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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
Did anyone ever REALLY, TRULY believe that O:RC was going to be canon from the moment they mentioned killing Leon, right at the start? Or was it merely an attempt to get under your skin? Think about it. I mean really...PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by Vector View Post Whatever. I'm gonna trade in Uncharted 3 to make the price less painful. Anyone have it for Xbox?Last edited by PracticalAl; 03-20-2012, 12:03 PM.
Here are some more reviews:
joystiq: Score - 2 stars out of 5
"The main theme of the campaign is recycling. Several environments are recycled -- especially the Umbrella labs at the beginning, middle, and again at the end -- and every encounter plays out just like the last. The campaign escorts you from one scripted encounter to the next in a linear way. You never wonder about where to go next because there's always a big icon telling you "this is where you need to be to shoot the next bunch of dudes you need to shoot."
"Gameplay is rote -- a barebones, cover-based affair that is equal parts generic and infuriating. The cover system lacks any kind of grace or style, odd given the stylish leather-clad protagonists of this supposedly elite squad. You walk up to an object and press forward to go into cover. That's it. There's no elegant way to switch between cover -- no SWAT turns here -- just a clumsy meandering from fence to car to concrete slab as you shoot whatever's in front of you"
"Ultimately, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City is everything I hoped it wouldn't be: a mediocre shooter hoping to be bolstered by the Resident Evil name. It takes what is arguably the series' best setting and wastes it, forcing players to plod through generic underground facilities and the occasional, oddly vacant street from one boring encounter to the next"
Digital Spy: Score 2 stars out of 5
"There are certainly a lot of problems with Operation Raccoon City. The action set pieces are pretty uninspiring, the gameplay is vanilla and the presentation has more than a whiff of last-generation consoles. Teaming up with three friends to kill hordes of zombies, monsters and special operations troops in the campaign levels is reasonably good fun, but Operation Raccoon City is never going to blow you away".
"Playing the campaign on your own is also a bit of a mess. The co-op AI is really all over place (think Sheva Alomar in Resident Evil 5, and then double it)"
"Operation Raccoon City really feels like a PlayStation 2 game, in both its level design and presentation. This is not necessarily a bad thing (I recently re-loaded RE4 on the PS2 and still loved it), as good gameplay, distinctive visuals and strong storytelling always shines out. But Operation Raccoon City does not really have any of these things, and the Resident Evil branding is not enough to paper over the cracks"
"Operation Raccoon City offers a different spin on the Resident Evil licence, involving team-based battles and the return of proper zombies. On the other, it is a rather confused and somewhat dated shooter that has numerous flaws and doesn't really make the most of its premise. There is fun to be had in playing this game, particularly with three friends online, but this is very far from a Resident Evil classic"
The Verge: Score - 3 out of 10
"Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City isn’t caught between anything – it’s buried under countless poor decisions and technical problems. Even worse, one of the areas of Resident Evil’s fiction ripest for exploration has been soured by a game that I can’t recommend to anyone. An insult to Resident Evil fans, a failure at the most basic level for shooter fans, and a possible friendship-ender for those looking for a cooperative experience, Raccoon City is a disaster zone better left abandoned"
Thesixthaxis: Score - 6 out of 10
"Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City is by no means a bad game. The chance to face off against Resident Evil favourites such as Nemesis is a really interesting idea, and the constant threat of zombies will always have you on edge. Saying that, I can see the multiplayer modes becoming repetitive fairly quickly. Whilst differing slightly, the modes on offer are too similar, and all play out on the same handful of maps"
xbox360achievements: Score - 58%
"A limp and generic single-player is aided by a multiplayer offering with a few good ideas, but on the whole Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City doesn’t feel like a game that will provide enough entertainment to justify you shelling out. In fact if you can't get enough buddies together to form a squad for both the campaign and versus arenas, then you're probably better off giving this game a wide berth like you would the T-virus. A real shame"
Not grabbing my ankles for this little gem.... Sorry Capcom. That SFxT DLC debacle was too much. Waaay too much. And you already got too many enablers anyway.Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.
Originally posted by PracticalAl View PostSame here, except I'm trading in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.. Thank goodness for the 30% extra credit plus my employee discount.. (It'll be for PS3, since I don't have XBOX live..) Though.. I'm still actually torn whether or not I should get this or the Silent Hill HD collection.. Anyone have that yet? Is it worth it for someone who already owns SH2 and SH3? I go to work at 5:30pm today, any suggestions before then would be appreciated.Last edited by Smiley; 03-20-2012, 01:41 PM.
Well already Revelations has destroyed Operation Raccoon City in reviews. A splendid outcome. Now for sales.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by Smiley View PostA main game praised more than a spin off? Do tell!PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium