its gonna be so bad ass i cant wait ! first day buy from me amazing trailer amazing CG seems much better than dat kity 3ds resident evil game XD
No announcement yet.
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
Getting back on topic, this new trailer looks pretty badass and INTENSE! As much as this game, especially coming from Slant Six, is more actiony, the game from what I've been seeing (and finally seeing when in front of me at New York Comic Con), I'm pretty damn excited to get my hands on this game. Although, I wish I had gotten the chance to give it a whirl.
Originally posted by Pikminister View PostAll the edits were made before your slow ass connection allowed you to get back to me. And all edits consisted in pointing out what a lousy connection you have and how you're dragging your feet on the issue at hand.
Anyway... no edits this time. Don't wanna upset you more than you already are. Chill.
So... your platonic love is a mod, eh? I dunno... there is something weird about that... are you into B&D? that sort of thing? No? ... anyway... its fine.
Go after your dreams, fella.
I'm out.
As for taking too long to reply, Smiley doesn't live forever attached to the internet to stalk and respond on THIA. I'd have responded earlier, but I was at work.
As for the Australian, he was actually referring to me. If you seemingly had to poke your nose further into personal information, then at the very least - do it in private. I mean, there is a private message system for an actual reason.
I'm also hoping you weren't referring to me as said "gargoyle", as I'd be a bad moderator if I couldn't stop the infraction hand twitch (and since it seems like you miss some bits of humor every now and again... As EDI says in Mass Effect 2, "That was a joke").
As for just looking at the topic...
No more calling each other children or starting shit, please get onto topic or at the very least start tagging posts with [rant], [spam], [bitching/whining], [sarcasm] so we can just CTRL+F and either edit, remove posts or give warnings/infractions for such childish behavior (this isn't just pertaining to you Pikminister, my first part of my post is however).
Personally, I didn't expect much from Revelations so seeing some of the details crop up in the latest information releases... Isn't exactly surprising considering I was more or less expecting the game to pan out as to what it sounds like.
I'd have to see it completely before making any final judgement on it though.Last edited by Enetirnel; 01-11-2012, 02:11 AM.
Originally posted by Smiley View PostBut there's a point where the game loses its scare factor simply because your character is strong enough to overcome the enemies you face.
I can understand complaints about the atmosphere not being horror anymore, at least not the same type of horror as the originals. I can understand people who miss puzzles too but complaints about fear of the enemies ability to kill you? Never for me, at least in that manner. I died on older games sure but usually because I wasn't carry the right weapon with me at a certain time or I couldn't be bothered fighting and running past went wrong. An enemy that is a real threat when I do have the right weapons is much prefered personally, the new games have that.Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."
Over the shoulder aiming has been a blessing and a curse for video games. Especially when implemented in franchises that have done well without it. RE4 started the trend, but it never refined it like other games have. Particularly action titles although horror games like Dead Space have done the game play some justice. But the horror comes from other factors in that game. Not simply the free aim shooting and severing of limbs.
It doesn't work in traditional survival horror for a game like Resident Evil because we've established that zombies die from head shots. So limiting your ammo and how you shoot the enemies was important for that game. In a FPS or rail shooter you have to place your head shots on key points of the head of a zombie, but they treat it with such arcade level gun play that it isn't as scary as having to shoot a zombie in classic RE games and rarely land a lucky head shot.
This is why the RE games of today (and especially Revelations) refuse to bring the zombies back in those titles. ORC has them, but we all know that it's an action game first and the zombies aren't really the main threat. You use them as a tactical advantage against spec ops. Other classic enemies can prove to be a threat like Lickers and Hunters. But the surge of action has given these characters beefed out abilities to take them on in melee attacks.
RE5 on hard still doesn't prove to be scary for me. Frustrating, but not scary. They lower your health to make you feel helpless and catering to forced co-op requires you to look out for your partner throughout the entire game. You or your partner might not be skilled enough which means you die and make things harder on each other. With classic RE games the single play allowed gamers to play at their own pace. You could speed through it or go slowly. With two players it becomes a matter of traveling in a linear path shooting first and asking questions later. You never had enough time to take in the horror.
