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Wesker's Report - Canonicity Debate (or the Official "WTF Hiroki Kato!?" Thread)

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    you guys need to grow up


    • Well, can't say I didn't try...although I'm sure a few people will.

      Such is life.

      Back on topic, please.


      • Poor soul. But I do wish to cover the grounds of a "canonicity debate" by delving into the matters of.... why it matters. And for that News Bot holds my answers firm.

        We are after all striving for more knowledge on how a man that wears sunglasses at night could muck up something so trivial as to how a masked grunt managed to get hold of a virus.

        Originally posted by News Bot View Post
        You're a poster child for what I was saying earlier about over-estimating how much anyone cares about this stuff. Bahaha.
        So are you saying you haven't spent a fare share amount of man hours of your own time managing and piecing together the outline for a.....a videogame canon.

        I was under the impression you had.


        • And nothing of value was lost.

          One of these days we should ban News Bot, on account of being poor and Irish.
          See you in hell.


          • John, don't make me pretend to be Irish so I can pretend to be British and write the Modest Proposal 2.0. I'll do it. I'll do it.

            Haters gonna hate.


            • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
              Poor soul. But I do wish to cover the grounds of a "canonicity debate" by delving into the matters of.... why it matters. And for that News Bot holds my answers firm.

              We are after all striving for more knowledge on how a man that wears sunglasses at night could muck up something so trivial as to how a masked grunt managed to get hold of a virus.

              So are you saying you haven't spent a fare share amount of man hours of your own time managing and piecing together the outline for a.....a videogame canon.

              I was under the impression you had.
              It's something the dude enjoys. And some of the nuggets he digs up are fascinating. I mean, a lot of people look at me - squinting my eyes to paint tiny metal men to fight pretend battles, creating pretend characters so I can pretend to be a Dwarf (I fantasize about not banging my head on stuff all the time) or writing stories no one will read. I enjoy it, but other people give me funny looks.

              At least News Bot's weird hobbies are somewhat useful in finding out what the hell is actually going on and answering some of the questions botched up translations have raised for us Gaijin scum.


              • Oh wait. That was a funny look. My apologies. Do what you like.

                But do tell.... What are these so called fascinating things discovered? I was under the impression the games cover a pretty simplistic background of events. Evil corporation houses evil people to make viruses that create evil things. An eight year-old could write this stuff.

                None of the characters are that developed that go beyond their usual cliche'd outlook on things.

                The simple truth of it is that Wesker's Report at the end of the day was a pre-order bonus. Had some fun tidbits for the fans (which are the product's primary target) but it's no more than a mere passage of recapped events followed by stuff they should have covered in Code Veronica (like Wesker's rebirth...his reappearance is awkward if you played it on Dreamcast like I did).


                • Well, it's stuff I find fascinating, but I've always liked the Resident Evil plot. But as you desire...

         - Previously unknown plot elements for 1.5, and other plot details like Brad was the only S.T.A.R.S member to agree with Irons and not get suspended.

         - Details about the creation of Nemesis.

         - And of course...a Chronology so complete that Snow from Capcom mentions it in his blog.

                  Those are just three things I, personally, found particularly interesting. And only stuff from 2011. Your mileage obviously varies.


                  • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                    Poor soul. But I do wish to cover the grounds of a "canonicity debate" by delving into the matters of.... why it matters. And for that News Bot holds my answers firm.

                    We are after all striving for more knowledge on how a man that wears sunglasses at night could muck up something so trivial as to how a masked grunt managed to get hold of a virus.

                    So are you saying you haven't spent a fare share amount of man hours of your own time managing and piecing together the outline for a.....a videogame canon.

                    I was under the impression you had.
                    Sure, it's something I do in my free time. Is that a bad thing? Some people cosplay at anime conventions, play board games, write reviews, make videos on YouTube. I write for a Biohazard website in some of my spare time. You make it sound like it's the only thing my life consists of which is, to be blunt, pretty stupid. I happen to enjoy the story and find it interesting and just plain fun. It's entertainment, nothing more. The fact that you simply don't enjoy it like other people does not give you the right to act snooty and holier-than-thou and start backhand insulting the people that do enjoy it.

