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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

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  • #16
    do any of you think this game will have cutscenes ?


    • #17
      ^Probably yes.


      • #18
        Well then thats good news


        • #19
          Well shit, i'm intrigued now after reading all that and looking at the screens ... hopefully it has some actual narrative elements to it, don't care if they contradict the timeline, make it whacky or something.


          • #20
            I'm glad they're going to forget about making this game canon and actually playing around with the "what if" scenario, with Raccoon City. Glad we're going to get multiple endings, and most likely multiple pathways (like how Outbreak played for example) for the scenarios given to the characters here. Single player will be very interesting on what they're going to do for the campaign.


            • #21
              Love the official thread Fred, has a GAF feel to it.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Stu View Post

                Survivor has been mentioned in this thread, several times already...

                Anyone remember the "Cleaner", from RE Survivor (on Sheena Island)? I wonder if there is any connection?
                I'm a blackstar.


                • #23
                  I don't think so. These guys don't have that hunched, 'well disolve when killed' look about them. But you never know. It would be nice to see the Cleaner's show up again.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                    Survivor has been mentioned in this thread, several times already...

                    Anyone remember the "Cleaner", from RE Survivor (on Sheena Island)? I wonder if there is any connection?
                    That guy is human, while the Under Takers are cloned and genetically modified humans. The design is the only resemblance, but it's very generic. The U.S.S. looks the same way.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • #25
                      So, it's a brand new game. From a completely different development team. Presumably a new engine, too.

                      And they're still reusing assets.


                      • #26
                        I wouldn't say that they don't know where to take the series now, but the impression I got from that little interview is that Capcom got the message that "Resident Evil" fans (as opposed to casual gamers who play Resident Evil) didn't care for the action direction that Resident Evil was in, more specifically, as you know, Resident Evil 5, as it was mentioned in the interview.

                        This game may work for a lot of reasons. Capcom knows how many people want another Outbreak, they said there will be horror elements, and at the same time they are trying to appeal to gamers that like shooters. There is something for everyone in this game, and this title could wind up being a hit success. Obviously I wouldn't take this game as cannon, even though I could really care less about the story at this point, since they really did a good job at butchering it in 4 and 5, but as someone else said, if you treat this game as non-cannon and like Outbreak, you may have a really fun time with it.

                        I didn't know that the survival horror genre wasn't a big seller, but then again, when you think about, there really aren't that many survival horror games. Every so often you get a survival horror title, but no where near the amount that you get in FPS, 3rd Person shooters, and 2D games. I mean, I would hardly call that data conclusive. Really, I don't think there are enough survival horror games to say that they don't sell well, at the very least, ones that are very good like Resident Evil and Silent Hill.

                        But that's just my opinion of course.
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                        • #27
                          well i just hope thers a storyline to it...i dont likt he fact u can kill leon but i cant wait to see more of this


                          • #28
                            I hope the US Special Forces has single player as well (maybe it does and I missed reading it, most of what I see is focusing on the USS though). I'm not really interested myself in playing the bad guys and killing survivors and junk. Whether or not I play multiplayer will depend on how it works. It's being touted as a team-based shooter, so I'm not gonna be interested if it's just majority shooting enemy players, respawn, rinse and repeat - even if there are "objectives". Probably won't play multiplayer much anyway. I don't really like playing with random people and I don't have enough friends who would play this either. If the single player doesn't really appeal to me, I probably won't get this.
                            Last edited by Alzaire; 03-28-2011, 05:24 PM.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
                              I hope the US Special Forces has single player as well (maybe it does and I missed reading it, most of what I see is focusing on the USS though). I'm not really interested myself in playing the bad guys and killing survivors and junk. Whether or not I play multiplayer will depend on how it works. It's being touted as a team-based shooter, so I'm not gonna be interested if it's just majority shooting enemy players, respawn, rinse and repeat - even if there are "objectives". Probably won't play multiplayer much anyway. I don't really like playing with random people and I don't have enough friends who would play this either. If the single player doesn't really appeal to me, I probably won't get this.
                              I hear ya. It's still too early to tell what the game will look like. We need to see a lot of high quality pictures and videos to really be able to make a buying decision. As for now, I'm sold on it, but if I see that it doesn't look all that fun or interesting, then that could change. I never really played online multiplayer before, so if I ever did, you're more than welcome to join me.
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                              • #30
                                The translation from the article says there's a single player mode where you can play alone.

