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Revelations Gamescon 2011 Trailer

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  • #46
    Originally posted by PracticalAl View Post
    Didn't anyone get a vibe from that trailer that she will be playable? Maybe for a small section?.. If thats true, when you go into first person mode, her hair should block your view..

    Seriously. WTF is with the hair?.. ..
    Wtf is with her in general? Bimbo voice, ginormous knockers, glue hair, survival skills of a blind and deaf gazelle...

    She seems more like a comic relief character than anything else.


    • #47
      Is like one of the dumb teens you see get killed in movies all the time in a bit part, except she seems to be a mercenary or some special operative in this, a very very bad one.
      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


      • #48
        Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
        Is like one of the dumb teens you see get killed in movies all the time in a bit part, except she seems to be a mercenary or some special operative in this, a very very bad one.
        Her profile previous to the current site update said outright that she is a member of a Special Forces. Which is hilarious given how they seem to be treating her.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • #49
          Yeah, there's a certain level of absurdity to this character from, I dunno, every fucking nuance about her.


          • #50
            Originally posted by News Bot View Post
            Wtf is with her in general? Bimbo voice, ginormous knockers, glue hair, survival skills of a blind and deaf gazelle... She seems more like a comic relief character than anything else.
            I'm starting to think she's a character created solely for these "ex" series commercials.. That or Japanese tentacle fan-service judging by the end of the trailer.. (Or both! )


            • #51
              Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              Wtf is with her in general? Bimbo voice, ginormous knockers, glue hair, survival skills of a blind and deaf gazelle...

              She seems more like a comic relief character than anything else.
              She's probably based on Lady Gaga.
              Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


              • #52
                Gaga's smart. Her nutty stunts make a fuck ton of cash.

                This woman is next to useless....hell, if she survives, she screams 'Escort mission liability' or maybe just 'Escort, tee hee!' If she's meant to be special forces, then they have a whole new definition for the special part.


                • #53
                  i cant belive im actuelly hearing this people are bitching now over big boobs XDD what have the world come to.


                  • #54
                    It's not just the boobs, overall her design is pretty poor.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by aris13 View Post
                      It's not just the boobs, overall her design is pretty poor.
                      well her outfit isent any diffrend from jills i can see why people would hate her hair but personal i dig it
                      and her reaction to the situation was just human she ran out of bullets so she got scared and ran for it instead of just standing there getting killed.


                      • #56
                        How big do wanna go? nobody likes that buck 50 chest , butcher shit either
                        If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                        • #57
                          Some scans from biohazard france (anyone translate ?) :

                          She is sexy , but that dont fit with the game feeling , i mean WTF ? she is an agent and on a mission why would she expose her boobs ? to get them hurt fast ? lmfao , or to show them to the monsters ? i see that capcom lately is always focusing on boobs and female parts ….. Perverts , at least jill in RE5 had a reason ….. i think that in the next resident evil game capcom will make a girl cloths gets ripped that even her tits can be seen , seriously we can expect all perverted stuff from them now
                          Her hair is like clay , it dosent move while she runs and how can she look like that (perhaps thats why capcom removed the vid ?) , maybe thats why she fell lol .
                          over all i hope she survives she kinda broked my heart
                          Last edited by Mrox2; 09-09-2011, 11:11 AM.
                          Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                          ^ Lol ...


                          • #58
                            She expose them because she knows shes hot XDDD
                            Last edited by rehunk88; 09-09-2011, 11:23 AM.


                            • #59
                              I think I get why she has such massive knockers.

                              That whole trailer was a classic slasher film chase, and you can't have a slasher film chase without a scantily clad, large-breasted woman tripping all over herself.


                              • #60
                                One of these days, someone is gonna make a game based on Slasher flicks. And then this will make sense.

                                I admit, I'll object a lot less if she turns out to be the ship's diving instructor or something, but if she's meant to be any kinda special forces...

