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Biohazard 2: Pre-Released v7a (Trial Edition Hack)

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  • Biohazard 2: Pre-Released v7a (Trial Edition Hack)

    So I've been through a few playthroughs if this now, and I've noticed a lot of strange things each time I've went through. I can't remember the specific in and outs of BH2, so I don't know everything which did and didn't make the final cut, but...

    The first time I played through, after a certain point, like solving the library puzzle, I made my way back to the briefing room with the fireplace, and two zombies burst through the windows onto the floor. The second time however, when I got back to this point, the zombies arms burst through the windows and grabbed me instead. Does anyone know what specific thing triggers this event? Also, the first time I played through I encountered 1.5 Sherry, but the second time I didn't.

    The only major thing I can really say I did differently, was that on the first playthrough I left the red stones alone and played through untill I needed them, where as on the second playthrough I got them imidiately. I can't think of anything else that would make it change.


    I also noticed that the light effects in the library started getting pretty random the more I played. I thought it was an item at first. Kind of pointless, but it's interesting to see them scattered around like this.

    I just noticed the puzzle's reset!
    Last edited by Guest; 04-24-2011, 07:54 PM.

  • #2
    I'd like to be able to get betas onto my psp does anyone know how


    • #3
      Anyone? I've done a couple of playthroughs today and I've yet to recreate what I experienced the other day. It seems me and my friend (I played it with him) played an absolute freak, yet absolute perfect playthrough to see things which aren't common in this build. Does anyone know anything about the small events that take place in BH2? The conditions on how they're activated? I'd be interested to know. Here's the noticable difference which were encountered, I tried differing my play to match that of the freak playthrough but can't get things to turn out the same.

      Freak/Perfect Playthrough

      Zombies dived through the windows onto the floor outside the briefing room.
      1.5 Sherry was encountered.
      Crows burst through the windows next to the helipad.

      Following Playthroughs

      Zombies arms burst through the windows.
      1.5 Sherry was not encountered.
      Crows remained in the corridoor next to the helipad, did not burst through windows.

      Everytime I've tried to recreate the freak playthrough I've experienced that on plathrough two instead. Only thing I can think of that we did specifically, was we avioded the red stones untill we absolutely needed them, the only other things I can think of was possibly the order we picked up items, or the fact that a few times our inventory was full and had to leave items behind. There has to be something which causes this to happen, there also has to be something which prevents it from happening, exactly what I that is I don't know.
      Last edited by Guest; 04-24-2011, 07:54 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jimmyjoejangles View Post
        I'd like to be able to get betas onto my psp does anyone know how
        You have to have a custom firmware installed to run those and use the PSP>PSX converter to make them into the right image. Also you need a modified battery such as Pandora or mod your own by cutting traces in the battery itself. The modded battery lets you get into service mode and lets you install the custom firmware.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • #5
          I'd love to know what's going on in the flags with this build, because lol, there seems to be no consistency what so ever. Perhaps it's partly down to the fact that the build has been hacked, but the smallest thing seems to make changes to how certain rooms are supposed to behave in a big way, and if you don't do it exactly right you miss your chance at seeing it. The flags are hella messed up lol. I think I figured out how to make the zombies and crows come through the windows, however I've yet figure out how to make Sherry appear. It's really strange (I made more efforts to reproduce step by step what we did), it seems that going down from the helipad and out to the car park, in to the shed (bugged room jump), back out to the carpark, back up to the save room and back down to the shed before "it's unsafe to go back outside," is what causes these two scenes to change.

          There's actually quite a few possible scenarios for these events on disc, just the tiniest and most random thing triggers them and even makes them different. For example, the zombies coming through the windows can be triggered from both sides of their corridoor, even though a perfectly flowing game (such as the design of this build suggests) would only allow one, also there's a few different ways the crows can be set-up in their corridoor as well.

          I'd love to have a flag menu in this build, just so I could see what's actually going on in this pile of mess. I played through the retail version for a while as well and it seems at this point (in the Trial Edition) Capcom were really messing around with how things were to be. They didn't know if they were going to do it this way or that way, as opposed to the retail version which is very sure on how things are to be (quite obviously). It's just strange how doing things, like stepping foot in an unlocked map multiple times changes things so dramatically. Perhaps it's the back end of one of the alternate scenarios (A/B), and entering rooms in a specific way somehow tricks the game into doing things in a different way. Who knows? It's still pretty interesting.

          Now I just need to figure out how to encounter Sherry again...
          Last edited by Guest; 04-24-2011, 11:27 PM.


          • #6
            Upa made a little hack...

