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Umbrella Chronicles Delayed?

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  • #31
    What are you talking about? I see the zombies react to shots. Plus they're adding lot's of more zombies on screen at once in the Raccon city areas
    The red queen is not the red Queen from the movie (i'ts just based off of the Idea of a sentinent machine in controll of an entire lab) and will not be in raccoon city but in the new area
    I'm excited Even if it doesn't stay true to resident evil it's going to be a scary and difficult game. I Hope

    I think you'll be pleasntly suprised (remember the last time they departed from the basic formula? RE4?)
    Last edited by BLSR1; 07-27-2007, 04:44 PM.


    • #32
      It doesn't sound that good, to me. Plus not having a Wii means I have no real way of commenting on it. Maybe a store here will have a playable version sometime...


      • #33
        Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
        What are you talking about? I see the zombies react to shots. Plus they're adding lot's of more zombies on screen at once in the Raccon city areas
        The red queen is not the red Queen from the movie (i'ts just based off of the Idea of a sentinent machine in controll of an entire lab) and will not be in raccoon city but in the new area
        I'm excited Even if it doesn't stay true to resident evil it's going to be a scary and difficult game. I Hope

        I think you'll be pleasntly suprised (remember the last time they departed from the basic formula? RE4?)


        RE4 May not have been your staple diet of mundane zombies and mansions but it WAS a good game, and the break away from the formula was necessary considering how lackluster some of the RE4 betas turned out to be, and RE0/Outbreak although decent games, lets face it, we received nothing new or innovative from them.

        I don't get why people cling onto the basic/old formula, RE fans can be as monotonous and backward as Castlevania fans, who'd still prefer the same 8bit game with Simon Belmont blipping around lackluster screens of bats and ghouls instead of embracing something different to revitalise a 20 year old series *in this case its what, 12 years old? come on a change was necessary*, are we doomed to wander old mansions shooting 1mph Zombies, laboratories and battling every Virus in the alphabet??? I've played and collected this series from the beginning and i'd drop it if it was so.

        I think 'hardcore gamers fail to realise sometimes that we're (And I include myself here) in the smaller demographic, and developers aim their products for the larger mainstream group of casual gamers who would only pick the game up if it appeared new and interesting, RE4 did that for the most part, Outbreak 2 and its regurgitations if Raccoon City didn't, nor did RE0 although both were 'decent' games, it drove me spare how little the series had changed, even the RE4 beta videos which looked interesting took place in clichéd mansions and so on.

        Anyway...they 'tried' being different here with the gun game, but from what I can see Umbrella Chronicles seems to have a terrible frame rate, terrible collision detection with headshots, and the fact they're even mentioning Red Queen is referential to the movie even if it Isn't the proper Red Queen from it.
        Whats more, WHY REFERENCE RE3 WHEN NOTHING OF MERIT HAPPENED IN IT BESIDES THE DECIMATION OF RACCOON CITY!!!, why was Re2 cut out the mix when its by far in terms of a chronicle in the Umbrella story one the most important parts? It clearly started the destruction of Umbrella after all...
        Its going to be a difficult game because the gun mechanics and shot/detection look dire, half the shots from the demo's I saw did not even register on the zombies, and the game moves at a disastrously slow pace around rehashed backgrounds in the RE mansion, and pretty sluggish areas of Raccoon City.

        This game is a disaster waiting to happen, but thats my $0.02.


        • #34
          Originally posted by The Dude View Post

          RE4 May not have been your staple diet of mundane zombies and mansions but it WAS a good game, and the break away from the formula was necessary considering how lackluster some of the RE4 betas turned out to be, and RE0/Outbreak although decent games, lets face it, we received nothing new or innovative from them.

          Anyway...they 'tried' being different here with the gun game, but from what I can see Umbrella Chronicles seems to have a terrible frame rate, terrible collision detection with headshots, and the fact they're even mentioning Red Queen is referential to the movie even if it Isn't the proper Red Queen from it.
          Whats more, WHY REFERENCE RE3 WHEN NOTHING OF MERIT HAPPENED IN IT BESIDES THE DECIMATION OF RACCOON CITY!!!, why was Re2 cut out the mix when its by far in terms of a chronicle in the Umbrella story one the most important parts? It clearly started the destruction of Umbrella after all...
          Its going to be a difficult game because the gun mechanics and shot/detection look dire, half the shots from the demo's I saw did not even register on the zombies, and the game moves at a disastrously slow pace around rehashed backgrounds in the RE mansion, and pretty sluggish areas of Raccoon City.

          This game is a disaster waiting to happen, but thats my $0.02.
          I'm angry about RE2 not in it but they did'nt say it WHOULD NOT Be in it

          Plus don't judge a game by frame rate when it has'nt been released yet

          Do you even have a Wii? Just asking

          They are giving all the areas the REmake treatment by adding new areas
          Did you see the subway clips? That or they are including the outbreak games which gives hope for Leon and Clair.

