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Leon Scott Kennedy: Study Case

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  • #16
    Chris was pretty big in CODE: Veronica, too. They definitely slimmed him down for REmake.

    Though it's interesting to note that in the rendered character artwork for CV, Chris is much closer in build to his REmake model. It's his in-game and cg cutscene models that are decidedly larger.
    Last edited by Archelon; 07-10-2011, 02:18 PM.


    • #17
      Leon Kennedy: Filed under >> Ada Wong's Soulmate


      • #18
        Originally posted by Archelon
        Chris was pretty big in CODE: Veronica, too. They definitely slimmed him down for REmake.
        I think that it makes perfect sense in the end. If you compare Chris in the original and his Remake counterpart, you notice that they made Chris less tougher. They wanted to make him look softer in his personnality, so a tough body doesn't make sense anymore and that's probably why Mikami decided to make him look more skinny. It's the contrary with Jill, she appears to be tougher in REmake, probably because the gap between Chris and Jill had to be less obvious than in the original. In the original it was more like : weak woman and tough guy. In the REmake it's more : average woman and average man.

        That's also probably why it's striking to see the differences between Chris REmake and Chris RE5, because I think Takeuchi changed Chris according to the image he had of him in the original rather than in REmake.

        Hmm, so I suppose all the personnal data for the characters in RE1 aren't very relevant to their REmake persona. Chris certainly is not 80 kg in REmake nor Jill is 50 kg.
        That makes it interesting, because it can explain how Leon in RE4 could appear a bit tougher than Chris REmake in that case.
        Last edited by Grem; 07-12-2011, 06:11 AM.

