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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

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  • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
    You're the one who tries to blanket blame everything on bad translation. Sorry but your attempt to pin a similar excuse on me fails, I've not blanket blamed localisation for differences, I've picked one single example and suggested that if it is so impossible to make such an error once, then it being made several time by different people was a likely intended change.
    Bad translation is the problem, though. You are the only one who fails to see it, because you have no clue what you're talking about. You have no idea what localization is if you're trying to pass off "Mr. Death" as fitting for Western audiences when it is nothing but a goofy cock-up made by a native Japanese translator with a poor grasp of Western culture.

    I already acknowledged the "possibility" that it was intentional.

    Basically, being intentional on the part of the translators is irrelevant.
    I think you're the one who's blind. If it is intentional, all it means is that the translators are goofy, childish idiots who are shit at their job. But anyone who plays the game will tell you this anyway, considering they are the primary cause of the goofy dialogue, retcons and plot holes in the series. I have lost count of how many times I have proven this, but so far you are the only person who disagrees.
    Last edited by News Bot; 06-14-2012, 04:19 PM.


    • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
      You're the one who tries to blanket blame everything on bad translation. Sorry but your attempt to pin a similar excuse on me fails, I've not blanket blamed localisation for differences, I've picked one single example and suggested that if it is so impossible to make such an error once, then it being made several time by different people was a likely intended change.

      The fact you will not even acknowledge the possibility is clear you're blind to localisation.
      *sigh* I never thought I would say something like this... but Love Bot is right, at least in this debate. Capcom USA has shitty translators, they always have and probably always will. Localization is mostly relegated to the translators and what they think is going on. It's almost a guarantee that whenever there is a difference or inconsistency between the Japanese Version and the Version the West gets, it's solely on the translators just failing to understand what the fuck is going on.


      • Evacuate. There is a Resident Evil on the train...
        "I've got 100 cows."
        "Well I've got 104 friends."


        • For the record, the series is written from a Western culture standpoint by default. I have encountered very little cases where extreme localization was needed. Only in the English versions does it become a wonky, disjointed mess of cheese and holes.

          But hey, Jessica and Lisa Trevor are plants.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • How can you be sure they're not?


            • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
              How can you be sure they're not?
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post

                But hey, Jessica and Lisa Trevor are plants.
                What is with these silly comments? Are you incapable of discussing something properly without throwing in some random comment that has nothing to do with the subject at hand, HUNK? Is the tactic or someone not arguing a point very strongly, but that is what happens when the only argument is "Bad translation, no other possibility can possibly exist"

                Since you've not acknowledged even the possibility of a change because of localisation and not translation error you leave people to assume your context for translation and finding errors is extremely closed-minded. You find errors where none exist in many cases. I've already spotted one example of this on CU forums:

                V-ACT File


                There is now evidence that when the host loses consciousness, the body goes into a dormant state. During this time the virus becomes active and rapidly transforms and reconstructs the basic composition of the body.
                The host eventually mutated into a humanoid creature. (We call them V-ACTs)
                Its speed and amazing muscular development are particularly noteworthy. After transformation, it becomes more agile and aggressive.
                Already four of our researchers have died from trying to feed it, turning the place into an instant blood bath. (Ever since this tragic and barbaric accident, we have decided to call its kind "Crimson Heads")
                That dangerous and precious prototype specimen can't be left there. We have to figure out a way to deal with it. Termination is definitely not an option.
                We finally decided to freeze the specimen and confine the body inside the basement of the backyard cemetery.
                NewsBot translation

                ABOUT V-ACT

                About V-ACT 〜A Researcher's Note〜

                It has become clear that the mutant form of the "t-Virus" results in changes to the body, which is the vessel of the genome. The host's consciousness is lost, and this type enters a dormant period and reconstructs body tissue. It appears that cells are activated in this case and reconstruction of the body tissue itself is also performed.
                (We named this "V-ACT")

                I should specifically mention, it has a "significant increase in muscular strength and speed".
                The body in this condition has "faster" movement due to body tissue changes. And its nature is above all "berserk".

                Four researchers were killed already in an accident which occurred when we fed them.
                The spot became a blood bath in an instant.
                (We named these "Crimson Head" from their excessive savagery.)
                Although these cannot be neglected in their current state, we have to avoid disposing of the precious prototype (Proto 1).
                It's our duty.

                However, what should we do do with this excessively dangerous specimen?
                We decided to use freezing gas for "Crimson Head Prototype 1", and decided to confine it in the basement of the mansion graveyard.
                Posted by Newsbot

                Official translation implies that Crimson Heads are called V-ACTs. In reality, only the virus process which creates them is called V-ACT.
                Amazing how you miss the important parts of the official translation.

                "we have decided to call its kind "Crimson Heads" <---How is this line missed? It doesn't call them V-Acts, it very clearly right here says they call them Crimson Heads.

                And as to the virus process

                "There is now evidence that when the host loses consciousness, the body goes into a dormant state. During this time the virus becomes active and rapidly transforms and reconstructs the basic composition of the body.
                The host eventually mutated into a humanoid creature. (We call them V-ACTs)"

                Was only the last tiny bit of that read and the first, larger part ignored before this supposed error was claimed? If someone reads the entire thing then combined with the fact the same file clearly calls the monster a Crimsom Head as I just quoted this should be obvious to anyone such processes are being named V-Acts.

                There is nothing wrong with this file naming V-Acts and Crimson Heads providing someone actually reads it all and not just select lines.
                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                • There are some glaring translations errors that always bothered me. This one probably the most,

                  Federal Police Report MF0.3
                  ================================================== =============================

                  Mr. Chris Redfield
                  Raccoon City Police Dept.
                  S.T.A.R.S Division

                  As per your request, we have conducted our internal investigation and
                  discovered the following information:

                  1.) Regarding the G-virus currently under development by Umbrella Inc.

                  So far its unconfirmed that the G-virus even exists. We're continuing with
                  our investigation.

                  2.)Regarding Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of Raccoon City Police Dept.

                  Mr. Irons has allegedly received large sums of funds in bribes from Umbrella
                  Inc. over the last 5 years. he was apparently involved in the cover up of the
                  mansion lab case along with several other incidents in which Umbrella
                  appears to have direct involvement.

                  Mr. Irons had been arrested under suspiecion of rape on two seperate counts
                  during his years as a university student. He under went psychiatric evaluation
                  as a result of the charges but was released due to circumstantial evidence as
                  well as his phenomenal academic standing.

                  As such, extreme caution is advised when dealing with him.

                  Jack Hamilton,
                  Section Chief
                  Internal Investigations
                  United States Federal
                  Police Department

                  I don't know how you fuck that one up.

                  And what did they patch in ORC exactly?


                  • Jessica and Lisa Trevor are plants in the English version of REmake. Didn't you get the memo?

                    The English REmake file says that they are called V-ACTs and Crimson Heads. The actual text says that they are solely called Crimson Heads. The process which creates them is called V-ACT. Try reading. I didn't "miss" a thing.

                    "The host eventually mutated into a humanoid creature. (We call them V-ACTs)"

                    Them = humanoid creatures (Crimson Heads). Calling them V-ACTs, even going so far as to pluralize something that doesn't have a plural because it's a singular process. You also appear to have ignored the fact that the English file leaves out the fact that CH's are created with a mutant form of the t-Virus, which caused a plot hole in the series for many years when people assumed all Zombies could become them.

                    I am amazed at how far you're willing to twist the very text you're trying to defend, though, just to inject your own convoluted deductions. That absolutely nobody agrees with.

                    Since you've not acknowledged even the possibility of a change because of localisation
                    I have, twice. I just pointed out that it was a bullshit cop-out on your part.
                    Last edited by News Bot; 06-14-2012, 05:28 PM.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Has this not been in series for a long time?

