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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

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  • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
    It will sell because it meets the criteria Capcom and Slant Six are looking for. Co-op to ensure more sales from players and releasing it on consoles and PC. The preorder bonuses are also a nice touch ranging from Raccoon City signs to T-shirts to DLC codes.

    The tournaments have gained attention, and the advertising is there.

    Frankly Revelations might be a good game, but being on the 3DS is the only drawback for most fans because the hand held itself needed special treatment to make it appealing. They had to make a quick price drop and analog attachment to bring in more sales. That's the only way I got my hands on one and it goes without saying they need to make new games and not rely on re-releases or spin offs.

    As you said RE6 is eight months away presumably. I doubt it'll make the November deadline, and even then ORC will likely have a price drop to some degree so people can satisfy their zombie cravings with that game in the meantime. Knowing that RE6 is trying to draw a Call of Duty crowd, you can expect that target audience to at least consider ORC as a gateway to get into the series since it has the elements they're looking for in terms of action and multiplayer.
    Possibly, but it's getting pretty bad critical acclaim. I suspect it will sell well for a week or so, but won't have the reviews or 'buddy recommendation' to see it selling all that well. From what I've read, with the guns being badly done (they're all the same, I hear) and melee being all powerful I don't think it will do well with the online shooter types, but I could be horribly wrong.


    • Originally posted by Bertha View Post
      I can agree with everything else, but this. I'm sorry, but I also don't remember having the technology to build cities like Terragrigia in 2004 (earlier since if I remember correctly it took 11 years to construct). There are so many sci-fi/highly advanced tech in the series that simply don't make sense to bitch about a game that obvisouly isn't trying to reflect the old games. Look at all the underground facilities and their tech. Did we really have any of that in 98? Maybe we did, maybe we didn't. It's a stupid argument to bitch about "Oh that's a Hummer 2! THIS GAME IS HORRIBLE BECAUSE THAT ISN'T ACCURATE!" It's like saying the games have lost their sense of realism. Newsflash: the games were never realistic to begin with, and if you think they once were, you're completely dillusional. People are tearing down Slant Six, but Capcom doesn't really seem to give a flying fuck about what gets created either. They've had ample opportunity to fact check the game and say "Hey yeah no....sorry but that's not actually anything we created, so take it out."

      I'm still confused as to why people think OpRac was supposed to be something other than an action shooter, and continue to bitch about it. If I wanted to play horror, I'm not going to be playing through a modern RE title. Hell...I'm probably not going to play any RE title if I want horror. OpRac is a spinoff to simply make more money and draw more potential buyers, and most people seem to think it's not going to sell well anyway. You all should be thankful that this game looks to be such shit, with so many "fans" distancing themselves from it. If it flops, you'd think you would be one step closer to making Capcom realize this is not what we as a fanbase want from the series.
      This is the closest I've seen for "octo-camo" in 1998 at Tokyo University. And if you take the all mighty "Umbrella" into consideration then this idea that they perfected it to be more than projection from a camera isn't that absurd. Only speaking as far as the narrative is concerned. Tyrants, AI super computers and a city of puzzles and obstacles can only take a company so far. But looking at the series as a whole you can find a lot of technology and scenarios in the constraints of the timeline that merely aren't probable.

      As far as the issue with cars is concerned this is something that happens all too often. The Matrix sequels present a time constraint of 1999 because they both take place months after the first film yet there was modern vehicles that weren't made around that time. We can pull a "the matrix can do what it likes" excuse from our arse, but the truth is that sometimes you don't look too far into detail about brand or product unless it's a period piece. Even then, I saw a digital watch in the film 'Glory' and it didn't make me enjoy the film any less.

      Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
      Possibly, but it's getting pretty bad critical acclaim. I suspect it will sell well for a week or so, but won't have the reviews or 'buddy recommendation' to see it selling all that well. From what I've read, with the guns being badly done (they're all the same, I hear) and melee being all powerful I don't think it will do well with the online shooter types, but I could be horribly wrong.
      Depends where your critical acclaim is coming from and if you trust gaming journalism. IGN makes it sound generic at best yet mediocre. If you were to check Slant Six's twitter they provide links to other previews from various sites that give mixed to positive previews. (Because reviews haven't actually rolled in quite yet). Gamespot's coverage has also been positive despite being part of the marketing for the tournaments.
      Last edited by Smiley; 02-25-2012, 02:52 PM.


      • Who here is gonna get it for playstation 3 ??


        • I'm getting it for PS3, we can play it together! Wouldn't that be great?
          See you in hell.


          • I'm getting it on PS3 as well. It'll be nice to play another online game for PS3 since I pretty just use the damn thing for Dark Souls and Ultimate Marvel.
            Last edited by LVL100 Merchant; 02-25-2012, 10:17 PM.


            • PS3 too. Might get the Xbox version just for collection purposes, as I got a nice ban for being stupid and I don't plan buying another Xbox just to play online.

              "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


              • PS3 naturally.

                From cvxfreak we have info from Kawata about ORC

                This will be another title to branch into voicing for other regions. Unlike Revelations which has optional voice acting, Japan will only have Japanese Voice acing and NA will only have English voice acting.

                Spec Ops aren't playable in main campaign.


                • Too bad, now we're stuck listening to Bertha imitate Natasha Fatale...


                  • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                    PS3 naturally.

                    From cvxfreak we have info from Kawata about ORC

                    This will be another title to branch into voicing for other regions. Unlike Revelations which has optional voice acting, Japan will only have Japanese Voice acing and NA will only have English voice acting.

                    Spec Ops aren't playable in main campaign.
                    i can already tell this means dlc pack with spec ops campaign later on ( 10 to 20 euro) i bet you.


                    • Wasn't the DLC Spec Ops campaign confirmed quite a while ago? The only thing we don't know is the price. I'm not going to go through my anti-DLC rant again, since I did so recently on Unity and am tired out.
                      Mass production? Ridiculous!


                      • rehunk88, do you not want to play ORC with me on the PS3?
                        See you in hell.


                        • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                          rehunk88, do you not want to play ORC with me on the PS3?
                          Sure just dont teamkill me to much xDDD


                          • Hey everyone!
                            I was wondering who here actually could pre-order the special edition. I am looking everywhere but I cant find it. I want to get it for ps3.


                            • Spec-Ops DLC campaign has not been officially announced so they will not ackowledge it, however the achievements for the DLC were leaked/discovered somehow. So it is happening.

                              @above post, no Special Edition for Europe.
                              Last edited by Dracarys; 02-26-2012, 03:59 PM.
                              Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                              • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post

                                @above post, no Special Edition for Europe.
                                I know, but I am looking for the US version. I cant find it on or Planetaxel. I really dont want to buy the uk or austria version and the US Special Edition looks pretty good.

