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Is RE3 a filler to you?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Mr_Zombie View Post
    But that's the point. It is scary. You hear the Nemesis theme and you know you're fucked because you will either have to dodge it and run away or fight with the weapons you have at the moment. Its appearances were unpredictable the first you're playing the game (or even on later playthroughs if you took different routes). I think a boss-like enemy that can pop-up anywhere and follow you through several rooms was a great idea for a horror title.

    Also, Nemesis isn't all that hard if you learn the trick: he is lefty; you have to dodge it from the right side. With that in mind, you can easily beat it even with a pistol (although it takes a lot of time and ammo).
    I find it more repetetive than scary to be honest. Sure anything's easy if you learn "the trick," me personally I just want to play the game and not have to learn tricks to beat a boss ten minutes into the game. Don't get me wrong, I'm a player who thrives on challenge and loves games to be punnishing, however I don't like things that are poorly deisgned and that's my problem.

    For me Resident Evil is all about atmosphere and when you have things like the Nemesis obstructing your progress on the same frequency that he does in RE3, it really slows things down and the experience becomes disjointed. I might not play through RE3 a second time, hell I might never actually finish RE3 because I dislike the deign choices. I would have much rather just played the game like the last two RE's and not had to worry about Nemesis being an absolute beast.

    Thinking on that I can really understand now why CV was supposed to be RE3 and Nemesis was supposed to be a side title, the way the games play are completely different. Not sure if those claims are actually true, someone posted it somewhere just the other day, but it deffinately makes sense.

    Originally posted by kevstah2004 View Post
    To me he was nothing but a lazy recycling of Mr. X with faster reflexes.
    Yeah lol, he's pretty much the same enemy. Except with a rocket launcher.


    • #47
      Originally posted by CrimsonElder View Post
      Just like Mr X Was a lazy recycling of the Prototype Tyrant from RE 1?
      Tyrant didn't stalk you through multiple rooms, he's too weak like the Stained Glass Demon from MediEvil
      YouTube video:
      Last edited by kevstah2004; 09-06-2011, 03:20 PM.
      If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



      • #48
        Originally posted by kevstah2004 View Post
        Tyrant didn't stalk you through multiple rooms, he's too weak like the Stained Glass Demon from MediEvil
        YouTube video:
        Mr X didnt have a Rocket Launcher there are differences but they are all tyrants at the end of the day.


        • #49
          Resident Evil 3 is probably in the top 2 or 3 best games in the Resident Evil series. To call it filler is crazy, i thought the story along with the game play/new features they added.... and the new zombies and what not was amazing !


          • #50
            Originally posted by kevstah2004 View Post
            To me [Nemesis] was nothing but a lazy recycling of Mr. X with faster reflexes.
            Originally posted by geluda View Post
            For me Resident Evil is all about atmosphere and when you have things like the Nemesis obstructing your progress on the same frequency that he does in RE3, it really slows things down and the experience becomes disjointed.
            I agree with both of these statements.
            Mass production? Ridiculous!


            • #51
              First of all, I love RE3 and it's actually my fave 'classic' RE game to play.

              Having said that, I remember being disappointed that the game didn't deliver what Capcom had promised in regards to the story element. One preview said something about RE3 being heavy in terms of the whole Umbrella plot/evil plan and how Jill would expose everything and shit. There was some of that in the final game, but not nearly enough IMO.

              So I agree with Det. Beauregard with the story in RE3 being way too simple.

              I basically play the game these days mainly because of the gameplay. Which is more than fine by me. I really don't care much for the story of RE3.
              Last edited by Pikminister; 09-07-2011, 12:18 AM.
              Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


              • #52
                I think the only thing it lacked was some deep backstory, RE1 set up the universe so gets a break but even that had stuff set early before and during the outbreak, RE2 had the whole thing with Birkin, the mayor and company, RE CV had the Ashfords and more, RE0 had Marcus, RE5 went back a couple years to Spencers mansion and built on the events from there.

                RE3 by comparison was all in the 'now' and current events, with history all being fairly recent. I think its 'now' was better than some other games current events by far though.
                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                • #53
                  I always thought resident evil 3 was a better game than resident evil code veronica maby its just me XD... but i just like it more in the city for some reason iv always felt like when we ran around in raccoon city streets... then! it is a true resident evil game.

                  ( im not shooting down re1 i love re 1 also specialy remake .. its so hard )


                  • #54
                    If your a RE fan and have never played RE3 your missing out. The game is amazing in more ways then one.


                    • #55
                      I think that was Rombie Alzaire. Certainly wasn't me.

                      I think RE3 is a fun game. I love it's mercenaries mode more than the main game itself. Much more challenging and fun.

                      It took alot of later entries to utilise the importance of some of the events in RE3, like Jill surviving infection. Whereas the destruction of Raccoon city is the only thing I can think of which immediately impacted the series.

                      Overall, I still think it's a bit of a side step for the series, and I still don't think the series has found its footing since.


                      • #56
                        I really don't get how anyone can dislike BH3. It took everything that made BH2 great and improved on them by a milestone while still managing to feel fresh, with an equally deep storyline.

