Originally posted by Darkmoon
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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
Originally posted by News Bot View PostHe's referring to the U.B.C.S. there, and his team was WELL aware of the operation anyway...
HUNK doesn't have a team at all in the prologue. He's alone and supposed to meet with Wolfpack to carry out the operation. Complete fan-fiction material.
Originally posted by Spera01 View PostFrom what I've seen so far over at Capcom-Unity, most people start to bash you once you start complaining about Raccoon City. There's a few individuals that agree however, luckily. I've had a number of people agree with me about how they're ruining Nemesis. I think I saw News Bot post a couple of times, and people told him to "deal with it" and how "its an official game, so who cares".
Originally posted by alexdz View PostI'm not aware of there's going to be a prologue with HUNK. But where does it say HUNK's referring to UBCS when he says that? I had thought he was talking about the Wolfpack.Last edited by News Bot; 11-03-2011, 04:54 PM.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by Darkmoon View PostPlease post that here - I look forward to seeing how that one goes. Ask News Bot to give a list of mistakes, where the mistakes are listed (RE wiki mostly) and what and where the real info is. It should be hellishly funny to see how it gets spun.
What's bugging me about this game is the conflicting messages - it's totally canon, no it's partially canon, not it's not cannon...no it totally is totally canon with a cannon and everything before was not canon! I've given up and just assumed it'll be Chronicles level canon - anything that doesn't contradict a previous game is canon, everything else is crock.
Is like when they squeezed Sergei retroactively into the events of past games, only this isn't so subtle. Or better yet, is like what they did with REmake and put in entire events that did not happen before, Lisa Trevor etc. People didn't complain then, shouldn't complain now.Last edited by Dracarys; 11-03-2011, 05:32 PM.Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."
Originally posted by KylieDog View PostThey are...extending...elements from RE2 and 3 so the Wolfpack stuff can fit within the games. From a gameplay perspective RE2 isn't entirely on the ball either with what went down, both scenarios with both characters doing same things and solving the same puzzles, unlocking same doors etc. It isn't unreasonable to say there was more stuff going on we didn't see.
Is like when they squeezed Sergei retroactively into the events of past games, only this isn't so subtle. Or better yet, is like what they did with REmake and put in entire events that did not happen before, Lisa Trevor etc. People didn't complain then, shouldn't complain now.
1) For BH2, the general consensus with CAPCOM is that all four scenarios were canon (Claire A and Leon B being the main ones), and gameplay is never taken at face-value in the series in regards to the story. It's possible there was more going on that they didn't draw in the scenario, but I think you're forgetting that BH2 takes place almost exclusively in the R.P.D., a brief section of the sewers and then the underground laboratory. That's it. Leon and Claire only coincide once or twice at best and they never venture into a train yard.
2) Sergei fit completely fine despite being an afterthought. Not one contradiction. Wolfpack are the opposite, they're forced into already established stories and contradict the fuck out of them.
3) Operation Raccoon City is not a remake. It's an alternative universe side-story. The situation between biohazard and ORC is completely different, and irrelevant since nothing in biohazard contradicts anything else in the series and the 1996 game is not considered canonical anymore since the remake was how they would have made the original game if they had the technology at the time. The remake replaced the original. Operation Raccoon City replaces nothing, regardless of how Slant Six try to spin their fan-fiction and fake information.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Have to agree with News bot, Operation Raccoon City contradicts the establish canon and is, in terms of said canon, the same as gaiden.
Here's some of my issues.
1. In 2 and the Chronicle games, Birkin did not seem to have any security to guard him and his research (correct me if I am wrong.), so where did the mercs come from?
2. The U.B.C.S. are owned and operated by Umbrella, are they not? So why the hell would Umbrella waste time with sending/deploying the U.S.S. to get the virus when they could just use the U.B.C.S. due to their expendable nature?
3. As previously stated, Hunk is seemingly in Birkin's Lab alone, without the Alpha and Bravo teams. This contradicts the opening of 2 and the cutscenes of The chronicle games.
Honestly, it seems Capcom can't find anyone to provide a canon event outside of their own teams. First DmC (Which was stated recently to be in a alternative universe), now Operation Raccoon City.
I'm sure it'll be a fun game, and a nice what-if scenario to play through, but it will be nothing more than that.
How self absorbed he must be to think my signatures have anything to do with him.
Operation Raccoon City is doing same thing REmake did, if REmake is accepted ORC has to be too, or else your just whiners with double standards.Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."
A fun thing you learn in life: Everyone is a hypocrite and has double-standards.