          I am excited and think that If you have a wii you should at least rent it

          P.S. I haven't seen frame rate problems so it might be the site you watched them on You Tube is not a good tool to judge framerate


          • #35
            All these shooting type RE games sucked. Only Gun Survivor was somehow better (better than the others, not good), cuz the third person part but overall they SUCKED ASS AND UMBRELLA CHRONICLES WILL SUCK ASS TOO!
            Can't have a good RE game like that!
            And yeah, RE4 doesnt have zombies and stuff, and its more of an action game than a horror game, but frankly, i also got tired of the old RE gameplay, bad controls and all that. And heck, I a big RE fan, since the first one was released on PS. Without RE4 the series could be dead by now...
            Only thing different with old gameplay on a "new" RE game was the remake, but that's BECAUSE it was a remake. It was special in its way, but same thing didnt make RE0 special.
            So all and all, i hope Capcom deosnt waste so much time and money on this kind of shit...they should concentrate on RE5 or something else.


            • #36
              Ok, here I go with the picky comments.

              Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
              I'm angry about RE2 not in it but they did'nt say it WHOULD NOT Be in it

              Plus don't judge a game by frame rate when it has'nt been released yet
              Why can't I judge this game? Everyone jumped on the bandwagon and judged RE5 by seeing the trailer, I saw in game footage of UC, I feel I have a right to judge this game before its release.

              Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
              Do you even have a Wii? Just asking
              No, I don't, My brother does upstairs, so technically, Yeah, I do have access to Wii, have yet to find a game I like on it besides RE4 Wii Edition, besides, why does it even matter if I do or not own one? if I didn't own one lets say, does my opinion not matter because im not up Nintendo's arse and can consider the fact that UC might well and truly stink?

              Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
              They are giving all the areas the REmake treatment by adding new areas
              Did you see the subway clips? That or they are including the outbreak games which gives hope for Leon and Clair.
              I read in a few places, and I think earlier in this topic a link to an interview confirmed the lack of a RE2 part of UC, the subway clips may be a part of RE3 for example, it would make more sense to see Jill running from Nemesis in different areas from the city above and below ground.
              If im wrong about RE2 not being in the game, Fair do's, but so far from what they've revealed, its not there at all.

              I still stand by my opinion that the game looks like a lackluster update to the series, and should be dubbed Gun Survivor 3

              Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
              I am excited and think that If you have a wii you should at least rent it
              I'll one up that, i'll buy the game and if I don't like it, i'll record me breaking the disc if you like *potential insert foot in mouth moment*

              Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
              P.S. I haven't seen frame rate problems so it might be the site you watched them on You Tube is not a good tool to judge framerate
              Finally, please and im being nice here, don't try and patronise me about viewing UC footage or any footage for that matter, i've seen footage on Gamevideos, along with HD footage of UC in motion downloaded elsewhere, I KNOW what im talking about when I say the frame rate slowed alot when too many zombies hit the screen at once, most notably in the city footage with burning scenery in the backround.

              Just my 2 cents. I like to be opinionated about most things, since this is a forum for debate I feel I should be entitled to that even if I didn't own a Wii.


              • #37
                Where to begin...

                They already made Gun survivor 3 it's a japan only game based on Dino Crysis

                It does not matter if you have a wii, It will not affect my decision to buy the game

                In gun survivor you move around by yourself which made the game suck by over complicating the controlls, This game is simpler and can focus more on detail and atmosphere

                it has co-op mode


                • #38
                  Gun Survivor this! Gun Survivor that! Blahblahblah!

                  With the recent revelation that Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles would be a first person shooter, the knee-jerk reaction has been to compare the game to the previous mediocre Gun Survivor series. However, early videos of Umbrella Chronicles, as well as comments by the director and producer about the title, really make this comparison worthless.

                  There were three Biohazard Gun Survivor games created. There was the first on the PSone, released in North America without GunCon compatibility, the second game was a CODE: Veronica derivative without voice acting, and the fourth was called Dead Aim. Umbrella Chronicles is also a first person shooter with traits common to the above three games, there are also many factors that distinguish Umbrella Chronicles from the above three games.

                  1. The three Gun Survivor games weren't exactly the same.
                  Yes, that's right. The three Gun Survivor games have more variation among themselves than the pre-RE4 mainline RE games did among themselves, so to even liken Umbrella Chronicles to "Gun Survivor" is extremely vague given that the games are fairly different from each other.