                      Mr X



                      and so on, we know these creatures from their nicknames and not their actual codenames, of course die hard researchers of the series does know their codenames by heart but nicknames are what sets characters like these in stone.


                      • Originally posted by Reston View Post
                        There are some glaring translations errors that always bothered me. This one probably the most,

                        I don't know how you fuck that one up.
                        Yeah, it's meant to be the FBI. It's similar to the "federal council" mistranslation for... the U.S. Congress. Oh, and the hilarious "National Species Protection Committee" mistranslation for the NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL. Takes a special kind of ignorance not to know about them. Being Japanese is simply no excuse.

                        The translation of Darkside Chronicles suffered for another source of incompetence. It was very rushed (though I don't think I'm allowed to give the exact reason). But I'm sure someone will defend this and say that their super awesome "localization" skills made the English version perfect.
                        Last edited by News Bot; 06-14-2012, 05:35 PM.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • Originally posted by Reston View Post
                          United States Federal
                          Police Department

                          I don't know how you fuck that one up.

                          And what did they patch in ORC exactly?
                          FBI, seems fairly obvious and not really some major mistake. First instinct is to blame translation but how do you know? Doesn't using official names of agencies require permission? I'm 100% sure using a FBI logo does, as the the name of the agency being used in something to generate money...after a bit of googling it is not actually clear, this suggests it may be, but if you are some translator do you really want to spend time finding out the legal ins and outs, especially in the 90s. In Japan back then they wouldn't care, still don't now for lots of things, but for the US release it would matter (see the Street Fighter Mike Tyson/M Bison character change). So quite possible the translator just went with the change to be quick and on the safe side, anyone reading it should know what he meant. Or maybe he just botched the translation because he crap at it. Nobody can know for sure, but blanket blaming every change on bad translation is not the way to go about it.

                          As to ORC, aside from what detail in the link I posted, the eapon changes are 'power' weapons taking longer to respawn, GL has less ammo, Juggernaut shotgun got nerfed, sniper rifles boosted, Sven said more patches coming also.
                          Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                          • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                            FBI, seems fairly obvious and not really some major mistake. First instinct is to blame translation but how do you know? Doesn't using official names of agencies require permission? I'm 100% sure using a FBI logo does, as the the name of the agency being used in something to generate money...after a bit of googling it is not actually clear, this suggests it may be, but if you are some translator do you really want to spend time finding out the legal ins and outs, especially in the 90s. In Japan back then they wouldn't care, still don't now for lots of things, but for the US release it would matter (see the Street Fighter Mike Tyson/M Bison character change). So quite possible the translator just went with the change to be quick and on the safe side, anyone reading it should know what he meant. Or maybe he just botched the translation because he crap at it. Nobody can know for sure, but blanket blaming every change on bad translation is not the way to go about it.

                            As to ORC, aside from what detail in the link I posted, the eapon changes are 'power' weapons taking longer to respawn, GL has less ammo, Juggernaut shotgun got nerfed, sniper rifles boosted, Sven said more patches coming also.
                            No, using official names of agencies does not require permission. But haha. I like how you attempt to downplay any mistake by saying it isn't "major", ignoring the fact that they should not be made in the first place.

                            Or maybe he just botched the translation because he crap at it.

                            There are exceptions though. Darkside Chronicles is one of them, it suffered from a different kind of incompetence, but the chances of its translation being good were slim to none given the series track record.

                            but blanket blaming every change on bad translation is not the way to go about it.
                            No matter what excuse you listed that you decide to use, they all lead to bad translation, one way or another. And if the translation is bad, then nine times out of ten, the translators are bad. When amateurs do better jobs, you suck at yours. Trying to defend them with speculation does not make the translations magically more accurate. It just means that there are different reasons why they fucked up, something everyone but you seems able to notice. Throwing around the phrase "blanket blaming" doesn't make you any less wrong.
                            Last edited by News Bot; 06-14-2012, 06:07 PM.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • ORC WRAP PARTY


                              • Probably should have spent less time partying and more time finishing and testing the game.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