                        If anything, the "side step" for the series was CODE:Veronica, which was pretty bad in many respects. Outdated and embarrassingly flawed gameplay, a somewhat ridiculous storyline which took the realism the series established itself on and just went "nope fire blood lol". I mean, I enjoy CV and still like it when viewed from the perspective of the series as a whole, but individually, it was bad.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • #57
                          I like RE3 a lot, but I think it didn't deserve to be numbered.

                          Originally posted by News Bot
                          If anything, the "side step" for the series was CODE:Veronica, which was pretty bad in many respects. Outdated and embarrassingly flawed gameplay, a somewhat ridiculous storyline which took the realism the series established itself on and just went "nope fire blood lol". I mean, I enjoy CV and still like it when viewed from the perspective of the series as a whole, but individually, it was bad.
                          I disagree (for a change lol)

                          I've noticed that people who loved RE3 generally disliked RECV. Code Veronica was not a side step at all, because it followed Claire's story from RE2, provided extensive informations on Umbrella's founding, had Chris coming back and Wesker's resurrection. Wesker's return alone makes it one of the most important RE.

                          I always found the G-virus from RE2 to be a lot more ridiculous than the T-veronica.

                          And as for the gameplay, I don't understand the complain, because it's exactly the same gameplay as RE3 except there's no flawed dodging system this time around. RECV was not bad, not even individually, it just continued what RE2 began.
                          Last edited by Grem; 09-08-2011, 07:04 AM.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Grem View Post
                            I like RE3 a lot, but I think it didn't deserve to be numbered.

                            No, no, no....

                            I've noticed that people who loved RE3 generally disliked RECV. Code Veronica was not a side step at all, because it followed Claire's story from RE2, provided extensive informations on Umbrella's founding, had Chris coming back and Wesker's resurrection. Wesker's return alone makes it one of the most important RE.

                            I always found the G-virus from RE2 to be a lot more ridiculous than the T-veronica.

                            And as for the gameplay, I don't understand the complain, because it's exactly the same gameplay as RE3 except there's no flawed dodging system this time around. RECV was not bad, not even individually, it just continued what RE2 began.
                            That wasn't really what I was referring to by the term "side step" but okay. BH3 was not a side step either in that regard for reasons I have already listed. It continued the story and closed one of the main plot arcs, then left it open for future storylines. Wesker's return is important, but so is the destruction of Raccoon City. Half the time I don't think people paid any attention while playing BH3, because the storyline is notably deeper than the two previous games.

                            So you think BLOOD THAT IGNITES UPON CONTACT WITH OXYGEN is more believable than what is essentially cancer? The G-Virus is scientifically interesting and more suited for biological weapons development. The t-Veronica virus is just... wat. Sorry, but you can't justify CODE:Veronica's silliness. As for gameplay, are you forgetting the fact that at several points in the game, it is completely fucking impossible to progress if you make a mistake of not putting weapons in the item box?

                            I like CV but damn. It was a flawed fucking game.
                            Last edited by News Bot; 09-08-2011, 07:10 AM.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • #59
                              I'm not trying to justify anything with Code veronica and I found it pretty silly too lol

                              But, I always found the G mutations to be a lot more exaggerated and retarded. Look at G4 or G5, I can't believe that a virus can do shitty looking monster like this but, hey, that's the problem with the entire series afterall.

                              Seriously, both of them are stupid.

                              Originally posted by News Bot
                              As for gameplay, are you forgetting the fact that at several points in the game, it is completely fucking impossible to progress if you make a mistake of not putting weapons in the item box?
                              I'm not sure I know what you're talking about. I never really had a problem with the progression in this game.
                              Last edited by Grem; 09-08-2011, 07:26 AM.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Grem View Post
                                I'm not trying to justify anything with Code veronica and I found it pretty silly too lol

                                But, I always found the G mutations to be a lot more exaggerated and retarded. Look at G4 or G5, I can't believe that a virus can do shitty looking monster like this but, hey, that's the problem with the entire series afterall.

                                Seriously, both of them are stupid.

                                I'm not sure I know what you're talking about. I never really had a problem with the progression in this game.
                                G's mutations are explained, though. The G-Virus causes the host to become a new creature, with its 4th form being a "devolution" as a result of damage. Its 5th form is just the result of being reduced to a cancerous mass which consumes all organic matter it happens to come into contact with since its cellular structure has broken down. There's nothing silly about it from a science-fiction perspective.

                                Blood that ignites upon contact with oxygen has no explanation. Neither does t-Veronica itself, which is apparently a cocktail of two viruses with insect and plant DNA.

                                When I said CODE:Veronica was a side step, I meant that it was the moment the series, in its attempt to become grander, began sacrificing realism and introducing fantasy elements and more complicated storytelling with coincidences and not-so-great explanations for everything. GUN SURVIVOR was the last great chapter in the series storyline which fairly stuck to the realistic ideal of the original trilogy, with the only real detriment being the whole amnesia thing. CODE:Veronica started a decline in the story.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

