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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

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  • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
    And two hours less than RE4 but who's counting?
    Actually on the first play through of RE4...its more like 13-15 hrs less ;)
    And the first play through is what I was referring too.


    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
      That's not what I was talking about though. It's already obvious that ORC is a cheap cash-in and an attempt to hook the TPS audience and see if the series can take that direction. Survival Horror/Action beat TPS. Meaning CAPCOM are less likely to take the latter approach again anytime soon.
      Spin offs cashing in and going a new direction? Again I must say: Do tell!!


      • So...does this mean you like the game Smiley?O.o


        • Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
          Actually on the first play through of RE4...its more like 13-15 hrs less ;)
          And the first play through is what I was referring too.
          Then Revelations would be 10-12 hours on a first run. It takes 7 hours on casual and skipping all the cutscenes (not many do that on a first run, though).


          GameInformer: Score - 6.0

          "Umbrella may have filled Raccoon City with horrific creatures, but SlantSix has tainted the fabled town in its own way. It’s difficult recommending a return to Raccoon when you have to endure buggy AI, clunky gameplay, and terrible glitches like disappearing floors. Yes, on more than one occasion my friends and I had to ditch whole missions because we kept falling into an empty void. Not even online play is enough of a reason to warrant checking out this botched experiment with the Resident Evil brand"

          Strategy Informer: Score - 3.0

          "Capcom want you to play the campaign with friends. This is fun for a few minutes. It only takes a few encounters with the enemy to underline the notion that titles like Left 4 Dead do it better. Alongside human or A.I controlled allies, the complete feeling of shoddiness is never overcome. Warehouse after warehouse, lab after lab, the game repeats the dullness to a mind-numbing degree. But hey, forcing you to collect mechanical parts is fun, right? Capcom should probably make you do it every half an hour or so, that would be really great. Needless to say, co-op doesn't mask a lazy product.

          Even now, I haven't unearthed this game's most damning flaws. It seems this title didn't receive a debugging process, as it's riddled with glitches and other mishaps. During the opening levels, I turned invisible, witnessed my team getting stuck in walls, and even floating in the air. When groups of foes are in sight, massive slowdown stutters the action down to a diorama-like state. I could go on and on, but I fear you may get the point by now."

          Did Gaiden get scored as badly as this one?

          EDIT: Gaiden got 56.46% at GameRankings... better than ORC on METACRITIC.
          Last edited by Pikminister; 03-20-2012, 02:29 PM.
          Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


          • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
            Spin offs cashing in and going a new direction? Again I must say: Do tell!!
            Still missing the point completely. I didn't say this is the first spin-off they've ever made or something. Just that it has failed to establish itself. You're being pedantic.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              Still missing the point completely. I didn't say this is the first spin-off they've ever made or something. Just that it has failed to establish itself. You're being pedantic.
              Click image for larger version

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              • Destructoid review 7.5
                Are you tired, Rebecca?


                • Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
                  Well revelations gameplay length is what...8 and a half hrs?

                  Thats 3 hrs more than ORC
                  actually it took me 12 hrs for revelations plus another 10 for raid mode and I'm not even done!


                  • MOAR GODHEAD ORC REVIEWS:

                    Kotaku: Should you play this game? NO

                    "ORC's not worth playing as a single-player experience. Put bluntly, it's a mediocre slog with annoying difficulty spikes and gets hampered by dumb AI partners through a world that's not special enough to deserve your time. And as an online-focused game, Raccoon City's got more going for it than its most direct predecessor Resident Evil Outbreak. But like that PS2-era multiplayer experiment, it's probably going to wind up as a costly curiosity that gets forgotten. The germ of a clever multiplayer experience lies within but uninspired execution and Resident Evil fan service don't provide enough nutrients for it to grow into a virus worth caring about."

