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Resident Evil 6 - General thread

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  • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
    Nice then RE6 will be in this TGS thnx god , just hope there isnt nudity and action focusing this time -___-
    ever sinse re 3 at least they always had some pervyness to it XD so i bet you it will still be there. hell just look at my avatar
    i think you get the picture now xD
    Last edited by rehunk88; 09-16-2011, 04:06 PM.


    • Biohazard
      B̶i̶o̶h̶a̶z̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶1̶.̶5̶ Biohazard 2
      Biohazard 3
      B̶i̶o̶h̶a̶z̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶3.̶5̶ Biohazard 4
      Biohazard 5

      Anyone else noticing a pattern?


      • Good point. Any good stuff they do reveal via trailers will inevitably end up being dropped for something else (possibly as cool, but relatively unrelated) when they decided to redo the game.


        • Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
          B̶i̶o̶h̶a̶z̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶1̶.̶5̶ Biohazard 2
          Biohazard 3
          B̶i̶o̶h̶a̶z̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶3.̶5̶ Biohazard 4
          Biohazard 5

          Anyone else noticing a pattern?
          yeah but isent your pattern kinda wrong course re 5 had kinda a first version also .. so resident evil 6 will just stay as it is.


          • There were concept arts for other scenarios but they never got to the production stage like 1.5/3.5 did. Or if they did they certainly weren't shown publically.

            Point of the post was mostly to point out that bio6 is so far away that anything we see here may change, or will just be taken as fact by the time the next trailers come out (in 2012-13 based on the past lol)


            • Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
              Two years in development doesn't mean shit, even if they said it was two years themselves. They could have been contemplating ideas for the game, or doing research. Or maybe playing around with all sorts of things, and scrapping little builds here and there.

              I have to admit, them taking a step back with Revelations was probably the smartest move they could have done after RE5. It gives them something to work with, so that they can properly continue the story after the closure of RE5, and they can fix up the mess they made going in the action direction.

              I'm not saying that haven't done anything with RE6, but I wouldn't get my hopes up for anything.

              I hope I'm wrong, because I know how much you guys want to see something, but it may be too early for Capcom.
              I hope you are wrong too but my gut feeling says you are right. Remember how Jun Takeuchi admitted that he felt "extreme pressure" trying to make a follow-up to RE4, and hence he won't return for RE6. With Capcom's core talents leaving left and right for the past few years, I imagine Capcom is having a headache finding a replacement, not to mention that some of the members are probably working on RE Revelations for the past year or two.

              I am not keeping my hope very high. Probably just a confirmation at best and no trailer.


              • Ok so now they are saying its real? wtf is going on??
                PSN Gamercards


                • WTF indeed.


                  • This whole thing confounds me so.


                    • I'm kinda starting to think there may be a real teaser being shown that isn't the fake one going around. Would make sense if a Capcom rep was asked about a leaked teaser and confirmed its legitimacy only to retract it later. Maybe they thought the real teaser got out? Anyways can't freaking wait for the 15th anniversary stage.


                      • i cant wait ;P
                        Last edited by Mrox2; 09-17-2011, 01:43 AM.
                        Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                        ^ Lol ...


                        • Seth Killian said no reveals for today.


                          • Resident Evil 15th Anniversary stage is over. Nothing new on RE6.


                            • Originally posted by aris13 View Post
                              Seth Killian said no reveals for today.
                              He was talking about UMvC3.


                              • Originally posted by Dark_Chris View Post
                                Resident Evil 15th Anniversary stage is over. Nothing new on RE6.
                                Are you serious? What did they even show?

