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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

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  • #61
    I really hope not.


    • #62
      Someone say Time Travel? One step closer to complete Dino Crisis integration!


      • #63
        Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
        Someone say Time Travel? One step closer to complete global Dino Crisis integration!
        Fixed out of sheer boredom.


        • #64
          Well, umbrella didn't nuke raccoon city itself, so they probably weren't 100% sure their assets were safe. Plus the military is snooping around.


          • #65
            Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
            Well, umbrella didn't nuke raccoon city itself, so they probably weren't 100% sure their assets were safe. Plus the military is snooping around.
            Actually, Ozwell E. Spencer was responsible for the entire idea of launching a missile strike. The President and Senate just followed along because they wanted the evidence wiped out just as bad. The only operatives they had in the city (the Special Forces) were there for the rescue of Birkin, and when that failed, the retrieval of the G-virus.

            The government and Umbrella were pretty level-pegging on the asshole scale.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • #66
              Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              Actually, Ozwell E. Spencer was responsible for the entire idea of launching a missile strike.
              Is this from Archives II?

              I thought Umbrella tried to stop the missile launch.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Bianca View Post
                I actually really like the insanity and suicide idea. I think it would be a lot more sinister as opposed to it being a side objective for us, as the player, to try and assassinate them, or whatever. I have sincere doubt Capcom would ever utilize something that dark, but, man, the idea is so very twisted and alluring.
                I agree, specifically because organizations have actually attempted to do that to people. I seem to remember The Church of Scientology tried to get a couple of folks committed to a mental institution for raking up some muck about them. Indeed, it's a horrifying way to smite one's enemies but nonetheless real.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                  Is this from Archives II?

                  I thought Umbrella tried to stop the missile launch.
                  The original Archives actually. They didn't try to stop the launch, only delay it so they could collect data.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Bianca View Post
                    I actually really like the insanity and suicide idea. I think it would be a lot more sinister as opposed to it being a side objective for us, as the player, to try and assassinate them, or whatever.
                    Thanks Bianca. I'm glad you like it.

                    Originally posted by Bianca View Post
                    I have sincere doubt Capcom would ever utilize something that dark, but, man, the idea is so very twisted and alluring.
                    ...... Well I can always still dream can I?

                    Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post
                    I agree, specifically because organizations have actually attempted to do that to people. I seem to remember The Church of Scientology tried to get a couple of folks committed to a mental institution for raking up some muck about them. Indeed, it's a horrifying way to smite one's enemies but nonetheless real.
                    That's not a bad comparison Guardhouse Music, even though I never had the Church of Scientology in mind while I was posting my vision of what one possible outcome might be in the game. (If it does have alternate endings that is...)


                    • #70
                      Beltway looks like the only fucker who's prepared for getting shit done. The other three look like bad RE cosplayers.

                      Beltway's got what you need to survive, enough armour to prevent any bites or scratches and the firepower to put down anything that dares to oppose him. Let's just hope his VA sounds like the Heavy from Team Fortress 2. That would be fantastic.
                      Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 03-31-2011, 01:45 AM.
                      See you in hell.


                      • #71
                        I'm not really sure what to think about this game to be honest. On one hand it sounds fun because I get to re-explore my favourite era from RE, but on the other hand it's a squad based shooter and I hate shooters lol! Games like L4D bored the life out of me constantly running and spraying a wall of bullets, sure it was zombies but it was just mindless killing. Also the idea that it's non canon (Leon dieing?!) kind of puts me off because I'd rather they spent the time to tie in the story, instead of being like "well we've got this game and we want to sell some copies." On the plus side however, if it is non canon, at least they can't screw it up.
                        Last edited by Guest; 04-01-2011, 10:56 AM.


                        • #72
                          Well, I decided that I will be tripple dipping on this at launch (PC, 360, PS3) since of a few friends on each platform, it's pretty damn crazy. Just looking forward to Captivate to find out more about this title.


                          • #73
                            I'll get the PS3 version...several weeks or months after it's launched, second hand. Sorry Capcom, but I'm certainly not paying full retail.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                              I'll get the PS3 version...several weeks or months after it's launched, second hand. Sorry Capcom, but I'm certainly not paying full retail.
                              Without having even seeing gameplay?


                              • #75
                                Unless it offers a free diamond with each pre-order? Nope. I really don't care about the gameplay that much...while it's a factor, I find I have an easier time of playing a game with shitty game play (See - Early Resident Evils) that I enjoy the plot and scare the crap outta me than I do games with good gameplay (See - New Resident Evils) that have an awful plot.

                                Now, I have no idea if the plot for the game will be good. That's partially why I'm gonna wait - they'll be no way to tell until it's been played. Instantly, though, being an AU game has dropped it down on my desire. I love AU stories...done well. I wouldn't trust Capcom to do a story well if they had Kelley Armstrong writting the plot.

                                The only thing currently appealing to me is the game looks gorgeous, with atmosphere so thick you can cut it into blocks and build a fucking fortress. I'm also very slightly tempted by mutliplayer. I hate random games, because I always seem to end up with fuckwits, but there are a few people here I wouldn't mind having a go with.

                                All in all, not enough to make me buy the game new.

