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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

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  • Crimson Heads are fast running enemies. Having monsters sounds is nitpicking. Them swarming at you in numbers is never a negative in this game.
    Last edited by Smiley; 03-22-2012, 09:42 PM.


    • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
      Crimson Heads are fast running enemies. Having monsters sounds is nitpicking. Them swarming at you in numbers is never a negative in this game.
      It is when they don't do anything. I've found myself just staring at the stupid fuckers running around in circles in front of me many times already.
      Last edited by News Bot; 03-22-2012, 09:50 PM.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • Smiley, why are you defending the game so much? It's like... it's like I see a little bit of myself in you when I talk about the RE live-action movies...

        Soldier on, my good man. Fight for your beliefs. *salutes*


        • "In your case you have a 13-10 range. Pulling three extra monsters doesn't mean the bar is set higher. But again, this is a silly thing to justify as poor to begin with."

          You were the one to use this argument to begin with ;).


          • Linearity in a game is fine if it's paced well. ORC is not.


            • Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
              Smiley, why are you defending the game so much? It's like... it's like I see a little bit of myself in you when I talk about the RE live-action movies...

              Soldier on, my good man. Fight for your beliefs. *salutes*
              Don't encourage him! He'll fight us all until the end of time!


              • So mediocre-at-best then hmm? Incidentally all the weapon/skin DLC on US Marketplace is approx 140kb with Nemesis 2.68mb so the guns and skins are on the disc at least. Nemesis mode "rules" might not be but obviously the model is on the disc. Guess we'll see around the 11th for Spec Op Filesize. Still, at least #1 is free eh?

                Does anyone know whats different between the dlc packs as I assumed the 640m$ pack was a bundle of the other 3 but its unclear.

                I had planned to buy that one (the 640) if thats the case but only Nemesis and Wolfpack are on UK marketplace, despite the others being up on US days b4 release maybe they'll show up tomorrow for official release . . .
                Last edited by Rancid Cheese; 03-22-2012, 10:39 PM.


                • Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                  Linearity in a game is fine if it's paced well. ORC is not.
                  That's a good way of putting it. Personally, as long as it works well, I don't mind linearity. I liked FFXIII despite most of it being a walk down a line. I liked the Uncharted games, and those are proof that a game can be linear and paced really well.

                  This walkthrough is literally just "A to B". Then "Nope, Chuck Testa! B to C." Etc. It's... bad.

                  Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
                  Don't encourage him! He'll fight us all until the end of time!
                  Hey, I may not agree with him on this, but again, I like the live-action RE movies. I understand the shit he's taking right now.
                  Last edited by Canas Renvall; 03-22-2012, 10:50 PM.


                  • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                    It is when they don't do anything. I've found myself just staring at the stupid fuckers running around in circles in front of me many times already.
                    Pretty bizarre. My team gets swarmed, and I haven't had any issues with crimson heads seeking us out. I can out run them to a point before they follow my trail, but they never run in circles around me missing their target.

                    Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                    Smiley, why are you defending the game so much? It's like... it's like I see a little bit of myself in you when I talk about the RE live-action movies...

                    Soldier on, my good man. Fight for your beliefs. *salutes*
                    I'm just giving a different view to some of the backlash. Why do people keep bashing the game so much? Some of which who have no intent to play the game? Because as Resident Evil fans they enjoy discussing the hottest product on the shelf and comparing it to the franchises past and future.

                    It's easy to bash a game made by different developers for doing things different. The real trick is putting nostalgia aside and looking at the game.

                    When I hear linearity is fine as long as it's paced well. Followed by "ORC is not". Here's what comes to mind:

                    1. How is linearity supposed to be paced well? It's linear. You have your path set out in front of you.
                    2. How does ORC not qualify? Can't be because it's too linear or not linear enough. The path is set. The pace is there.

                    So all I factor is that ORC being linear doesn't work yet RE4 and RE5 do. And the reason is because Applejacks don't taste like apple yet kids still love them. They eat what they like. And RE fans play what they like.

                    I hate the bugs and glitches I've encountered. I hope a patch fixes them. Regardless, I'm still enjoying the game when I play with my friends. As far as RE spin offs go this one is actually fun to play as long as you do so with others.
                    Last edited by Smiley; 03-22-2012, 11:07 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                      That's a good way of putting it. Personally, as long as it works well, I don't mind linearity. I liked FFXIII despite most of it being a walk down a line. I liked the Uncharted games, and those are proof that a game can be linear and paced really well.

                      This walkthrough is literally just "A to B". Then "Nope, Chuck Testa! B to C." Etc. It's... bad.

                      Hey, I may not agree with him on this, but again, I like the live-action RE movies. I understand the shit he's taking right now.
                      This shit is oscar worthy compared to those movies.


                      • I'm just giving a different view to some of the backlash.

                        No you aren't, you're just taking a contrary position!..(link working?)

