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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

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  • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    1) "Dead Factory"
    2) Crimson Heads are not called V-ACTs
    3) "Mr. Death"
    4) Calling a virus a "compound"

    Just off the top of my head.
    Not even sure what you're on about here.

    1. Dead Factory - An official name of the building, nothing wrong with it. Not something the wiki invented.
    2. ORC calls them crimson heads
    3. Mr Death is Hunks nickname in the west, it has been used for several games now so pretty evident it is intentional, and ORC was not the first game to call him that.
    4. What is this even meant to mean?

    Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
    Sorry, I wasn't saying that the guns and cars were from a wiki. I was saying it was incredibly lazy for them to not bother checking when those guns and cars were made. Just because Capcom wasn't paying too much attention shouldn't have meant they half-ass on stuff, but they did. This being one of the more obvious examples.
    They probably didn't think anyone would care, quite the double standard to point at guns and cars not being in keeping with 1998 when bio-engineering and various computer technologies aren't even close either, but ORC has been singled out on a lot of things others get a pass on. Not like it is the first shooter to do it either.
    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


    • It's very different to say, 'Thanks to Umbrella's unethical research they were more advanced in genetics and have enough industrial espionage to build a super computer' which is stretching things, but not impossible, and 'time travelling cars and guns'.

      The genetics and computer advancements were there to make it so the story was viable. Current technology can't make Hunters, so they took some liberties and made Umbrella more advanced than the average company. I would say ORC takes it too far, with the stealth camo, but that's my opinion.

      The cars and guns are down to one of several things, and none of them good for Slant Six.
      1 - They couldn't be bothered to have anyone in fact checking, which is incredibly dumb.
      2 - They had someone, but he's exceptionally inept and they didn't bother checking his work despite that.
      3 - They had the models, said, 'fuck it, no one will notice' and cut yet another corner (like the copy and paste design sketches, apparently a huge no-no).

      You'll notice 'to make the plot work' is not in that list.

      I can take stretching reality to make a story work. I can't think of many games, books and movies that don't. Laziness annoys the piss out of me, hence why I raged all over Mercs 3D, the Anderson movies and this.


      • 1. Dead Factory - An official name of the building, nothing wrong with it. Not something the wiki invented.
        2. ORC calls them crimson heads
        3. Mr Death is Hunks nickname in the west, it has been used for several games now so pretty evident it is intentional, and ORC was not the first game to call him that.
        4. What is this even meant to mean?
        I'm not talking about wiki material.

        1) Nope. Mistranslation. It means "abandoned plant/factory". At best, it would mean "derelict plant/factory". Dead Factory is a mistranslation on par with "federal council" for the U.S. Congress.
        2) Actually, ORC calls them both.
        3) It is a mistranslation. UC actually uses his real nickname ("Grim Reaper"). If it were intentional it would not be so inconsistent. It's a bullshit, badly translated name that sounded cool to the Japanese guy that translated BH3, and sounds cool to the manchildren at Slant Six.
        4) Viruses are not compounds. Bad writing, lack of knowledge on what they're meant to be telling a story about. Compounds are typically chemicals. Viruses aren't chemicals.
        Last edited by News Bot; 06-14-2012, 01:43 PM.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • Sorry but if something gets repeatedly translated into the same thing then it is likely an intentional change as part of localisation, the idea that several different teams years apart all make the same error is silly and unrealistic. Mr Death didn't come from Umbrella Chronicles, it was first used in RE3 and has been used everytime since.
          Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


          • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
            Sorry but if something gets repeatedly translated into the same thing then it is likely an intentional change as part of localisation, the idea that several different teams years apart all make the same error is silly and unrealistic. Mr Death didn't come from Umbrella Chronicles, it was first used in RE3 and has been used everytime since.
            They make the same error because the different "teams" (it is usually a single person) later on down the line do not know whether or not the previous translations were intentional and they aren't paid to check. They are paid to translate one product, not two, and in order to cut time they will often refer back to older translations to fill in their own.

            I didn't say "Mr. Death" came from Umbrella Chronicles. I said UC used his real nickname (Grim Reaper), and also used "Mr. Death". The latter was used in a cutscene, the former was used in a file. Inconsistent translation as a result of lazy, incompetent or rushed translators.

            You can hold onto retarded translations for dear life if you wish, of course. "Mr. Death" is not his nickname. In Japanese, his nickname is "死神/Shinigami", which can be translated as: "Death", "God of Death", "Death God" or "Grim Reaper". You can't get "Mr. Death" from the original text, therefore, it was not intended by the writers. The translators fucked up.
            Last edited by News Bot; 06-14-2012, 02:08 PM.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • UC calls him Mr. Death in HUNKs opening cinematic so it's still being used. Recently it's also found as part of his bio in Mercenaries 3D. Like Nicholai Ginovaef it's how the West defines the characters despite the translation from Japan. But even then, referring to a person as Death and and the Grim Reaper is not that far in between.
              Last edited by Smiley; 06-14-2012, 02:22 PM.


              • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                UC calls him Mr. Death in HUNKs opening cinematic. Like Nicholai Ginovaef it's how the West defines the characters despite the translation from Japan. But even then, referring to a person as Death and and the Grim Reaper is not that far in between.
                And it calls him "Grim Reaper" in his file.

                He has carried out a large number of successful operations, many of which he was the only one to return alive from, earning HUNK the nickname "Grim Reaper."
                Two nicknames in the same game, accurate! Going past that, there's simply no "Mr." in his nickname. It was added because it sounded cool to the Japanese translator who translated BH3, and he already proved throughout the game that he had pretty piss-poor knowledge of Western nomenclature. This is the same clueless bint that somehow managed to call the U.S. Congress the "federal council" and added a whole new virus to the series by somehow mistaking "specimen" for "virus" even though they are written in two completely different writing systems.

