@geluda: From Bioflames, interviews, the Trial disc, mags, etc. I was wrong about the date though, it wasn't Feb 6th, it was Feb 18th.
The image of the door is legit. It's from one of INFLAMES' magazines. Is from the real so-called BH2 betav1 which appears to be from a previous date than the Trial disc. About the artwork, who knows... I assume it would be better just to redo the material of the areas they previewed more in the media and give them a new feeling, more atmospheric, than just tweak the ones they already had. I can't say for sure though, we don't have many confirmed BH1.5 art pieces of the locations to compare.
The image of the door is legit. It's from one of INFLAMES' magazines. Is from the real so-called BH2 betav1 which appears to be from a previous date than the Trial disc. About the artwork, who knows... I assume it would be better just to redo the material of the areas they previewed more in the media and give them a new feeling, more atmospheric, than just tweak the ones they already had. I can't say for sure though, we don't have many confirmed BH1.5 art pieces of the locations to compare.