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Resident Evil 6 - General thread

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  • #16
    Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
    Dunno what it is..... especially because everything I see about Operation RC is so uninspiring for me.

    But I'm actually believing we'll see something tomorrow on Resident Evil 6, and it'll be absolutely amazing.
    THATS The spirit im looking for right there !!
    i got a good feeling to ... we will be blown away !
    im so exicted to see whos the main character its killing me i want to know that so bad.
    i am so excited !


    • #17
      Resident Evil 6 has to be the most interesting title on not knowing what to expect, given the feedback and acknowledgement about Resident Evil 5 and the direction it was going to. TGS is certainly going to be fun. Good to see you be watching it the same time, Ty.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
        Resident Evil 6 has to be the most interesting title on not knowing what to expect, given the feedback and acknowledgement about Resident Evil 5 and the direction it was going to. TGS is certainly going to be fun. Good to see you be watching it the same time, Ty.
        Thats so true we got nothing really nothing we dont know anything at all,
        only small rumors.... ....its going back to the roots..... and all that stuff but in the end thats just rumors so its very very as you say interesting to see how it turns out.


        • #19
          I'm mostly waiting for nothing to actually be announced or revealed.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Archelon View Post
            I'm mostly waiting for nothing to actually be announced or revealed.
            Naah that wont happend it will show up :3


            • #21
              Oh boy here we go for another year(s) of expectations and disappointments.


              • #22
                Im sure capcom have learn there lesson its gonna be pretty sweet !


                • #23
                  I think this thread is going to require popcorn in the coming days.


                  • #24
                    The best outcome would be the drama if there was no announcement and the rumours false.
                    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                    • #25
                      and if all those rumors was falls im sure capcom would have said all this is bullshit
                      im like 100% sure it will be there .. that all those rumors are true

                      and Archelon
                      instead of been so negetive try look forward to it.. instead of talking about how you look foward to nothing happends..


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
                        The best outcome would be the drama if there was no announcement and the rumours false.
                        I doubt there be much drama to see, outside of a few members whining because of a no show. There's still a big chance of it being shown myself, given their investor stock drop and wanting their biggest IP shown to fix this. It's been 4 years already.


                        • #27
                          Really hoping this will be Capcom's TGS tbh.

                          Looking for obviously Resident Evil 6- but they also teased a new Darkstalkers game at E3, and they've the DMC HD Trilogy to officially unveil too. So it should be a good one this for Capcom fans.

                          Oh and a Pheonix Wright debut trailer for UMVC3 please ;)
                 The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
                          Review and contributor for


                          • #28
                            I'm also hoping we can punch a zombie in the head and the characters fist gets stuck in it, stick wiggle needed to make your character put one foot on its chest and push it away/pull fist out.
                            Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
                              I'm also hoping we can punch a zombie in the head and the characters fist gets stuck in it, stick wiggle needed to make your character put one foot on its chest and push it away/pull fist out.
                              MORTAL KOMBAT !! DU DU DU DU DU fatality !
                              ok but all serious i would feel satisfied taking my fist out of a dead zombies face XD
                              but i dont know how well it would work if capcom goes back to the roots.
                              Last edited by rehunk88; 09-14-2011, 03:47 PM.


                              • #30
                                Lets hope Capcom makes this guy the protagonist of RE6:

                                Maybe team him up with Rebecca.

                                FULL OF WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.

