It's true Stu (lol I made a rhyme)....... I mean, It's true yes that I have not played Mercs 3D.
You see the game's already out and I've been judging my analysis based on the following:
Capcom's promotional coverage on the game.
Gamer feedback.
Game play videos from Japan.
The game is already out in Japan so I've had enough time to take in footage from that release and weigh it in with what my expectations were when I saw what the game has to offer. My conclusion: Had potential, but falls in line with "bare minimum".
Why do I say rushed? Well Darkmoon provided an excellent quote from Kawata on the matter which was later followed by Iwata during the interview when he said"You chose the genre that would be easier to pour a concentrated amount of content into in a shorter period of time."
Basically it boils down to -Well we're working on Revelations, but we want a RE title to out near the 3DS so let's scrape one together with what we have-
Sure you can argue I'm looking too hard into it, but actually it's very easy to see for your own eyes all the "content" or rather "lack of content" Capcom provided.
They admit Revelations is the one that was moving along first. That is a game that isn't even coming out till 2012. The fact that in between they managed to come up with and release mercs 3D already shows the amount of time and effort wasn't given to it as with Revelations.
But let's look at that content shall we. If I took out RE3's merc characters and enemies (since no one cares about any content that game has to offer :/ all about RE4 and RE5) then thus far there's only eight characters out of the lot with Claire being the only actual new one. You say I can't hold a game accountable until DLC is actually announced or released. Sure I guess not. I'm basing that off past history combined with lack of content. You have Capcom who is known for re-releasing products to include playing through new stages or as additional characters. Then you look at a game like Mercs 3D and say? Where's the rest of the RE4/RE5 stages? Where's Leon? Ada? Sheva? creatures like the reapers? etc.
Apparently adding a nigh time filter makes for having a new stage. And I guess we can all joke along with Kawata that Leon was too busy in Operation: Raccoon City to make the cut into Mercs 3D despite the fact that Claire is in both titles. I really doubt Capcom decided to keep Krauser, HUNK and Claire yet leave Leon out for any reason other than re-release or future port. This was the company that held off Jill and Shuma Gorath (two playable characters in MvC2) when it came time to make a third one so they can release them at $5 dollars a pop for DLC bonuses. It's pretty clever really. If they had all the good main playing characters like Leon, Wesker, Jill and then released DLC of say this guy..... It probably wouldn't make as much sales as opposed to taking out a popular main character and leaving him out for future content.
So uninspired stages with the only new ones being added nighttime ones. Check. Lack of characters. Check. How about unlockables?
From what I've seen the default ones are the Revelations cast which are Chris, Jill and HUNK. Makes sense. You get to unlock the rest and their additional outfits later in the game. And what are they?
Oh....Wait a minute!
Anyway let's look at another pict.....
Well at least the ladies have it going I mean what can go wron......
It's pretty clear where some of these designs came from. Lord knows not every costume is original in this series, but when your latest game has a lackluster lineup that is reminiscent of the previous entry's lineup it makes you look cheap.
About the only thing positive I could say about mercs 3D is that mercs on the go sounds like a great idea. And the modes and upgrades they've looked into could offer plenty of game time. They've even gone out of their way to make the controls more fluid by having you walk and shoot or walk and reload. Problem is that the enemies were designed around the limitations of the past controls. And they've hardly been changed. I've seen too many vids where you can dodge the axe man and cause damage by simply walking back and shooting at the same time as he readies and lowers his axe into empty space.
They've even made it so that you have an indestructible amount of time to heal in the process of running through an axe or chainsaw to avoid a tight spot.
All in all....
And then there's this save issue. I have no loyalty to Capcom. I have enjoyed and been disappointed by them in the past with their products. They are a company that you have to keep skepticism towards and have made every attempt to earn that reputation.
You see the game's already out and I've been judging my analysis based on the following:
Capcom's promotional coverage on the game.
Gamer feedback.
Game play videos from Japan.
The game is already out in Japan so I've had enough time to take in footage from that release and weigh it in with what my expectations were when I saw what the game has to offer. My conclusion: Had potential, but falls in line with "bare minimum".
Why do I say rushed? Well Darkmoon provided an excellent quote from Kawata on the matter which was later followed by Iwata during the interview when he said"You chose the genre that would be easier to pour a concentrated amount of content into in a shorter period of time."
Basically it boils down to -Well we're working on Revelations, but we want a RE title to out near the 3DS so let's scrape one together with what we have-
Sure you can argue I'm looking too hard into it, but actually it's very easy to see for your own eyes all the "content" or rather "lack of content" Capcom provided.
They admit Revelations is the one that was moving along first. That is a game that isn't even coming out till 2012. The fact that in between they managed to come up with and release mercs 3D already shows the amount of time and effort wasn't given to it as with Revelations.
But let's look at that content shall we. If I took out RE3's merc characters and enemies (since no one cares about any content that game has to offer :/ all about RE4 and RE5) then thus far there's only eight characters out of the lot with Claire being the only actual new one. You say I can't hold a game accountable until DLC is actually announced or released. Sure I guess not. I'm basing that off past history combined with lack of content. You have Capcom who is known for re-releasing products to include playing through new stages or as additional characters. Then you look at a game like Mercs 3D and say? Where's the rest of the RE4/RE5 stages? Where's Leon? Ada? Sheva? creatures like the reapers? etc.
Apparently adding a nigh time filter makes for having a new stage. And I guess we can all joke along with Kawata that Leon was too busy in Operation: Raccoon City to make the cut into Mercs 3D despite the fact that Claire is in both titles. I really doubt Capcom decided to keep Krauser, HUNK and Claire yet leave Leon out for any reason other than re-release or future port. This was the company that held off Jill and Shuma Gorath (two playable characters in MvC2) when it came time to make a third one so they can release them at $5 dollars a pop for DLC bonuses. It's pretty clever really. If they had all the good main playing characters like Leon, Wesker, Jill and then released DLC of say this guy..... It probably wouldn't make as much sales as opposed to taking out a popular main character and leaving him out for future content.
So uninspired stages with the only new ones being added nighttime ones. Check. Lack of characters. Check. How about unlockables?
From what I've seen the default ones are the Revelations cast which are Chris, Jill and HUNK. Makes sense. You get to unlock the rest and their additional outfits later in the game. And what are they?
Oh....Wait a minute!
Anyway let's look at another pict.....
Well at least the ladies have it going I mean what can go wron......
It's pretty clear where some of these designs came from. Lord knows not every costume is original in this series, but when your latest game has a lackluster lineup that is reminiscent of the previous entry's lineup it makes you look cheap.
About the only thing positive I could say about mercs 3D is that mercs on the go sounds like a great idea. And the modes and upgrades they've looked into could offer plenty of game time. They've even gone out of their way to make the controls more fluid by having you walk and shoot or walk and reload. Problem is that the enemies were designed around the limitations of the past controls. And they've hardly been changed. I've seen too many vids where you can dodge the axe man and cause damage by simply walking back and shooting at the same time as he readies and lowers his axe into empty space.
They've even made it so that you have an indestructible amount of time to heal in the process of running through an axe or chainsaw to avoid a tight spot.
All in all....
And then there's this save issue. I have no loyalty to Capcom. I have enjoyed and been disappointed by them in the past with their products. They are a company that you have to keep skepticism towards and have made every attempt to earn that reputation.