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Wesker's Report - Canonicity Debate (or the Official "WTF Hiroki Kato!?" Thread)

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  • Sometimes I even knit. But just smaller things, like socks and hats.


    • So how about that Resident Evil canon?

      Crazy stuff, huh?


      • Originally posted by Prime Blue View Post
        I like going for a walk and watch TV sometimes.
        Not sure if the walk thing is an obsession, though.
        You're confusing a necessity with an obsession.

        You don't think the guy showing up in a thread, randomly demanding a member who hasn't done anything wrong be banned, being rude to other members and ignoring moderator instructions despite being asked several times not to, even point blank telling him all he needed to do not to be banned was not be a dick, might have more to do with being banned?
        Of course, and as I said it's not to say that it's News Bot's fault but the fact remains that his topic did attract such attention from a user.

        I mean if News Bot was taking what I said lightly then I'd think I was overestimating. But he seems pretty defensive even to the point of calling me a dick. I was afraid something like this might happen.
        Last edited by Smiley; 06-28-2011, 01:06 PM.


        • Is walking a necessity?

          I mean, you could drive, ride a bike, rollerskate, skateboard, etc, to your destination.


          • I think it is. Your body was given legs for a reason. And there have been cases where the lack of using them can do more harm than good to your body. There are people who choose not to use them and some who are unable to yet wish they could. It's amazing what people take for granted.


            • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
              Of course, and as I said it's not to say that it's News Bot's fault but the fact remains that his topic did attract such attention from a user.
              I...if a user trolls, it's the fault of the thread? It shouldn't drawn there evil, slitted eye? My mind has been blown.

              Alright, I've said it before and I'll say it again in ten minutes I suspect, but back on topic. If you wish to complain that people enjoying canon is an obsession, call for random bannings or insult folks, please find somewhere else to do it.


              • This topic attracts the attention. If your mind is blown at obvious bait I can't help you there. But you seemed very attached to this topic, and even to the point of brushing me off.

                I would like for this to get back on topic so can I ask why it matters how HUNK obtained the G-virus according to the report? It really doesn't. The fact is he got it. And it didn't amount to much since the company crashed and burned. Really it served no more than to have a minigame objective. When you think about it HUNK in a lot of ways is a lot like tofu. He might not look like tofu, or taste like tofu, but he certainly had the same appeal and character that amounts to about as much as tofu. You wouldn't have even really known the difference in playing a masked character with no personality to him or playing with a piece of tofu.

                The whole idea that they're trying to make HUNK some important part of the next Resident Evil game shows how desperate they are. Using a character that has Boba Fett status and trying to give him some kind of role..... hmmm.....

                Last edited by Smiley; 06-28-2011, 01:54 PM.


                • I don't think it seems like he's brushing you off. What he's trying to say is that there is never really an excuse for all out spamming/trolling. "Ban News Bot, ban News Bot, he's a dick" is immature and not acceptable. If you wanna debate, fine, if you wanna argue, whatever but don't be suprised if someone reports it. Posting crap, calling other members annoying and a dick, insulting a mod (an anonymous mod whom Fruit Salad had no idea who DM was referring to).. that's not the fault of the thread, it's the user. We are all adults, and we should be able to exercise some level of self control.
                  Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 06-28-2011, 02:00 PM.


                  • You see I thought so too until I was called a dick. And I'm not the one asking for anyone to be banned or leave the topic.


                    • Then report it. We're not omniscient (despite what Darkmoon's beard may prompt you to think), and Fruit Salad only got a kick in the arse after News Bot took the time to PM us all about what had been going on and linked to the posts. If someone outright called you a dick, report it, and chances are they'll get an infraction for it too.


                      • Why can't we all just play Team Fortress 2?
                        See you in hell.


                        • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                          You see I thought so too until I was called a dick. And I'm not the one asking for anyone to be banned or leave the topic.
                          I didn't call you a dick:

                          Is every single webmaster of these kind of sites obsessed? To say that they are would point more to you being a dick than anything else.
                          I was being sarcastic to begin with because you can't possibly think every single webmaster is obsessed.

                          Anyway, shut up please. That's at least two or three worthless pages of off-topic bullshit now.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                            This topic attracts the attention. If your mind is blown at obvious bait I can't help you there. But you seemed very attached to this topic, and even to the point of brushing me off.
                            I'm not trying to brush you off - I'm trying go get the thread back on topic. I have no personal attachment to this thread, but my job. I don't like threads going off topic like this, and it's annoying the hell outta me that I keep having to come back and deal with it again.

                            Honestly? I don't understand why you, or Fruit Salad, found this topic so vile and offensive. So you guys don't like this level of detail with your plot? That's fine. Close the thread and move on. As it stand, both of you (although more politely in your case) seem to be going, 'I don't like this level of plot detail, and shall now attempt to piss on it from a great height.' We get you don't care, don't think it's important, don't want to read about it - but other people do. You can make a thread about how much you don't care if you like. Although that seems an odd thing to do. But would you kindly let the folks who do care get back to there chat?

                            Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                            Then report it. We're not omniscient (despite what Darkmoon's beard may prompt you to think), and Fruit Salad only got a kick in the arse after News Bot took the time to PM us all about what had been going on and linked to the posts. If someone outright called you a dick, report it, and chances are they'll get an infraction for it too.
                            I read every post on the forums, but I miss stuff. Sometimes I'm tired, sometimes I'm in a rush, sometimes it's a wall of text on a subject I don't give a crap about. Sadly, despite the attempts of various doctors to genetically enhanced me to homo superiors, I'm still human. If someone insults you, report it. Then move along.


                            • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                              Why can't we all just play Team Fortress 2?
                              I concur. Steam ID, sir?

                              Cause honestly, the rest of this thread is giving me this vibe:

                              Maybe it's just me, but I don't see the point of arguing like this, espeicially online. Newsbot and Smiley can agree to disagree on the importance of RE's canon, now kiss and makeup you two.


                              • You know I want to address posts towards me but in doing so I'm risking my account.

                                Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                I didn't call you a dick:

                                I was being sarcastic to begin with because you can't possibly think every single webmaster is obsessed.

                                Anyway, shut up please. That's at least two or three worthless pages of off-topic bullshit now.
                                The implication was that I think every webmaster was. What if I did? The point being that the dick comment was unnecessary and you know it. Sarcasm or otherwise. Doesn't make you look good. Only fans the flames. I would hope you of all people might be a little more professional.

                                If you didn't believe he was trying to shove me off before then it certainly shows now. I provide a on-topic post that gets completely overlooked and I'm told to shut up. The irony being that in trying to stay on topic he only chooses to direct his attention toward off topic remarks.