                    Computer and Videogames (CVG): 6.3

                    "Operation Racoon City is an unworthy entry in a deservedly worthy franchise. It admirably tries a social spin, putting up to 12 human players in a previously solitary series, but meaty scares get sidelined for flat action. With better direction this faster pace could have paid off, but instead everything feels a bit... deflated. Perks are dull, shooting is flimsy, enemies are meaty shoot-bags, levels are unvaried and tension is minimal"

                    Silent Hill, people, Silent Hill...
                    Last edited by Pikminister; 03-20-2012, 03:29 PM.
                    Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                    • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                      The price was dropped from $50 to $40 which is reasonable. If you don't care about the original voices not being in SH3 then maybe you'll enjoy it. So far my only complaint is that there's some bad framerate drops from time to time. Other than that it plays just like 2 and 3. Your call.
                      Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                      Silent Hill, people, Silent Hill...
                      Thanks guys. The bad reviews have pretty much solidified everything I feared about the game. As I said before, I'll be renting it tonight, not buying it.. The $40 price tag of the Silent Hill HD Collection certainly does make it slightly more appealing. ('Already rented and beaten Downpour, which I did enjoy to an extent.) What a strange and disappointing day. Two games from two of my favorites series released, and neither of them really justify a purchase for me. Sad.. Oh, well. Off to work. :I..
                      Last edited by PracticalAl; 03-20-2012, 03:32 PM.


                      • I'm not really surprised. I mean, I wasn't even that exited about this game coming out in the first place. I thought it was a weird concept and the massive multiplayer and co-op advertising made it less appealing to me. Now the game is on it's way to me. I'm expecting the special edition, which is at least nice to have as a collector.

                        Does anyone want to play with me in the next few days? My ps3 user name is dead8artist .


                        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          Still missing the point completely. I didn't say this is the first spin-off they've ever made or something. Just that it has failed to establish itself. You're being pedantic.
                          How did it "fail to establish itself"? The game never established itself as anything except a tactical co-op shooter set in a specific RE setting. If anyone expected differently then that's their fault.

                          It's been well known that main games in the series generate more praise than the spin off titles. If you're going to say it's "splendid" that a main entry is well liked than another spin off that was meant to go a different direction that isn't some ground breaking accomplishment.

                          Now if you're not satisfied that this was a TPS cash in all I have to say is..... Seriously? This franchise is well pass the point of doing nothing, but continuing for the sake of "cashing in". You need not worry your head about a spin off. What you should be worried about is the next main game.

                          Because that is the one directed at the action crowd as well. And it's a numbered entry. And it's marketed for the Call of Duty fans.
                          Last edited by Smiley; 03-20-2012, 06:26 PM.


                          • Originally posted by PracticalAl View Post
                            Thanks guys. The bad reviews have pretty much solidified everything I feared about the game. As I said before, I'll be renting it tonight, not buying it.. The $40 price tag of the Silent Hill HD Collection certainly does make it slightly more appealing. ('Already rented and beaten Downpour, which I did enjoy to an extent.) What a strange and disappointing day. Two games from two of my favorites series released, and neither of them really justify a purchase for me. Sad.. Oh, well. Off to work. :I..
                            Rent ORC... some games that got mostly low scores from critics, I actually ended liking & buying after renting then first.

                            Granted, I only bought them well after they hit the bargain bin. Never at full price.
                            Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                            • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                              How did it "fail to establish itself"? The game never established itself as anything except a tactical co-op shooter set in a specific RE setting. If anyone expected differently then that's their fault.
                              It's been well known that main games in the series generate more praise than the spin off titles. If you're going to say it's "splendid" that a main entry is well liked than another spin off that was meant to go a different direction that isn't some ground breaking accomplishment.
                              Now if you're not satisfied that this was a TPS cash in all I have to say is..... Seriously? This franchise is well pass the point of doing nothing, but continuing for the sake of "cashing in". You need not worry your head about a spin off. What you should be worried about is the next main game.

                              Because that is the one directed at the action crowd as well. And it's a numbered entry. And it's marketed for the Call of Duty fans.
                              This. Why do companies want to cater more towards "CoD" fans? I dunno...maybe because those games made millions in just a matter of days? Maybe because, despite how shitty MW3 is, it made headlines in terms of sales, as did Black Ops the year prior? When was the last time an RE title made front page news because sales were in the millions on opening day? What RE game has ever sold 6 million copies first day?

                              People think its all about the fans, and while that may partially be true, a company is also about keeping up with the times and making money.
                              Are you tired, Rebecca?


                              • When you make a game for the fans and to return to form you get Silent Hill: Downpour. No casual or CoD fanatic will go forty minutes without wanting to shoot something.

