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Resident Evil 6 - General thread

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  • #61
    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    Her story was tied up in Darkside Chronicles.
    Not really. We still have the thing about Wesker kidnapping her that suddenly disappeared from the Wesker report. We really don't know much about Sherry except she was taken by the government after RE2.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
      Well, I know RE0's sales we're about 1.10 million, and those were low enough to send the Capcom share holders and execs into a hideous tale spin of screaming and fear that ended with RE4 being ported to the PS2 despite it pissing off Mikami. And I'm sure (but not very) that I've seen it written that the numbers on these games were low enough that RE4 could have been the last, if it hadn't sold as well as it did.
      You said it Darkmoon. Those GameCube games did a mighty profit alright. But the profit margin they got from those titles were not what the money-hungry shareholders had expected from them.

      You see, the problem with Capcom ever since 2003, has been that they listen exclusively to the shareholders. They want to fulfill their needs. Fuck the consumers needs or wants. They only wanna make old shareholder happy.

      That's what Inafune was complaning about a while back. When he said that the company wanted to turn 'game creators' into salary men. He didn't like that. Who the hell would? Not game creators that pride themselves of being independent and artsy.

      Mikami faced all that during the RE4 development days. That's why he was very outspoken about having things done his way. Because he decided to go against the needs and wants of the shareholders. Well.. he obviously lost that battle.

      They cancelled his games in production (P.N.03 barely got out and it was sold pretty much in its BETA form) and even made him work on a PS2 game (he hated working on the PS2). So its no wonder that he hit the bricks and abandoned Capcom.

      So I don't care what the shareholders said about REmake or RE Zero. Those games were successful on so many levels (well at least REmake... Zero had 0 scares and came short in filling any plotholes). Anyway, the games sold pretty good considering the limited marketing support they got. Cuz it takes money to make money.
      Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


      • #63
        come on give us re 6 announcment already xD


        • #64
          Even so, I doubt Mikami hates what RE4 turned out to be...RE5, which he had no involvement in, maybe.

          All of that said, if RE6 is supposed to be "brutally scary" it can't be anything like the other games in the series. It can't be classic camera angles and zombies, which is too predictable. It can't be intense and action-packed like RE5. It can't be RE4, which is viewed in so many different ways by so many different people that it'd never please everyone. It needs to be its own breed.
          A man chooses...a slave obeys.


          • #65
            So can assume that the whole Resident Evil 6 thing has been a massive, massive hoax? It was billed to happen on the 15th and it's now the 16th in Japan.
            Review and contributor for


            • #66
              well i think tonight europe time is that 15th Anniversary show stage, so i guess thats the last chance.
              Last edited by rehunk88; 09-15-2011, 12:51 PM.


              • #67
                Probably, but even Capcom themselves have confirmed making RE6 so its in the works. They are keeping a tight lid on it, and at this rate I wouldn't blame them.

                No matter what they unveil I will still remain skeptical until the product comes out. I'm kind of forced in that position after RE4 and RE5 were changed so much through its development. Part of me still longs for that RE5 single player campaign that never was.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                  Probably, but even Capcom themselves have confirmed making RE6 so its in the works. They are keeping a tight lid on it, and at this rate I wouldn't blame them.

                  No matter what they unveil I will still remain skeptical until the product comes out. I'm kind of forced in that position after RE4 and RE5 were changed so much through its development. Part of me still longs for that RE5 single player campaign that never was.
                  The first version of re 5 was actuelly amazing its such a shame they went with the coop way.....


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Alkar View Post
                    Not really. We still have the thing about Wesker kidnapping her that suddenly disappeared from the Wesker report. We really don't know much about Sherry except she was taken by the government after RE2.
                    Wesker never kidnapped her, and Wesker's Report in general isn't canon (although bits and pieces are still relevant, sorta. The rest has been tweaked and rewritten in UC and DC respectively).

                    After the Raccoon incident, the tragedy of Sherry didn't come to an end. Because the natural antibody against G is in her body, the US government sent a force to find and "protect" her, and then started observation and research on the antibody. In order to keep her safe, Leon chose to join the intelligence of the United States.
                    Sherry Birkin
                    Sherry is now under the custody of the U.S. government, but among the personnel in the department, many of them are spies working for Albert Wesker. So in fact Sherry is now in a terrible position of double jeopardy.
                    Last edited by News Bot; 09-15-2011, 01:26 PM.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • #70
                      So, has anyone seen any hidden stuff (like a subliminal message) in the logo for RE6 yet?


                      That 6 looks like it was made with ink...

                      RE6: THE ATTACK OF THE INK RIBBONS

                      Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                      • #71
                        I figured it was meant to be a bloodstain. Kind of like how 4's logo is shattered glass (at least, that's what it's always looked like to me).
                        A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                        • #72
                          I seriously hope RE6 will turn things around for the RE series otherwise its gonna go downhill quickly.. the other RE games coming out recently are looking weak..

                          I just hope Paul Anderson didn't sell Capcom his winning "success" formula for profits through mediocrity (either directly or subconsciously).


                          • #73
                            could be wrong but someone translated abit here

                            The 15th has come and gone, I've almost lost all hope BUT
                            me, mr. optimist, haven't said my last word, there's a last chance.

                            Roughly translated from capcom's TGS 2011 website, this is Capcom's stage shows schedule for saturday 17/09/2011

                            15:10 - "Resident Evil" 15th Anniversary Stage
                            Producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi - Cast - Guests: sheath "15th Anniversary" celebrated a stage filled with premium anniversary.飛Bi入Ri also a secret guest?

                            16:05 - "Feast Sengoku BASARA3" a festival Wasshoi! Banquet Stage ☆
                            Producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi [Actress], and domestic producers unveiled Akihito Kadowaki "story" in video mode as well to introduce even surprise announcement!

                            It is almost AN HOUR long. I think the "15/09" on the logo just indicated the start of the TGS 2011 or capcom changed their plans, moving from a business/press announcement to a public showing.

                            I think announcing the latest entry in a series is best done on a 50mins long stage show dedicated to the series' 15th anniversary, don't you think ? And isn't hiroyuki kobayashi producer on RE6 ?


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by rehunk88 View Post
                              The first version of re 5 was actuelly amazing its such a shame they went with the coop way.....
                              Damn it looked good, yea? No annoying Sheva up your ass constantly, night time village battles, Chris was on less roids...I'm still sad we never got to see what the "light" mechanic was all about? The way I took it was that they were going to essentially blind you, and then have you go into another environment, where enemies would attack you whilst your eyes adjust? I thought I heard something about a heat element as well, where your life/stamina would wither away the more you endure the hot sun or something along those lines.

                              Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              Wesker never kidnapped her, and Wesker's Report in general isn't canon (although bits and pieces are still relevant, sorta. The rest has been tweaked and rewritten in UC and DC respectively).
                              Damn canon. You get all excited about a new plot when suddenly someone else goes:

                              And you wonder what the hell happened for countless years afterward.
                              Last edited by REmaster; 09-15-2011, 02:27 PM.
                              "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                              Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                              • #75
                                and wasent barry in there also and we meet jill in africa its been sometime sinse i last read the whole thing.

