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Resident Evil 6 - General thread

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  • Originally posted by Spera01 View Post
    Are you serious? What did they even show?
    Nothing has come out of the panels yet. Unless Capcom spent 2 hours talking about nothing it's likely that the info isn't out yet.


    • Originally posted by Spera01 View Post
      Are you serious? What did they even show?
      From neogaf:
      The thing is already over, the show some garbage montage, a cosplayer dressed as Jill played mercenaries, some crap talk about merchandising and bye. It's how Capcom works, everything for the fan.
      You want a good laugh?

      The special guest was PAUL W. S. ANDERSON talking about his score in RE4 mercs and retribution.

      Apart from that, they said "keep supporting us. Buy RE:R and ORC"
      I don't even know if I should laugh or cry. Bummer.


      • Originally posted by Weils View Post
        From neogaf:

        I don't even know if I should laugh or cry. Bummer.

        Paul.... Paul W.S. Anderson.... PAUL W.S. ANDERSON WAS THE SPECIAL GUEST!? I can't think of anyone else who'd piss me off more. Can't say I didn't see that coming though...

        Wow though, they seriously just talked about merchandising and played mercenaries? That's probably one of the dumbest stage shows I've ever heard. Awful. Not even any new game play of ORC or Revelations was shown? Terrible... Gotta love Capcom!


        • I refuse to believe the event was that bad. That sounds like a terrible wasted day if true.

          When Paul Anderson is your special guest and you get no legitimate Biohazard 6 info.....Christ.


          • TGS this year was shit, Just like the last.

            ORC a no show? Delayed until early next year confirmed.
            Last edited by Delta; 09-17-2011, 02:55 AM.


            • I'm in disgust.
              Zombies...zombies everywhere...


              • It was just a stage show celebration for the series 15th anniversary

                I'm glad we have got it done and over with. Now lets see what does relyonhorror and kotaku have to say for jumping the gun for confirming those RE6 stuffs are real.

                btw, the 'insider' who posted the RE6 stuffs on relyonhorror forum have just deleted his post.
                Last edited by xfactor; 09-17-2011, 03:08 AM.


                • Extremely disappointing, can't believe they didn't even say anything about ORC or Damnation, never mind RE6. Instead, just boast and play Mercenaries, a game that came out a while ago and was pretty much a water-downed port if you ask me. Goddammit Capcom, goddammit.

                  Well, whatever, nice to know I stayed up for nothing. I got work in 5 hours, I'm heading to bed. I'll check back in the morning to see if they even showed anything decent for a "15th Anniversary".


                  • Best sums up what exactly the hell happened:

                    Originally posted by neogaf
                    I have to say, this is one very naughty and sad troll. It is very elaborate.
                    The effort he put in is insane.
                    He kept feeding us throughout the whole thing:

                    -July 2011: Creates a fake RE6 & BIO6 logo. Says he's snapped a RE6 slide at SDCC
                    Posts it in a first famous horror website forum. Rumors are unleashed

                    -Aug 2011: Promises us "suprises" and a RE 6 announcement at TGS 2011
                    DELIBERATELY writes bad English and/or Engrish. Even details.
                    His stuff makes it to front pages.

                    -Sep 2011: 15th September hits, nothing is shown.

                    -Sep 2011: Creates an entire fake teaser, complete with premise, setting (canada) and
                    concept art from a canadian artist as well as robotic translated japanese text

                    -Sep 2011: Posts teaser and fake leaked detail on another famous RE fan forum under a different name

                    -Sep 2011: Teaser is debunked and discovered fake

                    -Sep 2011: He makes a thread in the first forum about how his own teaser is fake and that RE6 will still be announced.
                    Puts up a NEW made up logo picture that is from "RE 6 tgs presentation slides" and reassures us the announcement is coming.

                    He picked those 2 websites wisely.
                    The first one is a "must" for horror game/RE fans and 2nd one is the only one who would cover RE news from TGS live.

                    It has to be the same person. Why? The screen the teaser is projected on seems to be the same as from where the "leaked logo pic" is snapped.

                    Edit: The guy edited his post with the logo picture, replacing it with "x.".
                    I guess he must feel proud.


                    • relyonhorror? Famous?
                      Last edited by Delta; 09-17-2011, 03:44 AM.


                      • I'm astounded, I truly am. Anderson? They waste there slot at the biggest show in Japan for there biggest franchise to have a director that, as I understand it, the Japanese fans aren't especially fond of either come out and do some bragging? Did Anderson pay them or something? And then they basically plead with people to buy there games? Holy shit. I'm astounded by Capcom reaching out and seizing new levels of complete and total failure.

                        I'm kinda wondering if it isn't Capcom themselves who made the trailer, even if it's fake, to drum up some interest in this. Yes, I know, it's very paranoid of me. I'm allowed to be. My doctor says so. But honestly, I can't imagine them getting anything like this level of attention on there own merits. Not with Anderson going, 'Look at me, I play Resident Evil too! Sure, it's the game most like my movies - all action and no real plot to speak of. But my wife's tits aren't in this game, so I only kinda like it.'


                        • Originally posted by Delta View Post
                          relyonhorror? Famous?
                          They like to pretend they are important. Always have since it was "reHorror".
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • Originally posted by fffour View Post
                            I'm kinda starting to think there may be a real teaser being shown that isn't the fake one going around. Would make sense if a Capcom rep was asked about a leaked teaser and confirmed its legitimacy only to retract it later. Maybe they thought the real teaser got out? Anyways can't freaking wait for the 15th anniversary stage.
                            I don't think Capcom has ever step forward and calling it real. It was only relyonhorror and Kotaku all along who calls it real, and claims to have Capcom Japn contact, when in actual fact I dont think they have.
                            Last edited by xfactor; 09-17-2011, 04:41 AM.


                            • RelyOnHorror can barely get Capcom USA to talk to them after the Demo Spoilers fiasco. Capcom Japan would probably just point and laugh. Forever.


                              • I find it funny the amount of negativity directed at Capcom. Just take a look at half the posts in this thread. Have you guys noticed that you can't have the word "Capcom" in a sentence without it being directed to something negative? lol

                                Examples (not direct quotes):

                                "Doesn't surprise me, it's Capcom."

                                "Capcom probably forgot."

                                "That is all Capcom is showing?!"

                                "Capcom has disappointed me lately."

                                "No Biohazard 6 Capcom, WTF!!!"

                                And then what Darkmoon just said:

                                "I'm kinda wondering if it isn't Capcom themselves who made the trailer, even if it's fake, to drum up some interest in this."

                                lol the amount of bashing Capcom has been getting is hilarious! They're not doing that well these days are they? I don't remember them ever getting THIS much bashing before.

                                Did you see all the fans they pissed off when they cancelled the Megaman Legends 3 Project?
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