            I was bored, so I messed with the BH2 Trial Edition and created this:
            Unlock Scenario B Hack

            Basically it is just a very cheap way of allowing you to explore the RPD via the back entrance without using room modifiers.
            Perhaps you'll get some enjoyment out of it, so I thought I'd upload it for you!

            It's quite possible that you'll be able to encounter different scenes by entering the RPD from the back, so have some happy exploring!
            Oh, 1.5 Sherry/Memory Viewer and Difficulty Select are also included!

            I have created a huge pile of minor hacks for the Trial Edition such as this one:
            YouTube video:

            I think I'll upload them all when I have some free time!
            Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-25-2011, 08:29 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
              I was bored, so I messed with the BH2 Trial Edition and created this:
              Unlock Scenario B Hack

              Basically it is just a very cheap way of allowing you to explore the RPD via the back entrance without using room modifiers.
              Perhaps you'll get some enjoyment out of it, so I thought I'd upload it for you!

              It's quite possible that you'll be able to encounter different scenes by entering the RPD from the back, so have some happy exploring!
              Oh, 1.5 Sherry/Memory Viewer and Difficulty Select are also included!

              I have created a huge pile of minor hacks for the Trial Edition such as this one:
              YouTube video:

              I think I'll upload them all when I have some free time!
              Nice! I'll give it a try!


              • #8
                This is pretty buggy man lol. It crashes at Kendo's Gun Shop on console and crashes at 2F Hall on an emulator... Might I ask, how did you do this? With Mark Grass' tool?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by geluda View Post
                  This is pretty buggy man lol. It crashes at Kendo's Gun Shop on console and crashes at 2F Hall on an emulator... Might I ask, how did you do this? With Mark Grass' tool?
                  Just tested the hack myself...
                  It crashes as soon as you try to access Main Hall 2F from the 2F save room. (I can only test my hacks on the PSP - no Kendo Gunshop crash there...)
                  And this happens in both the BH2 Trial Edition and the RE2 Preview.

                  I'm afraid, I have no clue why it does this but I am quite sure that it has nothing to do with my hack.
                  But I'll use the room modifier code with the normal, non-hacked Trial Edition to see if that also makes it crash on the 2F main Hall door just to be sure!
                  It looks like the game doesn't want you to enter Main Hall 2F from the wrong side for some reason.
                  The Trial Edition, and even more so the RE2 Preview are infamous for featuring lots of unexpected crashing points if you access rooms you aren't meant to explore in the demo normally.

                  I guess I'll try some further door realigning to see if I can skip that crashing point somehow.

                  What is "Mark Grass' Tool", by the way?
                  I haven't used any special tools to do this, just CDMage to extract the RDT files from the disc image and a Hex Editor to hack them.
                  (And my old notes on how to hack the RDT files - MartinBiohazard/Dark Biohazard was kind enough to write them for me some years ago when I had no clue about RDT hacking)
                  Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-25-2011, 12:30 PM.


                  • #10

                    I was reffering to BIOFAT... Thanks for taking a look at it! Didn't think this would have been a hex edit, how do you know what to look for? Probably too much of a technical question... I wouldn't mind learning to do this my self.


                    • #11
                      RE2 RDT Hacking for beginners

                      Originally posted by geluda View Post
                      Thanks for taking a look at it! Didn't think this would have been a hex edit, how do you know what to look for? Probably too much of a technical question... I wouldn't mind learning to do this my self.
                      It's easy if you know how to use your hex editor and have some notes to work with!

                      Here's some tutorial-ish stuff Dark_Biohazard shared with me when I asked him for advice some years ago (I knew nothing about RDT hacking back then):
                      Originally posted by Dark_Biohazard
                      So here's an explanation from Dark_Biohazard on how to do enemy/character replacements via RDT hacking:
                      Hola, pues, no es algo facil que digamos, pero tampoco es dificil. Primero que nada usted necesita un editor hexadedimal, yo uso Hex Workshop. Lo que usted debe editar son los archivos *.RDT, cada unos de estos archivos pertenecen a cada habitacion del juego, por ejemplo, ROOM1000.RDT es en donde se comienza el juego en el escenario A, ROOM1010.RDT es el Kendo Gun Shop, etc.

                      Aqui usted encontrara la completa descripcion de cada *.RDT:

                      Ahora lo que usted debe hacer para hacer que Kendo, Annette este con usted, primero buscar dentro de los *.RDT los numeros 4400. Usted generalmente encontrara algo asi:

                      4400 001F 4010 0001 ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? 0000 0000

                      4400 011F 0000 0001 ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? 0000 0000



                      Cada una de estas lineas son de 0x16 bytes.