                        Why do people keep bashing the game so much?

                        Because it was a missed opportunity to be more than it is. Its very much just left4dead RE style,which wouldn't be a problem except that they just went kind of barebones on the project. Whether it was time limitations or this is what they had planned the whole time, it didn't come together completely as a game.

                        Some of which who have no intent to play the game?

                        While most of us had no plans to purchase the game or play it, I highly doubt anyone wanted the game to fail, I was on the fence hoping that they'd pull off something special.

                        Because as Resident Evil fans they enjoy discussing the hottest product on the shelf and comparing it to the franchises past and future.

                        You're guilty of this too ;).

                        It's easy to bash a game made by different developers for doing things different.

                        Yes it is, its even easier when they put out something that feels as minimalist as this.

                        The real trick is putting nostalgia aside and looking at the game.

                        Translation: Turn off your brain and just play. How many times do we hear this from people who like the Re films?;)

                        When I hear linearity is fine as long as it's paced well. Followed by "ORC is not". Here's what comes to mind:

                        1. How is linearity supposed to be paced well? It's linear. You have your path set out in front of you.
                        2. How does ORC not qualify? Can't be because it's too linear or not linear enough. The path is set. The pace is there.

                        Pacing isnt a bad thing, I've seen its pretty well paced..but its a point A to point B game. The option to explore, or take side quests along the way isnt there.

                        The RE series hasnt really had side quests in the main game, but we're at a point now where developers should be doing this more.

                        So all I factor is that ORC being linear doesn't work yet RE4 and RE5 do. And the reason is because Applejacks don't taste like apple yet kids still love them. They eat what they like. And RE fans play what they like.

                        RE4 is in no way as linear as RE5, just because you keep saying it is, doesnt mean it is. Do you even remember the optional paths in RE4? There weren't a huge amount of them, but they were there and gave some extra fights along the way.

                        I hate the bugs and glitches I've encountered. I hope a patch fixes them. Regardless, I'm still enjoying the game when I play with my friends. As far as RE spin offs go this one is actually fun to play as long as you do so with others.

                        Not gonna argue about this, the multi player options is the one element that keeps getting praise.

                        Really this is about two different types of tastes:

                        People who can turn their brains off and enjoy stuff for what it is, and people who want more from their games and hate seeing opportunities missed.

                        I said it before and I'll say it again, I didn't want this game to fail. I wanted to be surprised and have Slant Six do a damn fine job and take the series into a new possible direction that I could enjoy from time to time. They got half the job right, why should we reward them for this?

                        Whether it was their fault or Capcoms fault, we'll probably never know.
                        Last edited by Wrathborne; 03-23-2012, 12:08 AM.


                        • Wrathborne there's not much reason to discuss this with you. You've been badgering for my attention, and there's not much of an initiative to give you any with comments such as "Don't encourage him". And yet here you are addressing my latest response. You've broken my post down into lines with answers that haven't kept up with what I've been discussing with the other users.

                          As an example:

                          Why do people keep bashing the game so much?

                          That was my question to why I'm "defending" the game so much (even when discussing the bugs or redesigns that I did hate from the same title).

                          Your input has no bearing on the very answer I gave to both those questions. Why defend something that another is bashing? I don't need to point out certain users continually come here to bash the game at every turn. They have their opinions, but the core of the matter has been that this is the new RE game and opposing views on the product will come no matter if it's from me or someone else.

                          And if you had no desire or intent to play the game then it matters very little whether you cared if the game succeeded to your expectations or not. I don't watch the TV show Lost and have no intent to do so. So my input doesn't matter when it comes to aspects of that show and what direction I think they should have gone in.

                          I also fail to see how you can equate putting aside nostalgia to turning your brain off.

                          If you've judged the product to this extent with no plan of using the product then I can only factor that as you being a RE fan and wanting to see how this game lived up to the others.

                          That's why I say:

                          Because as Resident Evil fans they enjoy discussing the hottest product on the shelf and comparing it to the franchises past and future.

                          Your comment: You're guilty of this too ;). isn't clever. You're stating the obvious. I wouldn't come here talking about the game like this if I wasn't a fan of Resident Evil.

                          So you see, I don't care for your drivel. I like talking to people who have something insightful to bring to the table on this and the other games even if we don't agree with each other.

                          So take this apart and do your thing. I have more interesting people to talk to.
                          Last edited by Smiley; 03-23-2012, 12:54 AM.


                          • I dunno. I think the game's fun when it works. It's still glitchy as shit but this is the funniest game I've played in a while. Yes, it's hilarious. But it's also pretty fun to play with friends. I needed a shooter to fill a bit of a void since I fucking despise MW3 and needed something else to mess around online with, so I enjoy it.


                            • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                              Right there you just explained why some of the work had to be done. The layout doesn't suit its game play. Things would have needed a change. Not merely opening up a few areas. You're looking at a game where eight players can stroll through these locations using all kinds of tactics and creating all kinds of chaos. In campaign you have more of a threat being taken down by Spec Ops than you do actual BOWs. I know that's a problem for some, but this was how the game was designed. It doesn't copy and paste the look of the PS1 sequels or PS2 outbreaks. It recreates with some similarity, but the main focus is for its game play. That's why these maps are much larger and don't copy the look of the survival horror scope from the early games.

                              You say it's lazy, and would probably argue it's not creative like others have said. But making your own stuff is never lazy. It does take effort. Regardless, you can still spot each location and know where it's supposed to be in the city.
                              As I said, there aren't a huge number of streets in RE2, and not that many more in RE3. Unless you need full on, run and gun action all the time, why can't these be light action areas transitioning to new, action crammed areas? Why just change the whole layout? Does this game never allow moments where you aren't shooting things in the face?

                              Even if you must be fighting enemies all the times, and have decided that removing barricades and destroyed vehicles to open up some fairly long street areas (how many streets actually ended at a wall or junction and how many were barricaded or had a crashed vehicle?) is just impossible, then you could still use those areas for small, frentic fights with monsters that you'd usually prefer to engage at close range to make more panicking situations.

                              The Raccoon City streets already there could have been incorporated. It's not impossible. Not by any stretch. An area where you aren't fighting Special Forces isn't really that big and impossible, and might even make the monsters more than a background noise from what you've said (something I'd consider another nail in the games coffin - how did the monsters destroy the whole city if guys with guns are so much better than them? Why would Umbrella's B.O.W department, the bit that didn't know Spencer's master plan, make multi-million dollar that your average four man squad with assault rifles can take down?) or just a bit that's quiet and allows for some conversation to enhance the story.

                              Instead they made a whole new city map. Despite what you say, I don't think it was to make the game flow more smoothly. If they wanted to do that they might have done some beta testing. I think it;s the same reason you use guns and see cars from the wrong time period, why information from a wiki is included and why so many people are finding so many bugs - Slant Six just don't have high enough production values to make a game like this, for this big a franchise.


                              • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                                As I said, there aren't a huge number of streets in RE2, and not that many more in RE3. Unless you need full on, run and gun action all the time, why can't these be light action areas transitioning to new, action crammed areas? Why just change the whole layout? Does this game never allow moments where you aren't shooting things in the face?

                                Even if you must be fighting enemies all the times, and have decided that removing barricades and destroyed vehicles to open up some fairly long street areas (how many streets actually ended at a wall or junction and how many were barricaded or had a crashed vehicle?) is just impossible, then you could still use those areas for small, frentic fights with monsters that you'd usually prefer to engage at close range to make more panicking situations.

                                The Raccoon City streets already there could have been incorporated. It's not impossible. Not by any stretch. An area where you aren't fighting Special Forces isn't really that big and impossible, and might even make the monsters more than a background noise from what you've said (something I'd consider another nail in the games coffin - how did the monsters destroy the whole city if guys with guns are so much better than them? Why would Umbrella's B.O.W department, the bit that didn't know Spencer's master plan, make multi-million dollar that your average four man squad with assault rifles can take down?) or just a bit that's quiet and allows for some conversation to enhance the story.

                                Instead they made a whole new city map. Despite what you say, I don't think it was to make the game flow more smoothly. If they wanted to do that they might have done some beta testing. I think it;s the same reason you use guns and see cars from the wrong time period, why information from a wiki is included and why so many people are finding so many bugs - Slant Six just don't have high enough production values to make a game like this, for this big a franchise.
                                To answer your first question. Transitions aren't just something one can magically have done and seam through a previous product. Especially if handled as a different standard. This ties in with your second question. The game is all about shooting. It's a co-op shooter. They aren't here to make another survival horror experience. What we have here is a different team developing their take on the franchise. The ins and outs of placing a new game format in a Resident Evil scenario. Not the same plot, or same level design. Think of it like a bunch of fans making their own mod based on Resident Evil... Except this is officially endorsed and approved by Capcom.

                                Looking at the actual layout of RE3 I can safely say that it takes more than just removing barricades and vehicles to make the layout work for the game play this title incorporates. Especially if being worked on from their own resources. It's not just about making the game play smooth. It's about designing a whole new game experience. You really couldn't accomplish that sticking to a genre this wasn't aiming to be.

                                Your expectations are in the wrong place based on your vision of what could have been. They weren't looking for frantic tight corridors. They were looking for an open wide area to pin multiple players in so they can brawl and fight in stylistic action. Throw in some BOWs and you got ORC. Nothing more and nothing less.

                                If you don't agree or accept that outlook that's fine. But chalking it up to sheer laziness isn't the case. Someone took the time to create these areas from the ground up. That takes some form of effort. Your problem is you preferred a specific layout that just wasn't going to fit this game. That doesn't mean the developers were lazy in making their own layout. It means you didn't get what you wanted.

