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Resident Evil 6 - General thread

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
    Lets hope Capcom makes this guy the protagonist of RE6:

    Maybe team him up with Rebecca.

    FULL OF WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    rebecca sure the other one hell no XD


    • #32
      Okay, what are everyone's thoughts on the main character. Will it be a character we know, or someone completely new? (Not who you want, but who you think it will be.)


      • #33
        okay all honest i want leon and ada for re 6 i feel like we got some unfinish buisness here
        as side characters i want to have hunnigan talking to leon again plus rebecca chambers shes with the goverment also now

        uuum and then new characters of course for the bad guys with a familier face such as maby alex wesker and lets bring in nicholai

        for enemies i want the T virus again zombies bows all that stuff no more las plagas or Kijuju crap.


        • #34
          If it's anyone we know it should be Claire. She hasn't been in a RE game for way too long.


          • #35
            Well she was in Degeneration which continued her story.

            I'd like Ada to lead her own game for a change, and maybe have Ark Thompson in a most amazing cameo. Possibly thinking he is Vincent again.
            Review and contributor for


            • #36
              Ark Thompson, lol. "Vincent, Am I VINCENT?"

              But honestly, I'd like to see Ada & Leon too, we've seen Jill/Claire/Chris too much as of late.

              A new character sadly wouldn't fit the game, unless it's done right. If they want to continue the story in a good way, bringing back Leon/Ada would be a good move.
              Zombies...zombies everywhere...


              • #37
                So if they want to make RE creepy and great again does that mean they're going to fire the idiots who made RE5, Darkside Chronicles, and bring back Shinji Mikami?

                I know this wont happen, but I'm just saying that the heads of the RE5 development team and Darkside Chronicles really failed.


                • #38
                  If they follow the pattern of Chris/Jill and Leon for numbered games, then Leon is next. Honestly, he has the best reason to be at a random biohazard bar being BSAA. Claire would have to accidently stumble into one...again. Or be lured there somehow.

                  I'm expecting Leon.

                  Originally posted by rehunk88 View Post
                  Im sure capcom have learn there lesson its gonna be pretty sweet !
                  What in God's name makes you think that? All they're really learned is they can't get away with no horror at all and the AI needs to be Less Shitty. And that's only because reviewers mentioned it a lot. Capcom isn't going to change the series much until sales drop - the series was fairly similar until Zero and REmake, which didn't make much money. They switched it up for RE4 and it worked. I can't see them changing too much until RE6/7 doesn't do well commercially.


                  • #39
                    Who would I like to see star? Ada.

                    Who do I think will star? A brand new character. If Capcom really wants to go hardcore horror with this game, then they'll need to bring in some new blood for the same reason Chris and Jill weren't in RE2.

                    Leon's headlining Damnation, so I don't expect him to be in RE6.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
                      So if they want to make RE creepy and great again does that mean they're going to fire the idiots who made RE5, Darkside Chronicles, and bring back Shinji Mikami?
                      I'd rather see Hideki Kamiya, seeing as he directed RE2 (my favorite, even above REmake), but that has about as much chance of happening as Mikami returning.

                      I'm with Archelon, the first step to creating a faithful horror title is to bring in someone new, vulnerable, and without any knowledge of BOWs, Umbrella, and the rest of 'em.

                      Maybe it's just the way I see the character, but I think that making a game where Ada's fleshed out kinda defeats the purpose of her in the first place.


                      • #41
                        To darkmoon.

                        they learned by making revalations brining in a sense of horror back at least more scarier than re 4 ever was at least thats a step in the right direction that is why in gods name im saying this.
                        Last edited by rehunk88; 09-14-2011, 05:38 PM.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                          What in God's name makes you think that? All they're really learned is they can't get away with no horror at all and the AI needs to be Less Shitty. And that's only because reviewers mentioned it a lot. Capcom isn't going to change the series much until sales drop - the series was fairly similar until Zero and REmake, which didn't make much money. They switched it up for RE4 and it worked. I can't see them changing too much until RE6/7 doesn't do well commercially.
                          To be fair, REmake, RE0, and RE: Outbreak all broke a million in sales. While it's only a fifth of the success that RE2 saw, the series wasn't doing too poorly either. It didn't NEED a change, but it could have used one and the timing was right.


                          • #43
                            Id like to see all main characters to have their own scenario
                            PSN Gamercards


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post
                              To be fair, REmake, RE0, and RE: Outbreak all broke a million in sales. While it's only a fifth of the success that RE2 saw, the series wasn't doing too poorly either. It didn't NEED a change, but it could have used one and the timing was right.
                              I think Darkmoon was thinking about the Resident Evil Archive games for the Wii. Those didn't sell much. They sold around 300,000 units combined. All profit for Capcom, since they barely invested any $$$ on the ports. The original games (REmake & Zero) sold well beyond the 1.2 million mark back in the days. Probably made a lot more since.

                              Anyway, the series went downhill in term of sales after RE3. No RE game that came after it broke the 2 million units sold mark until RE4 came along.

                              Maybe Capcom will give Sheva a chance in the next game. Maybe just to show that she wasn't included in RE5 just to make it look like said game wasn't racist.

                              BTW, I wonder what race RE6 is going to insult in that game (I kid!)
                              Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by PracticalAl View Post
                                Okay, what are everyone's thoughts on the main character. Will it be a character we know, or someone completely new? (Not who you want, but who you think it will be.)
                                Who do I think? Leon. Chris & Jill have REvelations coming up. Claire is not coming back, and if they haven't used any other character they won't do it now.
                                It makes sense: RE2: Leon, RE4: Leon, RE6:Barry? NOOO PEOPLE, LEON!

                                Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                                I'm okay with multiplayer as long as it's not forced co-op like in RE5. I want it to be a separate mode entirely. Preferably something akin to Splinter Cell Conviction, where it's actually story-related to the single player campaign. I don't care about competitive, as I never play it, but hopefully it'll be better thought out than RE5's Versus Mode.
                                THIS. We can have a SP campaign, and an extra mode with multiplayer. SP can be focused on Survival Horror (Capcom should take a look at Dead Space 2), multiplayer can focus on Survival Action (something like Desperate Escape meets Separate Ways but slightly bigger), add a Versus type mode but this time ON DISC and we have people satisfied.

                                "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key