                      Usted debera cambiar ese numero por el personaje o enemigo que usted quiera. Para saber que numero pertenece a cada uno, usted debera ver los archivos EM???.TIM y EM???.EMD con una herramienta como TIMViewer para ver los archivos TIM, o en el link que le deje mas arriba, en donde contiene la descripcion de cada enemigo y personaje.

                      Por ejemplo, si usted quere que Claire este con Leon, debera hacer esto:

                      4400 FF51 0004 041F 00FF


                      Aqui encontrara mas informacion sobre la linea 4400:

                      Espero que me entienda.
                      It's in Spanish tough, so you might need a translator...

                      I hope Dark_Biohazard does not mind that I am sharing this but I guess it is common knowledge by now anyways. If he did not want to have it shared he wouldn't have explained it to me in the first place, I guess.
                      You should follow this link to get all the info on the structure of the RDT files you need:

                      And here's my own list of which RDT file in RE2 corresponds to which room:

                      This wiki is any Resident Evil hackers best friend:
                      (You might want to ignore that during your first tries. The stuff in there is not really necessary for simple enemy/item replacements and door realignment anyways)

                      And here's a list of values for enemies, items and so on:
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-25-2011, 12:53 PM.


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the info!

                        I figured out how to unlock Sherry. It's pretty simple really, you just have to make your way through the police station until you reach the carpark and when you do, go out into the other side of the streets (pretty simple :/). It's weird, for whatever reason when you go into the streets and exit the shed into the carpark (not using the weird room jump, acually using that exit without triggering the zombies coming in) the game automatically switches from scenario A to scenario B, everything else stays the same (puzzles, items, enemies, etc) except for events or scenarios, like the crows, the zombie barriers, or Sherry. Perhaps at this point they were testing things with flags as opposed to actually being hard coded into the game.

                        It's quite clear Capcom built this game with both scenarios side by side, by this point they'd already thought out how things were going to behave on both sides, we just weren't supposed to see it. Pretty interesting. It's evident in the shared beta as well, as a lot of content is incomplete, yet both scenario A and scenario B are there... It makes me wonder whether this was the plan for 1.5 as well, they sure had a good idea on what they were doing with 2. Saying that, I suppose the producers had long enough to think during 1.5's development to see what was wrong and how they then wanted to take it.

                        Sorry if I'm repeating old stuff lol, this hack is two years old, it's still new to me though, I find it interesting just seeing how it works and what Capcom were doing at this point in development.
                        Last edited by Guest; 04-25-2011, 08:03 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by geluda View Post
                          I figured out how to unlock Sherry
                          Great discovery!
                          I always wondered what you have to do in order to make her appear but I never found an explanation myself.

                          This also explains why the Crow scene in that one corridor was different in that hack I uploaded yesterday!


                          • #14
                            So if I wanted to reroute one of the doors, how would I do it? Is this too much to explain? I understand if it's a pain... The original authour of the hack seems to have abandoned it, and I want to add more rooms at the end of the trial. I understand the reason he left them out is because they have no door and can't be exited, however this doesn't really bother me as at the end of the trial you have nothing left to do anyway but turn the game off. I wouldn't mind finishing with the tortue room (?), the one you posted with the placeholder art for the bear, as this is by far the most incomplete and interesting room in the trial (at least imo). Obviously I don't know if it works, this is just something I'm thinking of trying to do, I'm thinking of trying to route it from the cells as it's an out of the way room that doesn't force you into it unless you choose to go in there and would still let you leave the basement should you choose not to...
                            Last edited by Guest; 04-26-2011, 02:45 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by geluda View Post
                              So if I wanted to reroute one of the doors, how would I do it? Is this too much to explain? I understand if it's a pain... The original authour of the hack seems to have abandoned it, and I want to add more rooms at the end of the trial. I understand the reason he left them out is because they have no door and can't be exited, however this doesn't really bother me as at the end of the trial you have nothing left to do anyway but turn the game off. I wouldn't mind finishing with the tortue room (?), the one you posted with the placeholder art for the bear, as this is by far the most incomplete and interesting room in the trial (at least imo). Obviously I don't know if it works, this is just something I'm thinking of trying to do...
                              You can actually access the torture room via one of the doors in the basement in this hack, if I remember correctly.
                              But as you said yourself, there's no way of leaving the room once inside...

                              Anyways, give me a few minutes and I'll write you a step by step on how to relink the doors with a hex editor!
                              Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-26-2011, 02:44 PM.

