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The Underrated Resident Evil Topic

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  • #16
    Most Underrated Game

    RE0 (in general), RE4 (by the fans)

    Most Underrated Character

    Billy Coen, because he's probably the most legit human being in the series. Bruce McGivern, who's actually not that bad of a protagonist despite people's problems with his accent.

    Most Underrated Monster

    Easily RE4 Ganado (NOT Majini, they are not the same thing). Everything about them was unnerving, the way they moved, their conviction and absolute trust in Saddler, it really set the tone for the game. They're even better at night when you find out the "shoot them in the head" is kind of a bad idea.

    Most Underrated Boss

    Yawn, because the encounter is built up so well (Richard and the serum) that it can't help but be epic. El Gigante encounters in RE4, which were all unique and nerve-wracking, unlike the boring ass shooter shit with Ndesu and the turret.

    Most Underrated Song/Soundtrack

    The ending song from RE4.... is rather effective. This when watching the images of how the village became full of Ganados. How they were living peacefully and then slowly, they became infected with the parasite. How the adults no longer cared for their children and willingly would let them die off. Creepy stuff.

    I agree with Pikminister on this one; it's amazing how people overlook RE4's soundtrack, which is much more true to the series than RE5's bombastic orchestra ever was. The only soundtrack better is RE2's, IMO.
    A man chooses...a slave obeys.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Grem View Post
      1. Most underrated game :

      I'd say Darkside Chronicles. The game isn't great for sure, but it was a very solid spin-off. I especially liked the storytelling which consists of flashbacks and an unreliable narrator (Leon), the fact that they successfully showed how Krauser turned bad and also the awesome soundtrack! (see number 5)
      But I don't know, nobody really give a damn about that game. It's as if this game never really existed. Weird. Especially when we see that Umbrella Chronicles is far more popular than this one, yet UC is wayyyy worse than Darkside.
      I also think DSC is vastly superior to UC. Technically and in so many other ways. Miles ahead.

      However, the problem with Darkside Chronicles is actually the GENRE of its gameplay. Its on-rails. That's the biggest hurdle that prevented that game from gaining traction with a lot more gamers. Cuz at the time it came out, Wii gamers had a ton of on-rail games available for their console and they were frankly tired of playing yet another one. I was. Yet I still got that game (RE fanboy, guilty!)
      Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


      • #18
        Yeah, you're right. I also think that the genre of the game was a turn off. It's too bad, though because aside from that Darkside has a lot of good things which even equal some main RE title in terms of quality.(I love Krauser's Darkside chapters!)


        • #19
          I really don't know what's underrated to the fans, but I never see enough appreciation of these games. Thought long and hard over this:

          Most Underrated Game:

          Resident Evil Remake. I'm sure many fans like myself enjoy it as one of the best, but to the casual gamer and more precisely Capcom they really don't give this game enough credit. At least I haven't seen any compared to something like RE2 or RE4. But the game is outstanding in so many areas. The graphics, the music, the voice acting, the level design, the combat, etc. I think it goes so far as to be one of the few great remakes of any video game to date. I never disagreed with any addition made to it. Crimson Heads were the best thing to come from classic RE. Lisa turned out to be just as scary (if not more so) than Nemesis. The item defense system was a great feature and even those that played the original were still in for surprises when they ventured into the re-designed mansion.

          Most Underrated Character:

          It doesn't specify what type of character so I'm going to say Claire Redfield. Supporting characters are always going to come and go. when it comes to the four main protagonists (Chris, Jill, Leon and Claire) I find that Claire is given the least amount to do. The positive thing about her is that she hasn't changed too far into her character and has at least maintained the same voice actress since the beginning. Downside is that other characters steal her thunder. Leon is pretty much the fan favorite in RE2. In Code Veronica Claire is the main focus until the game shifts into the Chris and Wesker rivalry. Chris is one that takes down Alexia and rescues his sister. In Darkside Chronicles it's Leon narrating the events and Claire's involvement is from flashback scenarios of RE2 and CV. Since then she's only been involved in mercs from the 3DS title unlike the others, and movie wise her role in Degeneration had her making wrongful guesses and needing Leon to take the matters into his own hands.

          Most Underrated Monster:

          Spencer. All that build up only for RE5 to write him off in the span of a flashback. The people who play RE4 and RE5 will not know or care about all the twisted things he's done. You need only to read the files of a game like REmake to better understand how this man is a monster. The irony being that he's one of the worst monsters in the series and he doesn't have any mutation or boss encounter. Just one old man with a vision.

          Most Underrated Boss:

          One of the hardest ones to answer. Each game has a memorable amount of boss fights. In this case I'm going to say Jill Valentine surprisingly. I did not think much of the boss battles in RE5 mainly because they reminded me so much of the ones in RE4 only with more gun play. Take the gigante fight in RE4 and compare it to RE5's ndsu. Instead of exploring the area and crawling up to slash the parasite you were stationed in the back of a vehicle pumping each parasite full of lead. So out of RE5's bosses in general the only one I had any fondness towards was Jill's. She's no longer the Jill we remember, and that's apparent the moment we face her in battle. In a way the battle itself tells a story of what kind of experiments had been done to her throughout the years to shape her into this creation. We've seen people turn into BOWs or become infected in some way. With Jill I'm sure a lot of fans that followed her from the beginning did not like to see this character end up as an unwilling servant to Wesker, and that's how the game gets to your emotions. You and Chris want to save her. You're not rewarded for gunning her down. Makes all the difference. From a game play perspective I thought the co-op actually worked quite well in having someone hold her down while the other tries to remove the device off her.

