John (Clemens, I believe?) =/= Robert Kendo, esp. with this new info. They don't even look much alike imo. Kendo is just loosely physically based on the old John design, but they are now distinctly two separate entities as far as I'm concerned.
That is Birkin. Either there's an unknown tyrant boss we've never seen, or they just used the term tyrant to describe Birkin. I think he's still referring to Birkin. Unless Elza's scenario gets a separate tyrant boss. I would assume Birkin though for now, until/unless new info or media supports a tyrant other than him (yes, I know technically he's a G mutation, not a Tyrant). There's still enough unknown info though to not know for sure.
And William was transformed in a tyrant to the final battle???
That's weird...I've always thought he was going to transform into this...
That's weird...I've always thought he was going to transform into this...