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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

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  • Birkin looks awful, you can see the second pair of arms that come out on the third mutation and he looks wierd, like he's made of plastic or something.

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ID:	400646


    • Birkin doesn't even look that bad to me when compared to this:

      Is that Nemesis holding a minigun?... Oh god, I hope not.


      • Well to be honest I think Birkin looks GREAT. Not so much Nemesis with minigun, but I can live with that.


        • that was so badass this game shits all over revalations much better gameplay and grapichs even better cutscenes !! i cant wait to buy this!!!
          claire saying hai There ! that was just so nice
          leons look i hope his in game character model looks the same as in the cutscenes ... couse i remember from the demo gameplay his in game face was pretty ugly and it was bad ass to see nikolai !!!!!!!!
          nemesis is sadly a copy of the movies ..... thats my only problem.
          els everything is fine.
          Last edited by rehunk88; 10-31-2011, 09:09 PM.


          • WHAT?! You prefer this game over true RE game(Revelations)??? My god... I'm not saying ORC is bad game, but still...
            Last edited by Dark_Chris; 10-31-2011, 12:20 PM.


            • true games like resident evil 5 .. i mean revalations ? xD

              yeah i rest my case :3


              • Hmm yeah you are etheir stupid or crazy. You choose.


                • "G" is only passable as Birkin if Birkin was overweight prior to transformation. He looks goofy as fuck. The Darkside Chronicles render is the only one which has done him any justice so far.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • Revelations looks nothing like RE5 besides the OTS camera.


                    • Exactly!


                      • This is a case where people want Capcom to recycle models this time around?

                        Can't say I'm impressed with Birkin's look from that pic. But he does look more grotesque. Nemmy looks movie inspired, but that's not terrible if you think about it from a game perspective. This is an action game over horror so I can expect Nemmy to be more action oriented than his RE3 counterpart. So if he uses a rail gun it's only going to add to the action.


                        • What case? You think it makes your outrageous claim any more valid by saying that Revelations will be the same as 5, when all previews have certainly painted a different, better picture? Just because it is coming solely for the 3DS doesn't detract from its quality, otherwise 4 would have also had an issue, due to originally being on the Gamecube. If anything, Revelations will likely be ported to the Vita, at the least.

                          Unlike Revelations, this title is embracing the action and seemingly getting rid of any traces of horror that originally were there. Yes, it is cool to see the old B.O.W.'s in a fresh paint, but I'd honestly like to see that paint applied by people who know how to, instead of Slant Six who've made G-Birkin and Nemesis look like Action-figures. This game is nothing more than a Action game with few traces of canon. Previews have already established that the controls are wonky at times, combine that with the supposed Left 4 Dead influence, this game won't hold true to Biohazard. Even if 5 was more action than 4, at least it tried to keep some semblance of the established atmosphere of Biohazard.

                          It is high time the series stopped visiting Raccoon City for some time, or at the least, make a REmake of 2 if they insist with shoving it down our throats. People criticized 4 for not remaining true to the old ways, but at the least it progressed pass the incident in Raccoon City.



                          • How are my claims outrageous? We now learn Rachel is pretty much the blonde chick from 5 anyway. There for the sake of getting infected and dying.

                            The 3DS has nothing to do with it. I own a 3DS. I don't think I've ever used the hand held against them for attempting to recreate survival horror on it.

                            The difference between Revelations and ORC is that ORC delivers on what it's marketing. Still, trying to remain optimistic about Revelations. Has a lot of potential on the 3DS and it stars two of my favorite characters. Why wouldn't I want it to succeed?


                            • What is the big deal about Rachel? Some character put in to die, Marvin, Mikhail, Rodrigo etc. Gotta have some deaths in horror games.
                              Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                              • I just want to say one thing nice signature kyliedog !

