Sure...the heroes' achievement goes with an enemies' weakness to bring about his downfall. But it needs to be balanced out. In RE5, Chris' main achievement was getting Jill back, who promptly told how to win by stabbing Wesker with the right thing. He also successfully injected Wesker with the correct sharp pointy thing. Beyond that, it's Wesker screwing up. There should never be a moment in a story where the supposedly intelligent bad guy leaves the good guy with a vital asset to torment them. When those seven minutes were up Wesker should have reached down Chris' throat and pulled his entire skeleton out in a single jerk. Instead, he wanders off, leaving them with exactly what they'll need to defeat him.
At that point, nothing Chris had done or could do would have changed the outcome if Wesker had decided he want Chris' face as a Halloween mask. It's his own decision to leave that saves Chris, providing him the chance to get what he needed to kill Wesker. You don't see the Ring Wraiths giving Hobbits a sporting chance or taunting them or trying to show they're better - they shank the hairy footed one. It's the heroes bravery and skill allowing them to get out of there, and later take advantage of mistakes, that wins the day.
Again, even as late as the volcano, Wesker could have bolted. He was still likely super enough that Chris would never catch him, and once he was powerful again Chris would never be able to stop him. No doubt he had back up facilities across the globe, so he could start again. His plan was already a failure. But instead he decides to infect himself and try to kill Chris.
At that point, nothing Chris had done or could do would have changed the outcome if Wesker had decided he want Chris' face as a Halloween mask. It's his own decision to leave that saves Chris, providing him the chance to get what he needed to kill Wesker. You don't see the Ring Wraiths giving Hobbits a sporting chance or taunting them or trying to show they're better - they shank the hairy footed one. It's the heroes bravery and skill allowing them to get out of there, and later take advantage of mistakes, that wins the day.
Again, even as late as the volcano, Wesker could have bolted. He was still likely super enough that Chris would never catch him, and once he was powerful again Chris would never be able to stop him. No doubt he had back up facilities across the globe, so he could start again. His plan was already a failure. But instead he decides to infect himself and try to kill Chris.