Another thing: Unlike Operation Raccoon City, the REmake was accepted and said by Mikami to be the true version of Resident Evil 1. Operation Raccoon City on the other hand, directly contradicts canon in glaring ways. No matter how you'd like to slice it and call those of us whom see this as "whiners", it is quite different from what the REmake did.
Is this game being made by the directors of Outbreak, 2, and 3? If so, then I'll back down, but wait it isn't. And no, I am not a Japanese-purist, merely one whom has a liking to things following an established canon. And wouldn't you gosh darn know it, Operation Raccoon City contradicts a metric-ton of pre-established information. So, no, I won't "Deal with it" nor will any sensible fan whom has actually looked into the bloody canon.
Right now, I'm hoping News Bot will compile an appropriate list of contradictions Op: Racc City does. I'd do it myself, but he is far more versed in the canon then I am.
Deal with that.
I'll deal with it.
I stopped caring about the canon the moment Umbrella Chronicles came into the equation. And even before then I was feeling like it's a wasted effort taking all those scenarios and translations and trying to form together a coherent plot. It didn't help a while back we had disputes about Jill's age thanks to RE5. REmake is my favorite game in the series and it still didn't feel the need to make a "canon" ending where Rebecca and Barry both escape with Chris and Jill as per RE2's file. Nor did I feel like it needed to. The game play will always be primary over the story. Let's just hope it delivers on the excessive action and gore. For Revelations however I can't expect it to be classic horror anymore, so I hope it's as fun as RE4 was when I played through it.
Originally posted by Drake View PostA fun thing you learn in life: Everyone is a hypocrite and has double-standards.
Another thing: Unlike Operation Raccoon City, the REmake was accepted and said by Mikami to be the true version of Resident Evil 1. Operation Raccoon City on the other hand, directly contradicts canon in glaring ways. No matter how you'd like to slice it and call those of us whom see this as "whiners", it is quite different from what the REmake did.Last edited by Dracarys; 11-03-2011, 11:49 PM.Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."
Originally posted by KylieDog View PostNo, it isn't different. It is taking established story and events and adding more/changing some. Exact same as REmake did only on larger scale (especially since branches across multiple games). If Capcom is signing off on it, then ORC is canon and the new story elements are too, have to accept it. Most of the supposed canon it contradicts is supplementary material not found in games, it should never have been taken as fact in the first place (and there is a hell of a lot of picking and choosing going on which just makes it really weak anyway), games are the prime canon.See you in hell.
Originally posted by KylieDog View PostHow self absorbed he must be to think my signatures have anything to do with him.
Operation Raccoon City is doing same thing REmake did, if REmake is accepted ORC has to be too, or else your just whiners with double standards.
By your logic, the summary chapters of BHUC and BHDC are doing the same thing as REmake and are the proper canon because they change things. You don't have a clue what you're talking about, to be honest. Your use of the remake as an example is irrelevant and has absolutely no similarity or relation to Operation Raccoon City. The latter is not a remake, nor is it part of the main series. It is a spin-off on the same level as the S.D. Perry novels, Marvel comics, Wildstorm comics, Osamu Makino novels, fan novels and Anderson movies. Set in the same world, but it's not part of the main series and its established canon, until further notice, which doesn't look like it's going to happen. I am hesitant to put it on the same level as Gaiden, the drama albums and the Beast of the North Sea novel, because these were branching stories that did not contradict anything in the series, they just split off from the end of the games into their own storylines. Operation Raccoon City is the opposite, forcing its way into the storylines and warping everything about them from the most minor of information upwards.
No, it isn't different. It is taking established story and events and adding more/changing some. Exact same as REmake did only on larger scale (especially since branches across multiple games). If Capcom is signing off on it, then ORC is canon and the new story elements are too, have to accept it. Most of the supposed canon it contradicts is supplementary material not found in games, it should never have been taken as fact in the first place (and there is a hell of a lot of picking and choosing going on which just makes it really weak anyway), games are the prime canon.
The issue here is that you are very persistent in thinking you have a shred of authority over the series storyline. This isn't the first topic you've attempted to expunge your faux-authority in because of your personal opinions. How you want to view the storyline is your choice, nobody is stopping you from that. But that comes at the exchange of not trying to argue about precise facts since you openly admit you ignore about 60% of the series storyline material because you don't like them. I've already pointed out your fallacious nonsense several times, but you insist you're a know-it-all despite having done no research into the subject you're attempting to give your KylieDog seal of approval.
We're aware of what your opinion is now, please stop repeating it.Last edited by News Bot; 11-04-2011, 06:10 AM.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium