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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
Originally posted by Zombie Fred View PostI'm glad they're going to forget about making this game canon and actually playing around with the "what if" scenario, with Raccoon City. Glad we're going to get multiple endings, and most likely multiple pathways (like how Outbreak played for example) for the scenarios given to the characters here. Single player will be very interesting on what they're going to do for the campaign.
Judging on what this game is about, I personally don't give a toss about it's role in the mainstream RE canon.
I wouldn't mind seeing different outcomes on what would happen if, let's say, Leon S. Kennedy was killed by an Umbrella U.S.S. team in the Raccoon City incident. Maybe "that" could result in an alternate ending that suggests that, let's say, the Umbrella Corporation being cleared of all charges regarding what happened in Raccoon City (thus preventing it's demise in 2003 with Umbrella Japan following suit a year later), and continuing to do business as usual. Completely oblivious to Ozwell E. Spencer's "real" plan regarding Umbrella'a viruses. (see. RE5)
While the RE characters we all know and love (who oppose Umbrella, that is...) end up either: -
- Dead. (killed by Umbrella's goons, driven to suicide, etc.)
- Imprisoned.
- Being put into mental institutions.
- Get captured by Umbrella and end becoming test subjects for Umbrella's future B.O.W. experiments.
Just in case you are wondering ... Yes, I do have a wild imagination.Last edited by Shadow Stalker; 03-29-2011, 12:14 AM.
Originally posted by xfactor View PostLost Planet 2 have not been received well by the critics. 1up, IGN, Gamespot, Eurogamers have gave a 5-6ish review scores for that game. Not specular sales-wise either. Its not just LP2. All the titles that Jun Takeuchi has slight involvement with (Bionic Commando, Dead Rising Wii, Final Fight: Double Impact etc) seems to bring down Capcom's reputation instead. Not really his doing, but it seems he is a jinx or something.
Kobayashi have moved on to creating the Sengoku Basara franchise right after RE4. It is very popular in Japan, especially with the ladies. They even created an anime and manga series, trading cards etc out from that game series.
Suffice to say, I'm not a fan of Kawata. UC left too much of a bad taste in my mouth, though I've heard positive things about DSC. Really wish they would port those games to the PS3, with added Move functionality of course. It worked for Dead Space: Extraction. See Capcom, that's how you do a horror-themed light gun shooter.See you in hell.
Originally posted by Shadow Stalker View PostWhile the RE characters we all know and love (who oppose Umbrella, that is...) end up either: -
- Dead. (killed by Umbrella's goons, driven to suicide, etc.)
- Imprisoned.
- Being put into mental institutions.
- Get captured by Umbrella and end becoming test subjects for Umbrella's future B.O.W. experiments.[/B]
Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View PostAh, a shame about Takeuchi then. I liked Bionic Commando, and Double Impact looked somewhat interesting to me. Completely agree with Dead Rising Wii however, what a god damn mess. Also, nice to see that Kobayashi is doing well for himself, I hope he returns to the series at some point. He's proven himself as a capable producer, look at REmake and RE4 for example. Yes, RE4 is thin on the ground in terms of plot and narrative but it was a critical and commercial success.
Suffice to say, I'm not a fan of Kawata. UC left too much of a bad taste in my mouth, though I've heard positive things about DSC. Really wish they would port those games to the PS3, with added Move functionality of course. It worked for Dead Space: Extraction. See Capcom, that's how you do a horror-themed light gun shooter.
Most likely that Tekuchi had bad luck with the projects he worked on, or had bad ideas that didn't go right with the games he worked on (Lost Planet 2 for example). Kawata's been a great producer on the series, always working on the horror side of things. Revelations and Operation Raccoon City will be two good games to see how his work has been on.
The problem with FF: DI is in the PS Store detailed decription in the US only they didn't mention the DRM.
Not that anyone ever reads that crap, it was just whines from people who could not gameshare and noticed something they thought could use as a reason to try get it changed.
Expect the same DRM on RE4/CVX, Capcom seem to be using it for all games now.Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."
The character art reminds me of this
Ghost from Starcraft 2.
And did I read somewhere in some of the massive threads something about cloaking?
That's one thing that really shits me with the needless retconning - The technologies in game that are out of place in a game set in 1998. Although it's modern history, things like video calls (UC: Death's door), cloning (Sergei in UC), just weren't like that in 1998.Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 03-29-2011, 05:58 AM.sigpic
Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View PostAlthough it's modern history, things like video calls (UC: Death's door), cloning (Sergei in UC), just weren't like that in 1998.See you in hell.
Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View PostWe had cloned sheep by 1998, and given Umbrella's vast resources and lack of ethical inflexibility, I'm pretty sure it's somewhat feasible. Video calls, yeah. Not sure if we had those.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Maybe Capcom is pulling a Terminator, and the USS are actually from the future. I suppose it would explain why a lowly rookie cop who hasn't done anything even remotely threatening to Umbrella yet is such an apparently high value target for a hit squad.
Hey, at this point, I wouldn't put anything past Capcom.
Of course, if they were going back in time, it doesn't really make sense why they would bother destroying evidence of Umbrella's involvement, since, you know, the tactical nuke kind of took care of that for them. They'd really only need to kill the survivors.