                  Gun Survivor was completely in first person, with an original cannon plot (thanks RE0!) and branching paths with a find-the-key adventure. Gun Survivor 2, also completely in first person, contained a non-canon plotline with no voice acting or original environments, being based in CODE: Veronica's settings. It was a two player game and was actually released in arcades. Like the original, find-a-key methodology although it was broken up into missions. Gun Survivor 4 was a first person/third person hybrid that emphasized killing zombies, but the third person component alone made it different.

                  So, to say that Umbrella Chronicles is another Gun Survivor means you need to identify which one. Not that many can do that since those who make the comparison probably haven't played the series anyway. superpapermario.jpg

                  The only valid comparisons with the GS series are the first person view and Survivor 2's status as a CODE: Veronica retread (obviously to a far less grand scale).

                  2. Capcom did not develop the first two Gun Survivor games.
                  The fourth one that they developed is actually not that bad of a game, surprisingly. If you're going to liken a Tose-developed game (GS1) and a Namco-developed, CODE: Veronica-based arcade game to Umbrella Chronicles, which has a proven producer (director of RE4 PS2), then I'm going to liken FFXII to those Tose GBA FF ports in the name of fairness.

                  3. The Gun Survivor series had low production values. Umbrella Chronicles has high production values.
                  One look at the graphics will make this very clear. Gun Survivor 1 reused character models from RE2 (literally); Survivor 2 reused the actual CODE: Veronica engine and assets and didn't even have any voice acting. Gun Survivor 4, once again the best one, actually had a pretty good graphics engine, with some of the best blood effects in the series. But Umbrella Chronicles take last-gen RE graphics to a whole new level without stepping into RE5 territory.

                  4. You needed GunCons to get the best Gun Survivor experience. You need what comes with every Wii for Umbrella Chronicles.
                  Yep, in Japan, GunCon bundles doubled the cost of the games. The first Gun Survivor removed support in North America, and the second was never released there either. As expected, controlling the games with a D-Pad severely limited the quick-reaction the Gun Survivor games demanded. But with Umbrella Chronicles, everyone will get to use the Wii controller for the game.

                  5. Umbrella Chronicles actually ties into the main story.
                  Read the press release. We're taking Umbrella down in its stronghold!
                  The Gun Survivor series, on the other hand, were side stories seldom acknowledged by the main plot and this could be deemed forgettable in some respects (although I'll argue Dead Aim was pretty important to the RE4 intro). Anyone looking to have a complete look at the main RE storyline cannot ignore Umbrella Chronicles.

                  6. The Gun Survivor games were short. Umbrella Chronicles is going to be around 15 hours.
                  The first Gun Survivor can be completed in a little over an hour and was designed to be this way. Gun Survivor 2 can be done in less than 20, typical of an actual arcade game. Gun Survivor 4 can be completed in 30 minutes on a super speedrun. The Gun Survivor games are known to be quite short. Umbrella Chronicles, the first time around, will take 15 hours, which is how long RE4 took for many people on the first run.

                  7. Umbrella Chronicles actually goes for gameplay depth.
                  The Gun Survivor games largely were indiscriminate in terms of physics. A headshot was equal to a leg shot in terms of damage. But Umbrella Chronicles integrates headshots and body shots, contains timing hits (so not random firing to hit a boss) and allows for RE4-style reaction dodges and destructible environments. It will also have greater weapon variety and being based on as many as FOUR RE games, the greatest character, enemy, boss and locale variety.

                  8. Umbrella Chronicles is on rails.
                  This means you don't have freeform movement like in the Gun Survivor games. Movement in the first two was often a source of frustration for their awkward and unpolished gameplay (obviously this wasn't a problem with Dead Aim). So even the first person viewpoint comparisons will be a bit problematic.

                  9. If this were a Gun Survivor, Capcom would have said so.
                  I'd be good money an extra six months of development and no association with the Gun Survivor name would have done Dead Aim some good. But Capcom's not calling this a Gun Survivor game because Umbrella Chronicles isn't part of that series.

                  Stop comparing Umbrella Chronicles to the Gun Survivor series. It's an insult. Even if Umbrella Chronicles weren't that great of a game, which looks pretty unlikely at this point, the Gun Survivor games were bad because of lazy gameplay design and low production values. Umbrella Chronicles isn't being hurt by low production values, and videos show the gameplay to be solid, with early impressions


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
                    Where to begin...

                    They already made Gun survivor 3 it's a japan only game based on Dino Crysis

                    It does not matter if you have a wii, It will not affect my decision to buy the game

                    In gun survivor you move around by yourself which made the game suck by over complicating the controlls, This game is simpler and can focus more on detail and atmosphere

                    it has co-op mode
                    Controls are better if you use a mouse...


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by griever666 View Post
                      Controls are better if you use a mouse...
                      good point

                      I played the psx version of it
                      there was a strange glitch where i coulden't save