                There's a defense force for everything though and I'm sure all the wonderful mistakes in the series are "intentional" and not at all because the ability of the translators was deficient. "Mr. Death" clearly sounds awesome as fuck, right? BAD-ASS.
                Last edited by News Bot; 06-14-2012, 02:35 PM.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • It carried over still. Name changes do occur with these things at times. Mr. Death still has the same effect and meaning. He's the only survivor of his outfit. He is Death. "Mr." might screw the idea of his name up for you, but it's not something that really destroys what he's known for.


                  • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                    It carried over still. Name changes do occur with these things at times. Mr. Death still has the same effect and meaning. He's the only survivor of his outfit. He is Death. "Mr." might screw the idea of his name up for you, but it's not something that really destroys what he's known for.
                    It carried over because the translators are morons. If the name were intentionally changed by the writers, it would be changed in the Japanese text. It hasn't been changed once. What the translators say or intend is completely irrelevant if the writers say otherwise, particularly when the translators can't get the most simplest of plot details correct because of their own lack of ability, and can't recognize a name that doesn't exist. And again, the fact that they couldn't even decide what nickname to give him in UC just puts their incompetence on full display. Never said it destroys what he's known for, just saying that it's an inaccurate translation, no matter how you cut it. Making concessions for garbage won't get anyone anywhere.

                    Basically, being intentional on the part of the translators is irrelevant. It's still an inaccurate, goofy translation. I'm actually amused people still trust them after how much they have cocked up in 16 years.
                    Last edited by News Bot; 06-14-2012, 02:59 PM.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      It carried over because the translators are morons. If the name were intentionally changed by the writers, it would be changed in the Japanese text.
                      Do you not understand localisation? Sometimes it will mean something is intentionally different in another region, it doesn't require the original to be changed. In the west Hunk is Mr Death, what he is called in japan doesn't matter, because the west is not Japan.

                      On a different note, ORC patch notes

                      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                      • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                        Do you not understand localisation? Sometimes it will mean something is intentionally different in another region, it doesn't require the original to be changed. In the west Hunk is Mr Death, what he is called in japan doesn't matter, because the west is not Japan.

                        On a different note, ORC patch notes

                        No, I don't understand localization. I translate shit for nothing. Take your condescending bullshit elsewhere and stop pretending to know something you don't.

                        I guess you also think Jessica Trevor is a plant? That's what "the west" says.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          No, I don't understand localization. I translate shit for nothing. Take your condescending bullshit elsewhere and stop pretending to know something you don't.
                          You translate and just end it there, blaming anything different on horrible translation. Localisation is much more than that yet everytime evidence of it crops up you refuse to acknowledge it and keep blaming 'crappy translators'.

                          By your own words "You can't get "Mr. Death" from the original text" so if Mr Death is repeatedly used in games that are made by different teams years apart that it is clearly an intended change as part of localisation, because there is no way they reach the same impossible conclusion time and time again unless intended.
                          Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                          • To be fair though at least he bothers to translate and correct these mistakes and you can't deny he has discovered a hell of a lot of info we'd never know about thanks to the piss poor translations and localisation efforts.

                            Something like Mr. Death is a character name that stands out that one company mis-translated and others have simply copied out of sheer laziness. It is just repeating a mistake and the only thing consistent about it is that it is consistently wrong. Same with Ginoveaf. It is a mistake and should actually be Zinoviev but its mistranslated the first time and so different teams just copy it without bothering to actually re-check the original Japanese.

                            The series localisation and translation is all over the shop. Take the Progenitor Virus for example. Play through the games and take your pick from Mother Virus, Clay Virus, Progenitor Virus, Primogenitor Virus and Founder Virus, yet the Japanese description is exactly the same for each.

                            How are you supposed to work out what the fuck is going on when that is what they give you to work with?
                            Last edited by TheBatMan; 06-14-2012, 03:45 PM.
                            "I've got 100 cows."
                            "Well I've got 104 friends."


                            • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                              You translate and just end it there, blaming anything different on horrible translation. Localisation is much more than that yet everytime evidence of it crops up you refuse to acknowledge it and keep blaming 'crappy translators'.

                              By your own words "You can't get "Mr. Death" from the original text" so if Mr Death is repeatedly used in games that are made by different teams years apart that it is clearly an intended change as part of localisation, because there is no way they reach the same impossible conclusion time and time again unless intended.
                              Where has it "cropped up"? You don't even know what it is. You see something different and go "oh that's localization!" because you have nothing else to go on.

                              As pointed out to you before, mistakes get carried over from translation to translation. Typically, only one translator works on each game (which flies in the face of your fantasy "team" of experts that can do no wrong). "Mr. Death" is one such mistake. Other times, this doesn't happen. Such as the fiasco with "master" and "control" Plaga, which are both wrong. And also "Travis Trading" and "Travis Enterprises", again both wrong.
                              Last edited by News Bot; 06-14-2012, 04:05 PM.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                Where has it "cropped up"? You don't even know what it is. You see something different and go "oh that's localization!" because you have nothing else to go on.
                                You're the one who tries to blanket blame everything on bad translation. Sorry but your attempt to pin a similar excuse on me fails, I've not blanket blamed localisation for differences, I've picked one single example and suggested that if it is so impossible to make such an error once, then it being made several time by different people was a likely intended change.

                                The fact you will not even acknowledge the possibility is clear you're blind to localisation.
                                Last edited by Dracarys; 06-14-2012, 04:05 PM.
                                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."

