Haha, was a chunk of meat on the ground I could revive, turned out to be Beltway. Very gory this game.
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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
So. In the stage where you have to Spoiler:
, who else is experiencing teammates freezing in place shooting into nothing until they die? I've restarted the stage a couple times now.. Keeps happening.. Can't say I'm fully enjoying my time with this game.. Right in the first level my player glitched up by going into an infinite dive until Spoiler:weaken Nemesis
Which was funny and all, but I'm now finding out it was only a sign of the glitchiness to come..Birkin crushed my head with his pipe of death..
I suppose I could trying beating the stage with online players, rather than the A.I..
I got killed by a sniper because the button prompt to use an herb never appeared, no matter how I oriented my character or the camera to face said herb.
Originally posted by Dracarys View PostHaha, was a chunk of meat on the ground I could revive, turned out to be Beltway. Very gory this game.
I wonder if it had something to do with the fact that said dead character's entire torso had been blown off and all that was left was a pair of legs.
Another time a dead teammate disappeared entirely.Last edited by Archelon; 03-21-2012, 05:55 PM.
I saw some footage where someone was shooting at an enemy behind some crates and even though the crosshairs were aimed right in the dude's body the bullets just hit the crates. Also, the AI diving left and right in the middle of the stage and meters away from cover is hilarious.
I've only got last level left, no glitches except during the clocktower fight a teammate got hit with a nade and blown back past the (now locked) gates we entered from, no possible way to reach/revive him.Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."
Originally posted by Dracarys View PostI've only got last level left, no glitches except during the clocktower fight a teammate got hit with a nade and blown back past the (now locked) gates we entered from, no possible way to reach/revive him.
Originally posted by Archelon View PostSo has anyone found out yet if the Spec Ops DLC missions are already on the disc?
The first one is coming out for free so I'd wait before grabbing pitchforks and torches.
Been playing it today.
Oh god it really is terrible, but I give it two plus points. Fighting zombies is great fun, and the mechanics are at least functional and intuitive.
Can't beleive even the most basic mistakes have been made. Slant Six even said in an interview this week they were very close to the Japanese teams so they could get things right like "virus colours", yet straight away the T-Virus colour is wrong. Haha.
The AI is the worst i've seen in a long time, it's actually hilariou. Throwing a grenade which lands at someones feet while they scream Grenade!!!! Then just stand there till it goes off is utter genius.
But the locations, oh christ what were they thinking?http://www.projectumbrella.net The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Review and contributor for www.thexbutton.co.uk
Grenades have effectively proven useless in my game.
The frags take too long to detonate, and by the time they do, the enemies have already dived out of the way. This, of course, is assuming I can even manage to lob a grenade in the general vicinity of the enemies in the first place.
Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View PostBut the locations, oh christ what were they thinking?
I understand re-working some of the existing locations to make them more TPS-friendly, but they didn't even bother to do that. Instead, they decided to create their own bland and boring versions of this series' most famous location. You'd think for a game that has the main location actually in the title, they'd try to make the city interesting. It really is Raccoon City in name only.Mass production? Ridiculous!
Some environments feel RE-ish...but lots of sections feel too large and open, when they should feel more enclosed and small. The Birkin fight did not look fun, even though it did look hard, the hunters..well, semi bullet proof?O.o
I think that if Capcom wanted this game to succeed they would have been a lot tighter on things in the game, ultimately its more their fault that Slant Six. You cant really blame the 3rd party, if the first party isn't paying attention.
Bloody-Disgusting suggest turning Operation Raccoon City into a musical... thanks to how fucking glitchy it is:
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City really isn't the type of game you should tackle alone. It was built with four-player co-op in mind, and even if you’re insanely good at shooters -- and I'm sure you are, you talented minx -- the AI is entirely uncommitted to helping the team survive the many encounters with enemy soldiers, the undead, and various B.O.W.'s that like to stand between you and your goal. Something else you should know about this game is it's glitchy as fuck.
I'm thinking with a little creativity this glitch could be used to create a fabulous coordinated dance number. Someone should really get on that.
A few weeks back, we used to think "Revelaitons" was the biggest RE fuck up Capcom made this year... guess not.Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.