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Is RE3 a filler to you?

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  • #16
    It's not a filler, but I feel it focused itself a little too much on Jill's escape, then again the limitations of the PS1 didn't allow for more expansive game.

    And you're from Resident Evil Brasil, who are you? I know about the thread you are talking about and it had two people who hate Jill and come up with the most ridiculous ways to put her down.


    • #17
      Had RE2 not went through such a wasteful development I imagine RE3 could have been a lot different to what we got. Maybe part of the reason so much RE2 artwork was used (well, there's not too much RE2 artwork, but it's still there) was because of the time and money spent developing and re-developing RE1.5/2. Of course Capcom might have wanted to do that all along, in which case my thoughts are pretty much irrelevant, however it does feel that way.


      • #18
        I'm some guy with Japanese letters. My name's alinho.
        Yeah, the guys were Jill haters.

        They say alot of bullshit like Jill didn't did nothing important to the series.
        Or about Sheva firing a Rocket Launcher at Wesker. That is probably not dead. (probably)

        Sheva must had an incredibly pain pushing some random gun's trigger compared to Jill sacrifying her life for Chris. ¬¬


        • #19
          I initially didn't like RE3 much. Which was a shame, because I'd been on media blackout and my first introduction to the game was the rolling trailer where Nemesis scared the piss outta me. It's a good game, and I enjoy it more now than I did then, but back then I was disappointed. Single character? Limited changes to the story? Pah. I felt it was only half a game.


          • #20
            Jill = Medusa
            If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



            • #21
              She does seem to have a thing for snakes...


              • #22
                Indeed, lol
                If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                • #23
                  >_> jill haters ... meh ...
                  RE3 Was better than re4 & 5 , sheva ? sheva sucks ass , she do nothing than just getting killed (AI) , Re3 wasent like re2 either , even graphics were diffrent ...
                  Last edited by Mrox2; 09-05-2011, 01:19 PM.
                  Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                  ^ Lol ...


                  • #24
                    I dont consider it filler at all. Story may be a little weak but so is Re1 (Original). I played through this recentley and wow I'm so glad they remade it. Maybe Re3 calls for a Remake. You got Nemesis, Nicholai, Nostalgic Revisits to key places, I think another point you guys missed out as being important to the story is the death of Brad. He was the only S.T.A.R.S. character to die since RE1 until Wesker in 5. I love Re3 its my second favorite Resident Evil game after Remake.

                    So to some up:
                    Destruction of Racoon City so far the only place to be seen in an RE game at that point.
                    Introduction and demise of Nemesis.
                    Jill's infection.
                    Death of Brad.
                    Barrys only canon cameo since RE1.

                    If we didnt know all this then we would pick up with Code Veronica and in the intro it would state Racoon City has been destroyed. If I didnt get the chance to play that game I would be MEGA PISSED!
                    Last edited by CrimsonElder; 09-05-2011, 12:32 PM.


                    • #25
                      Also, there's only one scenario but it's pretty short and the story feels like a rip-off of RE1. Just replace UBCS with STARS and you've got almost the same thing.
                      Okay, no. :|
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • #26
                        Nicholai the traitor who collects combat data from his subordinates. Tyrell announces the traitor just like Enrico. Mikhail the injured man who dies quickly just like Richard. Carlos who helps Jill in the fashion as Barry, and so on and so forth....

                        The narrative structure of this game is almost the same as in RE1.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Grem View Post
                          Nicholai the traitor who collects combat data from his subordinates. Tyrell announces the traitor just like Enrico. Mikhail the injured man who dies quickly just like Richard. Carlos who helps Jill in the fashion as Barry, and so on and so forth....

                          The narrative structure of this game is almost the same as in RE1.
                          Oh, well narrative structure is usually similar in the series. I thought you meant more explicitly plot-wise.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by News Bot
                            Oh, well narrative structure is usually similar in the series.
                            Yep, you're right, but I thought it was more obvious in RE3 somehow.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Grem View Post
                              The narrative structure of this game is almost the same as in RE1.
                              Is that a bad thing?
                              As a game reviewer, I would say it is.
                              As a resident evil fan, I would say it is not.

                              Better the same narrative than an extremely modified one (RE4, 5)


                              • #30
                                Yeah, it's a bad thing because it's unoriginal.

