The newest issue of Nintendo Power has a feature on Resident Evil Revelations that, while for the most part covers information we already know, nevertheless has a few tidbits worth mentioning. The article covers the recent GAMESCOM demo that featured Chris and Jessica in a snowy mountain range.
Here are the "revelations" that caught my eye:
-Parker and Jessica were partners before being paired up with Jill and Chris, respectively
-Chris and Jill will be accompanied by Jessica and Parker for the majority of the game (note: there is still no co-op)
-Veltro is an international terrorist organization, and though this is the first time we have seen them in the RE series, this is not the first time they have appeared in the timeline; in fact, this is not the first time Chris has encountered Veltro; upon seeing the Veltro crest at the mountain base, he remarks, "So Veltro has been resurrected..."
-Chris and Jessica are led to believe that Jill and Parker are missing and were last seen on the very same cruise ship Jill and Parker infiltrate in search of Chris and Jessica; as seen in the trailer, Chris and Jessica fly to the ship via helicopter in search of Jill and Parker
-Jessica is apparently jealous of Chris and Jill's relationship, constantly prodding Chris for information about Jill and their partnership
-You now have access to a secondary weapon; you start off with the knife, which you slash by pressing X (no more having to equip it manually through an inventory screen or by holding down a shoulder button), which serves as a basic melee attack ala first/third person shooters; you will acquire other secondary weapons as you play through the game, such as the BOW grenades, and you cycle through them by pressing left on the D-pad
-Much like in Mercs 3D, you can heal yourself at any time (so long as you have a healing item) by simply pressing the A button
Here are the "revelations" that caught my eye:
-Parker and Jessica were partners before being paired up with Jill and Chris, respectively
-Chris and Jill will be accompanied by Jessica and Parker for the majority of the game (note: there is still no co-op)
-Veltro is an international terrorist organization, and though this is the first time we have seen them in the RE series, this is not the first time they have appeared in the timeline; in fact, this is not the first time Chris has encountered Veltro; upon seeing the Veltro crest at the mountain base, he remarks, "So Veltro has been resurrected..."
-Chris and Jessica are led to believe that Jill and Parker are missing and were last seen on the very same cruise ship Jill and Parker infiltrate in search of Chris and Jessica; as seen in the trailer, Chris and Jessica fly to the ship via helicopter in search of Jill and Parker
-Jessica is apparently jealous of Chris and Jill's relationship, constantly prodding Chris for information about Jill and their partnership
-You now have access to a secondary weapon; you start off with the knife, which you slash by pressing X (no more having to equip it manually through an inventory screen or by holding down a shoulder button), which serves as a basic melee attack ala first/third person shooters; you will acquire other secondary weapons as you play through the game, such as the BOW grenades, and you cycle through them by pressing left on the D-pad
-Much like in Mercs 3D, you can heal yourself at any time (so long as you have a healing item) by simply pressing the A button