But that was RE5. ORC doesn't stop till all characters die and Revelations has single play for the main campaign. With that in mind I think the game play is already better on those grounds.
As for scary? Limitations do work better than you realize. For earlier games you had ink ribbons to make you consider your next save. You didn't always have the ammo or weapon for the situation which meant run or look elsewhere and explore. The exploration works best than buying upgrades and choosing your weapons for the next chapter. Puzzles were much more thought out because they required more exploration than taking a found object to the next linear path. That made you think more about the layout and each item you managed. But now items can be collected with little thought behind them. And the camera angles made you rely on sound and second guessing before you pushed forward through the rest of the room. Over the shoulder allows you to see everything in front of you which works for action shooters.
These are just from my perspective. Traditional survival horror for the most part is dead. People have a blurred sense of what made the classic games what they were and look on RE4 or Revelations as very similar in design. They weren't. Capcom thinks in terms of catering to each fan base. So yes we have puzzles back and limited ammo. But the RE4 enhancements will still draw away from the classic experience. I fight an enemy by luring it to barrels/canisters and shoot them to explode. I then run up and melee attack the monster. The helpful casual catering won't be the same. It doesn't bring the same fear to me.
The only difference in the gameplay between the "classic" games and the latest ones is the camera. That's all.
As games like Dead Space have shown, it's not difficult to make a 3rd person horror game. Games like Doom 3 and Amnesia have shown that it's possible even in first person. There's no excuse for CAPCOM not to be able to produce horror, it is simply ineptitude. They don't know how to make a horror game. Their concepts and settings are A+ in terms of quality, but the games themselves pale in comparison once they are finished. They incorporate a lot of dumb shit in-between. The castle in RE4 was ridiculous, while the Spencer Estate and castle area in beta RE4 are much more prime horror material. They're realistic and gothic with very little silly elements. The Salazar Castle was just stupid. Then there's the huge underground tunnel with countless test tubes. The purpose of which was never even explained. That's not horrifying. It's ridiculous and campy and in the end served absolutely no purpose except making the player go "huh?". Sad too considering the section right before it was genuinely a good horror segment. Being able to literally beat supposedly super dangerous monsters to death is not horror. It makes it a sub-par fighting game and detracts from the fact that you're not supposed to get up close and personal. Makes the enemies less dangerous, and therefore less scary. Take that segment with the Lickers as a prime example. You can kick and punch them in mid-air and stab them in the heart. Again, makes them less dangerous and more of a nuisance that just needs to be shot and punched in a formulaic way. Horror vanishes completely later on when enemies start shooting at you. There's nothing specifically wrong with that in particular since it fits with the storyline, infact it would have made a nice change of pace if the game was filled with horror before it. But it wasn't, so it felt like more action bullshit, which most likely was not their intention.
I like the Ooze in Revelations because they cannot be melee'd (at least in the Pilot Version) and their movement makes it difficult to aim for their head, so they can't be killed in a formulaic way. You have to shoot and hope they drop. Unfortunately they take the exact same amount of bullets to kill, so that detracts from the horror. If they all had variable vitality, then they would be menacing. You wouldn't be able to judge how far you should stay away from them or how close you can afford to get based on how many times you have to shoot to kill. Think along the same lines as the Regeneradors-- enemies are more horrifying when they can't be easily killed (but then that goes out the window once you have that scope). The same thing happened in RE5 with the Reapers. Enemies like the Ganado and Majini were not horrifying simply because they were not dangerous, even though their concept is good. Zombies would also not have been scary if the classic games had the 3rd person camera, since they die after being shot in the head. They could probably twist this for gameplay purposes the same way the Ganado and Majini have the same vitality as normal humans in the narrative, but take several bullets to kill in-game, but who knows.
So far Revelations is on the right path. It still has some left-overs from RE4 and RE5, but overall it is a step in the right direction. However, CAPCOM is still inept when it comes to horror, and have the absolutely wrong idea of what makes the series good. It isn't action. It's meant to be a blend of horror and action, at best. So far we've encountered no horror outside of very isolated segments in the past two main games. Giving the player the freedom of choosing where exactly they should shoot an enemy is a blessing and a curse. CAPCOM have proven unable to properly integrate it into "horror" gameplay.
