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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

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  • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
    How are my claims outrageous? We now learn Rachel is pretty much the blonde chick from 5 anyway. There for the sake of getting infected and dying.

    The 3DS has nothing to do with it. I own a 3DS. I don't think I've ever used the hand held against them for attempting to recreate survival horror on it.

    The difference between Revelations and ORC is that ORC delivers on what it's marketing. Still, trying to remain optimistic about Revelations. Has a lot of potential on the 3DS and it stars two of my favorite characters. Why wouldn't I want it to succeed?
    Actually, I wasn't talking to you. Talking to rehunk, so sorry about the mix-up.


    • It's fine. I'm skimming through the topic and didn't notice you two had a debate going.


      • To me Birkin looks like his degeneration model(what you see of him anyway) the eye is even Degeneration based, Does anyone know who is actually doing the 3D models for this game out of six slant and capcom? Onto Neme one of my favorite bows the rocket launcher is all good but when you throw that damn mini gun in i'm expecting alice to appear now making her a primary target for the USS. On a whole Neme still looks badass and a massive improvement over his UC appearance. I am looking forward to this more just for the online co-op I will be getting revelations as well but seriously its not going to be survival horror at all sure downgrading ammo counts and adding a few scares in is all good but to then use a behind the shoulder camera yet again, set it on a cruise liner for a part of the game yet again and then add this BSAA crap yet again....i'm not holding my breath more like survival action.


        • From recent previews I've read, it seems that Operation Raccoon City may not be canon, at all.

          Seemingly, one of the first missions is Delta helping HUNK, who went in with Alpha. That alone contradicts canon from 2 and the Chronicles/Outbreak games, which showed that Delta squad had no hand in helping with the procurement of the G-virus or fighting G-Birkin, who killed most of Alpha squad and likely would've done the same to Delta. Even if they just stood guard outside while HUNK went in, a fellow Alpha did the shooting to Birkin which caused him to inject himself with G.

          One thing though interests me, which is the Close Quarters combat. I hope they balance it so that, while it is useful for one-on-one, it is quite bad for groups, against tyrants, or small enemies like the Zombie Dogs.

          I'm excited to see more Nicholai and HUNK, who are just epic. But I do dearly hope they don't screw up by giving HUNK outrageous details or some half-baked backstory.


          • I think it's a mistake trying to force a canon where it doesn't belong. Granted the team has teased about optional ways to make it canon (like not killing Leon) but you still have these scenes, gripes and changes that will impact what your characters will do through the course of the game. This isn't like Outbreak where you're venturing as an outside party. These characters are literally interacting with the canon.


            • The FMVs look really neat, it's just a pity they're wasted depicting shit.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • Oh, I'm sure I'll like the game. I've always wished to use a better third-person model for the games, so I think I'll like the game. But I just want to know at first hand, will the game impact the canon any? If not, then no sweat, I had a bit of fun with Gaiden and I'm sure I will have some fun with Operation Raccoon City.



                • "Ah, the virus! It is flowing through my veins!"


                  • Hey, I said I enjoyed it, not loved it. Gaiden had a good deal of issues, but was an interesting side-venture. Do excuse my ignorance if that is a quote from somewhere else, I don't remember hearing it so I naturally associate it with Gaiden.

                    On a side-note: Retailers (or at least Gamestop) have gotten the data for the special edition of Operation Raccoon City, so you can go pre-order it. I'd rather play a non-canon Biohazard game than that space cliche-fest they call Mass Effect, so I put some money down on it.



                    • I don't mind that they mess up details all that much. Sure I mean it does bug me but it's not the end of the world. I don't consider any RE game outside of Capcom to be a true game. I do admit that SlantSix really dropped the ball and used all the bad info. I'm going to make a thread on Capcom Unity and talk about all the mess-ups in this game.
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • Please post that here - I look forward to seeing how that one goes. Ask News Bot to give a list of mistakes, where the mistakes are listed (RE wiki mostly) and what and where the real info is. It should be hellishly funny to see how it gets spun.

                        What's bugging me about this game is the conflicting messages - it's totally canon, no it's partially canon, not it's not it totally is totally canon with a cannon and everything before was not canon! I've given up and just assumed it'll be Chronicles level canon - anything that doesn't contradict a previous game is canon, everything else is crock.


                        • Apparently, the game's prologue occurs before the actual outbreak and pretty much screams NOT FUCKING CANON.

                          Wolfpack rendevous with HUNK, who is... completely alone. In this game, the U.S.S. Alpha and Bravo teams don't exist. They plot to steal the G-virus, and I guess it plays out with Wolfpack in place of the other dozen or so U.S.S. members (wonder who shoots Birkin now?). HUNK gets the case, Birkin injects himself, outbreak occurs three days before it actually does in the series canon.

                          Right from the beginning, the game spurs off into its own timeline.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • Originally posted by rehunk88 View Post
                            true games like resident evil 5 .. i mean revalations ? xD

                            yeah i rest my case :3
                            Are you alright ??? what happened to you ? Operation raccoon city is shit compared to revelations , i will get a 3ds and buy a Resident Evil for the first time ! xD just for it ! I've been waiting soo long for this , not this crappy crazy , stupid , fucked up ORC , i wont buy ORC ! What is this ! I Hate it because its nonsense , i see nothing good in it , I hate those U.S.S. Agents , stupid design and stupid + crazy story , Only if they added Hunks scenario playable and Made Leon , Claire , Jill and carlos playable then i will buy it :/ i guess i dont have to say more , Also This game is better than 5 , but not better than revelations ..... Who with the right mind would say ORC is better than Revelations ? I guess its only people like my stupid friend who dosent like Games like revelations because its scary and they prefer action (Those Little cry babbies) ....
                            Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                            ^ Lol ...


                            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              Apparently, the game's prologue occurs before the actual outbreak and pretty much screams NOT FUCKING CANON.

                              Wolfpack rendevous with HUNK, who is... completely alone. In this game, the U.S.S. Alpha and Bravo teams don't exist. They plot to steal the G-virus, and I guess it plays out with Wolfpack in place of the other dozen or so U.S.S. members (wonder who shoots Birkin now?). HUNK gets the case, Birkin injects himself, outbreak occurs three days before it actually does in the series canon.

                              Right from the beginning, the game spurs off into its own timeline.
                              I think HUNK's team will meet with Wolfpack, in the new trailer HUNK says "They don't know of this operation and are expendable". So I guess both teams will meet, fight Birkin, HUNK's team dies and they get seperated.


                              • Originally posted by alexdz View Post
                                I think HUNK's team will meet with Wolfpack, in the new trailer HUNK says "They don't know of this operation and are expendable". So I guess both teams will meet, fight Birkin, HUNK's team dies and they get seperated.
                                He's referring to the U.B.C.S. there, and his team was WELL aware of the operation anyway...

                                HUNK doesn't have a team at all in the prologue. He's alone and supposed to meet with Wolfpack to carry out the operation. Complete fan-fiction material.
                                Last edited by News Bot; 11-03-2011, 10:47 AM.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