                    Nobody cares about your opinion in this topic, to be frank. If you want to bash the story of a video game and the people who enjoy it, go make a different topic for it. All you're doing here is derailing a topic. What you're doing is like shouting at a midget for being small. Your opinion in this topic is irrelevant and repeating it won't change that.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Fascinating? I could see for some, but not essential need-to-know stuff. Amounts to about as much as finding out Jill likes strawberries. Regardless isn't Snow a sort of poster child to represent "Capcom gamers"? :/

                      Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      Sure, it's something I do in my free time. Is that a bad thing? Some people cosplay at anime conventions, play board games, write reviews, make videos on YouTube. I write for a Biohazard website in some of my spare time. You make it sound like it's the only thing my life consists of which is, to be blunt, pretty stupid. I happen to enjoy the story and find it interesting and just plain fun. It's entertainment, nothing more. The fact that you simply don't enjoy it like other people does not give you the right to act snooty and holier-than-thou and start backhand insulting the people that do enjoy it.
                      I think it's more than just mere entertainment. You've dedicated a website and topics about it. I watch 'Dexter' when it comes on. I do not make a Dexter site and discuss aspects of the series from the books to the game to the television show.

                      You also seem to imply that I dislike it. It's not so much that it's me hating on the plot. There's just not much of a plot to hate. The characters are walking cliche's that fill those cliche's out to their fullest. And the story only serves as to move your player character in a scenario where they're pinned into fighting zombies and monsters. It's a game first and a story second. The story has to be sacrificed at the expense of the game play. That's why we have these scraps, scenarios, etc.

                      Nobody cares about your opinion in this topic, to be frank. If you want to bash the story of a video game and the people who enjoy it, go make a different topic for it. All you're doing here is derailing a topic. What you're doing is like shouting at a midget for being small. Your opinion in this topic is irrelevant and repeating it won't change that.
                      I think you care. At least enough to address me back. I'm not bashing you. I'm trying to prevent that sort of thing from happening based on your obsession. You should be thanking me. But if it means anything I do commend you for your service to fans out there like you. I might give you a holier than thou outlook but then again I wouldn't make a website as you did which upon after my accomplishments I stir up the pot by showcasing my knowledge while at the same time getting some answers. Now that is the fascinating aspect to your character.


                      • Not even going to bother pointing out how moronic your post is, but calling it an "obsession" is a flat-out insult, no way around that. I guess Dot50Cal, Yama, cvxfreak, Project Omega, Prime Blue and so on are all obsessed? They've put in the same effort as I have and have done so for years before I ever even thought of running a website (which I didn't even start). I only really got into the story in general in 2006. You're just here to shit-stir, so please stop posting. We all do this because to us, it is entertainment. It is something we enjoy. A lot of us have our own websites about it, the same way there are fan-sites for Metal Gear Solid, Dead Space, Silent Hill and so on. Your Dexter example is a reflection only of how you don't care as much as other people about it or enjoy the same aspects as they do, because there are fans of Dexter that do indeed do all that stuff. Is every single webmaster of these kind of sites obsessed? To say that they are would point more to you being a dick than anything else. We all have lives outside of the Internet, you running your mouth practically saying we don't and then going all amateur psychologist and trying to examine the character of someone's Internet persona says more about you than us.
                        Last edited by News Bot; 06-28-2011, 07:13 AM.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • So having an obsession is always a bad thing? And it's not suggesting you have no life. But rather it's that you've worked it into your life. Even a portion of your life running your site and discussing in debates over it. I'm obsessed with chicken kiev to the point where I'm going to make my partner and her mother teach me how to cook it so I could spare them the expense of preparing it for me. Having it all the time might be considered a bad thing to people but I thoroughly enjoy it more than most foods. I imagine Resident Evil is your chicken kiev.

                          An obsession (some might say addiction) doesn't become a problem unless others get affected by it. And from what I've seen here your topic has lead to the actions of a user being banned and possibly more. Not suggesting it's your fault, but you seeking the truth has lead to this situation.

                          I myself want to prepare my own chicken kiev to leave others out of making it for me whenever I feel like it. I acknowledge my obsession as something more and that's the first step.
                          Last edited by Smiley; 06-28-2011, 07:16 AM.


                          • I like going for a walk and watch TV sometimes.
                            Not sure if the walk thing is an obsession, though.
                            Last edited by Guest; 06-28-2011, 09:49 AM.


                            • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                              An obsession (some might say addiction) doesn't become a problem unless others get affected by it. And from what I've seen here your topic has lead to the actions of a user being banned and possibly more. Not suggesting it's your fault, but you seeking the truth has lead to this situation.
                              You don't think the guy showing up in a thread, randomly demanding a member who hasn't done anything wrong be banned, being rude to other members and ignoring moderator instructions despite being asked several times not to, even point blank telling him all he needed to do not to be banned was not be a dick, might have more to do with being banned?


                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                What you're doing is like shouting at a midget for being small.
                                Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 06-28-2011, 10:17 AM.