Let's not even get into how fucking stupid the Chronicles games are for a horror series. Even though they made a genuine attempt with Darkside. They should also stop using Hide Gondoh to direct the cut-scenes (he has directed them all since RE4). The guy wouldn't know horror if he shit his pants with fright. He is more concerned with making things look cool. Likewise, stay the fuck away from Hollywood.Last edited by News Bot; 01-11-2012, 07:15 AM.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by News Bot View PostThe only difference in the gameplay between the "classic" games and the latest ones is the camera. That's all.
As games like Dead Space have shown, it's not difficult to make a 3rd person horror game. Games like Doom 3 and Amnesia have shown that it's possible even in first person. There's no excuse for CAPCOM not to be able to produce horror, it is simply ineptitude. They don't know how to make a horror game. Their concepts and settings are A+ in terms of quality, but the games themselves pale in comparison once they are finished. They incorporate a lot of dumb shit in-between. The castle in RE4 was ridiculous, while the Spencer Estate and castle area in beta RE4 are much more prime horror material. They're realistic and gothic with very little silly elements. The Salazar Castle was just stupid. Then there's the huge underground tunnel with countless test tubes. The purpose of which was never even explained. That's not horrifying. It's ridiculous and campy and in the end served absolutely no purpose except making the player go "huh?". Sad too considering the section right before it was genuinely a good horror segment. Being able to literally beat supposedly super dangerous monsters to death is not horror. It makes it a sub-par fighting game and detracts from the fact that you're not supposed to get up close and personal. Makes the enemies less dangerous, and therefore less scary. Take that segment with the Lickers as a prime example. You can kick and punch them in mid-air and stab them in the heart. Again, makes them less dangerous and more of a nuisance that just needs to be shot and punched in a formulaic way. Horror vanishes completely later on when enemies start shooting at you. There's nothing specifically wrong with that in particular since it fits with the storyline, infact it would have made a nice change of pace if the game was filled with horror before it. But it wasn't, so it felt like more action bullshit, which most likely was not their intention.
I like the Ooze in Revelations because they cannot be melee'd (at least in the Pilot Version) and their movement makes it difficult to aim for their head, so they can't be killed in a formulaic way. You have to shoot and hope they drop. Unfortunately they take the exact same amount of bullets to kill, so that detracts from the horror. If they all had variable vitality, then they would be menacing. You wouldn't be able to judge how far you should stay away from them or how close you can afford to get based on how many times you have to shoot to kill. Think along the same lines as the Regeneradors-- enemies are more horrifying when they can't be easily killed (but then that goes out the window once you have that scope). The same thing happened in RE5 with the Reapers. Enemies like the Ganado and Majini were not horrifying simply because they were not dangerous, even though their concept is good. Zombies would also not have been scary if the classic games had the 3rd person camera, since they die after being shot in the head. They could probably twist this for gameplay purposes the same way the Ganado and Majini have the same vitality as normal humans in the narrative, but take several bullets to kill in-game, but who knows.
So far Revelations is on the right path. It still has some left-overs from RE4 and RE5, but overall it is a step in the right direction. However, CAPCOM is still inept when it comes to horror, and have the absolutely wrong idea of what makes the series good. It isn't action. It's meant to be a blend of horror and action, at best. So far we've encountered no horror outside of very isolated segments in the past two main games. Giving the player the freedom of choosing where exactly they should shoot an enemy is a blessing and a curse. CAPCOM have proven unable to properly integrate it into "horror" gameplay.
Let's not even get into how fucking stupid the Chronicles games are for a horror series. Even though they made a genuine attempt with Darkside. They should also stop using Hide Gondoh to direct the cut-scenes (he has directed them all since RE4). The guy wouldn't know horror if he shit his pants with fright. He is more concerned with making things look cool. Likewise, stay the fuck away from Hollywood.Last edited by LVL100 Merchant; 01-11-2012, 04:57 PM.