Originally posted by Hcloud13
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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
Mission 5: Root of all Evil
- Start off exactly where mission 4 ended
- For a long long time this mission takes place if darkness , you need use flares to light the way again
- Unless using Party Girl for radar easily get enemies sneak up on you easily.
- Fight way through a corridor with parasites and zombies in, some bond.
- Head into Umbrella labs and through a decom room
- Out into a section of labs, only in total darkness still, zombies here.
- It quickly leaves this area for a floor below it you encounter during Wolfpack campaign (shortly after the T-103 becomes active in the labs).
- Enter into a briefing room, a computer is welcoming new researchers noting Umbrellas achievmeents with MA-121 Hunter, T-103 and Nemesis T-02, says only a select few will work on G-Virus
- In next section USS troops turn up, they've activate some defense turrets also, you need kill the troops and eactivate turrets, this leads you to the area you first encounte the T-103 in Wolfpack campaign.
- You fight more USS troops and some zombies/crimsons, enter a room with a deactivated Tyrant.
- Discover Sherry was infected, get new orders to find her, before leaving you destroy the machines monitoring the Tyrant but this wakes it up.
- As the Tyrant pursues you Hunters attack, you need set-off a device to try kill everything in the labs, Tyrant survives, lab starts coming down
- As you keep running from T-103 through falling apart labs more Hunters attack, as well as zombies, Crimson Heads, also see some Elite-Hunters.
- Near the end the room near lift is ful of parasites, you get in lift and go.
- Down by the lift a cutscene begins. NE-beta parasites attacking the T-103, one sinks itself into his back/spine and it begins to transform into something new with large parasite arms.
- Mission end.
- Most of the maps are re-used from USS campaign.
Mission 6: The Places We're Meant to Die
- Start off outside a burning RC hospital (used briefly in USS campaign), streets full of zombies, crimsons, a few cerburus with bombs attached.
- Fight through a new street and head into the Cemetery seen in USS campaign, you go through it opposite way
- In that street Umbrella drops Hunters, you can ignite some oil spills to burn them, or just kill them normally
- In cemetery Hunters get dropped, zombies attack, couple Elite Hunters is also dropped
- Side note: The 'weird coloured Hunter' in Spec Op mission 4 I thought looked like a Sweeper from CV, was actually an Elite Hunter, they kind of reflective and can appear different colours depending on environment, the Elite here gets the same purple tone at times.
- You enter out onto a street and need assist some special forces troops here
- As well as zombies the end of the street has USS troops with emplaced turrets
- They hurt, a lot.
- I cannot get past them so after several deaths restart as a different Spec Op character (Recon to sneak past them), was only on normal difficulty, definitely needs human players as teammates for some classes in that section, AI sits back to let you try.
- Once passed them you enter Dead Factory, Four Eyes greets you over intercom speaker and babbles about meet her BOWs.
- Holy shit at this part, you start off fighting a single Tyrant, then a Paracelsus is dropped in to assist, more Tyrants arrive, some turn into Super-Tyrants when hit with the cannon, very easy to get hit into a wall then two Tyrants stunlock you to death. 4 or 5 Tyrants at once at points.
- Mission end when all dead.
- Mostly re-used maps.
Mission 7: Longest Yard
- Out of time so very brief recap here
- Start off in train yard
- Get cutscene of USS troops capturing Leon/Claire/Sherry, you kill USS troops
- Game starts, Leon and co holding out while you kill USS troops, one has an RPG
- You fight through several sections of train yard, backwards order the USS do it, another turret section included
- Pace slows down once reach container area, zombies and cimson heads
- Here a loud roar
- In following areas Crimson heads attack
- Swarms of NE-Beta parasites attack
- Find your way to a huge pit
- Remember the lab Tyrant infected with an NE-Beta? Guess who shows. Thing is like a giant NE-Beta parasite with a Turant as the main body for a short description.
- Long fight, lots of health, quite a bit of speed on the thing
- Afterwards Leon, Claire, Sherry get on a chopper, Echo Six get told they need stay and is a new threat.
Some fun moments but overall Expansion pack 1 is better I think, for mission 4 alone. Not enough new areas in the second pack, though a new enemy/boss was a nice effort as were some of the other boss fights.Last edited by Dracarys; 05-15-2012, 09:41 AM.Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."
So basically they cheaped out on the main game and reserved the good stuff for DLC to ensure that people pay $70+ for one game.
Shrewd.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by alexdz View PostI can't really think how this game could've been worse.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
So who here wants to add me? I've bought it since day 1, played for a week, then got caught up with college.
None of my friends own this and I have zero people to play with since the semester is over
FL might be full, send me a message @ D4RK_M4R10Last edited by Chris' Boob; 05-15-2012, 02:06 PM.sigpic
Well now we have the full campaign, it's safe the say the game hasn't been improved really. Though the Spec Ops Vs. Tyrant final Dead Factory battle is interesting, it's still plagued with issues such as Tyrant's perma-hitting you until you are dead.
The Spec Ops campaign, however, shows the promise the game could of had, the fighting the Tyrants at the Dead Factory could of been one of the stand out moments of the series, a really charged sequence showing the Spec Ops hopelessly outmatched and slowly getting wiped out against impossible odds.http://www.projectumbrella.net The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Review and contributor for www.thexbutton.co.uk