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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

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  • Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
    I'm afraid you've ruined everything by expressing your opinion Dracarys.
    Your punishment is to play RE: Gaiden, for 15 minutes.
    Id Die than Playing it again xD !
    But !! Imagine Gaiden Being Remade in Next Gen Graphics with Lin Style Gameplay , id surely play it even for not being canon !
    Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
    ^ Lol ...


    • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
      Id Die than Playing it again xD !
      But !! Imagine Gaiden Being Remade in Next Gen Graphics with Lin Style Gameplay , id surely play it even for not being canon !
      I believe your describing Revelations. Minus Leon and Barry...oh and its a good game.


      • Originally posted by Reston View Post
        Just accept it for being entertaining and parallel. Sorta like how UC/DC both have many contradictions when they re-tell the stories of RE0-RECV in terms of both story elements and creatures used (like why there are crimson heads/eliminators in Russia since one is based on progenitor and the other V-ACT) it's just to appease to the control schematics and angle they are going for.

        I for one do not really care much for the story of ORC. A lot of us know the story. I am more interested in the city itself and to see how it comes together in a 3D perspective. Just enjoy the game for what it is.
        That's pretty much the only way to look at it. People are trying way to hard arguing the "story" of this game, and how it fits or doesn't fit in the main series. It's a spin off. It's made by a different team with the intention of making a tactical co-op shooter as opposed to a traditional survival horror. It uses elements from RE2 and RE3 as a means to make the game interesting for fans and newcomers, but it has no bearing on the main series.

        Plus, we really know nothing about the actual "story" of the game until it comes out. This isn't a retelling of RE2 and RE3 so we really shouldn't care about what liberties they've taken. This is about the U.S.S. and what it would be like if you played as Umbrella villains for a change going through the chaos of the infected city.


        • New Gameplay Videos

          Another spot of RE-usage. The icons for Heroes Mode show some of the characters from past games despite the redesigns they have. For example, Carlos and Jill icons are their models from Umbrella Chronicles even though the selection screen shows their new re-design.

          Also I'm loving the Crimson Heads. It has to be said. I like how one teammate basically has a flamethrower putting out the undead. Perhaps this segment indicates that if you don't torch certain undead in time then they'll begin to transform and come for you soon enough.
          Last edited by Smiley; 02-10-2012, 06:59 AM.


          • Think I'll be spending most time on Heroes mode unless CTF ends up playing better than it looks. The 'team deathmatch' mode seemed to be played more like RE5 Slayers than Survivors, killing BOWs for points and pretty much ignoring the enemy team except the one time he threw a nade and scored a kill and teamkill at once. Heroes looks to be more TDM than that.
            Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


            • It looks fun as a multiplayer game, but really bad as a campaign.
              Last edited by Grem; 02-10-2012, 07:32 AM.


              • The gameplay looks pretty absurdly unbalanced and unpolished. Hope it's not in practice. The CQC system they're so proud of just looks wonky as fuck.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                  The gameplay looks pretty absurdly unbalanced and unpolished. Hope it's not in practice. The CQC system they're so proud of just looks wonky as fuck.
                  This. I'll be getting it with a friend to play through the story mode, so I hope that suffices, but all of the multiplayer modes look like a mess. The attacks that knock down the player and force them to stand back up look really fucking annoying to deal with, and the CQC system does indeed awful.


                  • I don't know. I like the concept, a full action RE title with a bit of nostalgia, in a non-canon package.
                    Balance issues can always be corrected via patches (not ideal, but possible).
                    Story campaign better be good though, I don't expect a masterpiece, but a meaty campaign with decent story will do.

                    "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                    • This game is about as balanced as you can get as far as the multiplayer is concerned. The feedback for single play has had a negative outlook based on things like the "dumb AI" responses from your partner. Every RE online game I've followed up on has such complaints from Outbreak to RE5. At this rate I can only expect them to be as competent as the game will allow them to be since RE5 punished you for a bad AI partner. Enemies with bad AI though is another story, and I hope this is something that can be tweaked if this is a problem. But perhaps there will be harder difficulty to range on the enemy reaction time.


                      • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        The gameplay looks pretty absurdly unbalanced and unpolished. Hope it's not in practice. The CQC system they're so proud of just looks wonky as fuck.
                        Yeah, this game just keeps looking worse and worse. I bet if Slant Six had another year to work on it...we could have a pretty good Gears of War clone. I'm assuming this game is being pushed out by Capcom solely to keep the hype train rolling for Resident Evil 6.
                        That is so Money.


                        • Originally posted by Guy Fieri View Post
                          Yeah, this game just keeps looking worse and worse. I bet if Slant Six had another year to work on it...we could have a pretty good Gears of War clone. I'm assuming this game is being pushed out by Capcom solely to keep the hype train rolling for Resident Evil 6.
                          We know more about this game than RE6 at the moment. RE6 also has a two year development cycle before posting a trailer the very same year it's supposedly being released. You wouldn't need another console game rolling just to hype up RE6. A main sequel alone will generate hype on its own. From the start this has always been a chance for Capcom to branch the series off into new directions. Even if that means having a new team behind it as is the case here.

                          As far as 'Gears of War' clone is concerned you might want to throw RE5 in that pit before you do ORC given its design. Even then, RE5 still falls behind for the obvious glaring problems that doesn't make it work as a survival horror game and an action game.

                          Last edited by Smiley; 02-10-2012, 05:33 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                            As far as 'Gears of War' clone is concerned you might want to throw RE5 in that pit before you do ORC given its design. Even then, RE5 still falls behind for the obvious glaring problems that doesn't make it work as a survival horror game and an action game.

                            ORC has you taking cover, moving between cover and picking off enemies who take cover. Resident Evil 5's (horrible) versus mode was just regular RE4 style Resident Evil but fighting real people instead of Ganados/Majini.

                            That video was pretty funny, btw.
                            That is so Money.


                            • RE5's campaign includes cover (which carries over to RE6 based on the trailer) and picking off enemies taking cover (those with rifles or RPGs). It was also two player co-op through the main campaign with over-the-top action oriented melee.

                              Versus pinned you against other players but the RE restrictions like not being able to move and shoot or item management make for a pretty lousy experience in an action game.

                              These things looked to be addressed in ORC more. Spec Ops and U.S.S. are balanced as far as skills and moves. It will depend on the player if they ultimately make use of said talents. The over-the-top action isn't restrained because (again) it's not a survival horror game, and such melee moves are not as awkward to perform where as, for instance, if in a horror game you had your character leaping on an enemy's head and breaking their neck with your character's thighs.
                              Last edited by Smiley; 02-10-2012, 09:20 PM.


                              • Aren't games supposed to look better the closer they get to release?


