Survival Horror" entries in the series were the 1996 game and its remake. The rest have always had a heavier emphasis on action but maintained the survival and horror elements, and have gotten progressively more action-orientated as time went by. They've been very hit-or-miss on whether they've been able to keep the horror elements since 2005, though. This is mostly because of people like Kawata and Takeuchi.

                        So yeah... Kawata had no choice but to agree with the masses.
                        That's funny since he gushes all over Dead Space being Survival Horror in his interview in the INSIDE OF BIOHAZARD THE DARKSIDE CHRONICLES book.
                        Last edited by News Bot; 04-13-2012, 04:49 PM.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          That's funny since he gushes all over Dead Space being Survival Horror in his interview in the INSIDE OF BIOHAZARD THE DARKSIDE CHRONICLES book.
                          He also called Revelations an adventure game. Like fucking Nancy Drew games.

                          He's really funny. Basically a comedian. But hey, he knows what sheeple like to buy. And it ain't survival-Horror games.

                          That's why DS is basically a RE4 clone (it is, basically). And belongs to the same genre - action horror.
                          Last edited by Pikminister; 04-13-2012, 04:55 PM.
                          Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                          • Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                            He also called Revelations and adventure game. Like fucking Nancy Drew games.

                            He's really funny. But he know what sheeple like to buy. And it ain't survival-Horror games.

                            That's why DS is basically a RE4 clone (it is, basically). And belongs to the same genre - action horror.
                            Survival Horror is a sub-genre of Action Adventure, which is a very broad genre. Revelations is an adventure game. So is every other game in the series. I do agree that Action Horror is a better term for BH4 and DS.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              Survival Horror is a sub-genre of Action Adventure, which is a very broad genre. Revelations is an adventure game. So is every other game in the series. I do agree that Action Horror is a better term for BH4 and DS.
                              Well there you go... the point is, why be mad at Kawata for seeing the writing on the wall? Action-Horror is the future of the S-H genre. He agrees that's the direction the series needs to take in order to keep making shareholders happy.

                              However, with ORC (and possibly w/RE6), horror might go MIA.

                              EDIT: Here some good news... ORC might've sold well out of the gate, but shooter fans are getting wise about what a pile it is:

                              Last edited by Pikminister; 04-13-2012, 05:06 PM.
                              Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                              • Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                                Well there you go... the point is, why be mad at Kawata for seeing the writing in the wall? Action-Horror is the future of the S-H genre. He agrees that's the direction the series needs to take in order to keep making shareholders happy.

                                However, with ORC (and possibly w/RE6), horror might go MIA.
                                I'm not mad at Kawata. I just acknowledge that his contributions to the series have not been very good, and that his CoD comments are simply damaging for the entire industry if they come to fruition. If it goes in the misguided direction he thinks it should, they will have achieved absolutely nothing. They have to keep dreaming of CoD numbers, because they will never get them.

                                And horror is definitely not MIA in BH6. We know that much already from hands-on impressions. But it will probably be a bit limited to one scenario. However, that scenario will be almost as long as BH5, so that makes up for it.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

