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The best era of Resident Evil for you

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  • The best era of Resident Evil for you

    Not one of those - it was always better in the old days - kind of posts.

    I'd just like to gauge as I was thinking tonight how excited I used to get with the prospect of a new title.

    For me it was undoubtably post Resident Evil 2, wondering how amazing the much rumoured Resident Evil 3 was going to be, and this crazy talk of the series jumping to the Dreamcast, and then finally getting the first screens of CODE: Veronica and it looking better than anything, ever.

    Other areas have been equally interesting. Seeing the first footage of the final version of Resident Evil 4 was amazing. It looked photo real for what we knew of it at the time, is another example. The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
    Review and contributor for

  • #2
    This one is difficult. I can't say I prefer an era to another. The series have evolved over time. I love all RE... I've enjoyed every single one of them.

    Storywise, my favorite era is the Raccoon City parts (RE1, RE2, RE3, Outbreaks & Chronicles). There was so much that was done with that little town. Oh and zombies, glorious stupid zombies!

    Gameplay. RE4 & RE5. Kill me if you want, but RE4 was such a great experience. RE5 improved what was done in 4; I love zombies, but plagas were refreshing new enemies. Some one of them over the top and cheesy as hell (Salazar!) but I loved the pace of those games. No horror of course, but man I loved blasting the crap out of infected with a super upgraded shotgun.

    Atmosphere: The Remake era. No game will beat the immersion from RE0 and REmake. Those games are flawless. The lightning, the amazing graphics (which IMO still stand proudly in this time & age). Fucking Crimson Heads & Lisa Trevor.
    Last edited by Beanovsky Durst; 09-16-2011, 08:48 PM.

    "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


    • #3
      I'd have to say the Gamecube era surprisingly. Back when the series was moving to Nintendo.

      My favorite RE game, the Resident Evil remake, came out on that. Zero followed shortly after offering more survival horror fun. We had very well made ports of RE2, 3 and Code Veronica X. Then it closed off with Resident Evil 4 which for its time was a one-of-a-kind game.

      I own a lot of Resident Evil games on many systems in many varieties. But my prized set has to be Zero-REmake-2-3-CVX-4 on Gamecube. That's a set I'm proud to have spent hard earned dollars on even if I was ripped off for the gamecube ports. I don't regret all the chores I did to pay for those on my Gamecube.


      • #4
        Any era that occours before RE4.


        • #5
          Yeah, this is a hard one. On one hand, part of me says that RE2 was the peak of the series because it's by far my favourite RE game and imo improved on the original ten fold, something that I don't think has occured again since untill REmake. However on the other hand I really REALLY like UC and DSC, more so than both RE4 and RE5, they're probably my favourite RE games of this generation even though they're so outside the box. I'm going to wait to see Revelations and RE6 before I make any more decisions.


          • #6
            Probably right at the start, when I was kid and couldn't begin to guess what would come next. My friends and I would sit around, talking about the endless possibilities. What would happen if the T-Virus hit a major city, could they really contain it, how long would it take to destroy Umbrella and what mayhem would they cause...

            Now I semi-dread new games, wondering which fond memory they're gonna fuck up this time.


            • #7
              BH2 came out at a time where my life was pretty memorable for me, so it wins by default for me.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #8
                From Resident Evil 1 (1996) to Resident Evil 4 (E3 2003 version)

                My favourite RE is:

                - Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil Rebirth and Resident Evil 3.5 (never realeased)
                I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


                • #9
                  Definetely the gamecube era.


                  • #10
                    Gamecube era without a doubt; all old titles ported to the console, with the best Resident Evil game to be created in existence and still holds up today - REmake.


                    • #11
                      Remake era (Zero not so much...)


                      • #12
                        I know Zero gets a lot of flack about the game but I found it to be one of the best Resident Evil experiences to enjoy. Sure, the bosses were by far unoriginal and out of place, and the magical elevator was insane, but I absolutely loved it.

                        Another thing to add during the game cube era, for us in Pal-Land, outbreak series was released and I remember having many magical moments online with Outbreak 2. The series sure peaked here.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                          Probably right at the start, when I was kid and couldn't begin to guess what would come next. My friends and I would sit around, talking about the endless possibilities. What would happen if the T-Virus hit a major city, could they really contain it, how long would it take to destroy Umbrella and what mayhem would they cause...

                          Now I semi-dread new games, wondering which fond memory they're gonna fuck up this time.
                          Same here, this is why I like UC and DSC, while they sort of fuck things up canon wise, they're still really fun games which don't take them selves too seriously. I can kind of forget about the story and just enjoy the action.


                          • #14
                            The best era was when it dident take 4 years to release a resident evil game XD


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by rehunk88 View Post
                              The best era was when it dident take 4 years to release a resident evil game XD
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