          Most Underrated Song/Soundtrack:

          I don't know if it's underrated, but I'm always going to say that Code Veronica had the best soundtrack in the series to date. The music itself has a way of driving everything that goes on in that game. The game doesn't do much to evolve the classic game play, and people can argue that the story is one of the more over the top ones in the series. I however was invested purely because the music motivated me.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Smiley View Post
            Most Underrated Monster:

            Spencer. All that build up only for RE5 to write him off in the span of a flashback. The people who play RE4 and RE5 will not know or care about all the twisted things he's done. You need only to read the files of a game like REmake to better understand how this man is a monster. The irony being that he's one of the worst monsters in the series and he doesn't have any mutation or boss encounter. Just one old man with a vision.
            Sometimes the biggest monster of them all is a human being.
            See you in hell.


            • #21
              I'll skip the catergories and just talk on a more passionate level.

              For me the most underrated title is Resident Evil Dead Aim. Because it showed the world that the series can exist well with a format change, and it was the basic template for everything that came with Resident Evil 4. The third person, non camera perspective, the linear approach to key items, type writers used without ink ribbons.etc. It's absolutely endless, but not only that, and although the game is short, it's a great title, confident in its characters and its direction, particularly within cutscenes. I absolutely love Dead Aim.

              And I feel the most underrated character is Ada. Jesus Christ isn't it time she bacame the starring character in her own game?! Her importance in the series is beyond measure. She's mentioned in the original, has a massive role in 2 + 4, and above all still has a huge story to tell with regard to her allegiance and overall game plan. Now Wesker is gone, Ada is arguably the series antagonist. She now holds all the cards. I'll probably eat my hat, but when Resident Evil 6 does finally surface, Ada will be the most important character in the franchise.

              She probably wont, but by fuck I wish she would be.
              Review and contributor for


              • #22
                I like Dead Aim. That and Dino Stalker make use of the Guncon2 really well.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                  Sometimes the biggest monster of them all is a human being.
                  Well said sir, well said.

                  Last edited by REmaster; 09-23-2011, 09:48 PM.
                  "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                  Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                  • #24
                    And the fact that he didn't mutate or anything like that was important, symbolic almost. All these horrible mutated creatures that used to be men, Birkin, Morpheus, even Wesker himself, despite their appearance they didn't compare to the greatest monster - a weak, frail old man. A human being, yet one that was behind so much shit in the series. In fact, appearances are deceiving. You look at Spencer and you would think he was some harmless elderly gentleman who belongs in a retirement home, yet he was someone who was so dangerous and so powerful.

                    It's like being in a room with Adolf Hitler or Idi Amin, they don't look like monsters but that's the most scary part. They were just like us, they were human.

                    Edit: I'd also like to mention Vincent Goldman from Survivor, he was arguably one of the biggest bastards in the series. The man murdered children, then ordered his own chief of security to cover up the entire incident as a mass suicide. Not to mention being willing to contaminate an entire island community just to save his own reputation.
                    Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 09-23-2011, 10:33 PM.
                    See you in hell.


                    • #25
                      Most Underrated Game:

                      Most Underrated Character:

                      Most Underrated Monster:
                      Gamma Hunters, cant help it they're fucking hilarious.

                      Most Underrated Boss:

                      Most Underrated Song/Soundtrack:


                      • #26
                        Most Underrated Game:
                        Code Veronica

                        Most Underrated Charactrer:
                        David King

                        Most Underrated Monster:
                        Chimeras, because they are fucking creepy

                        Most Underrated boss:
                        Giant. Black. Widow. UGH =

                        Most Underrated Song:


                        • #27
                          On a serious note this time, the most underated games I feel are Umbrella/Darkside Chronicles. Sure they introduce a lot of inconsistencies within the plot, however I don't think it's supposed to be intentional. The games were just designed to be fun I feel, and that's exactly what they are, fun! When I play them I can just chill back, relax and shoot some zombies. I think the control scheme with the Zapper is inovative, and the games still retain a lot of the playability traditional RE games have, such as upgrading weapons and have a whole host of items/documents to find. It's also nice to revisit some of my favourite RE locations and see them from a different perspective. As a RE game they're a bit off the wall, but they do the series justice imo and deserve more credit than they can get.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
                            Most Underrated Game

                            Resident Evil 0 by far

                            Most Underrated Character

                            I think I'm going to go with Chambers on this one, I think her whole character still has great potential.

                            Most Underrated Monster

                            Bandersnatchers. Excellent failures of BOWs

                            Most Underrated Boss

                            Even if 0 has the most unoriginal boss designs, I still think the mutated bat was one of the best boss scenarios on the series.

                            Most Underrated Song/Soundtrack

                            Resident Evil 0 credits

                            I'm sure a 0 whore <3
                            Zero sucks. You suck for being a Zero whore.


                            • #29
                              Most Underrated Game

                              The Outbreak games (I'm counting them both as one game). I just loved the way they played, and the near unlimited replay value that came from eight main characters.

                              Most Underrated Character

                              William Birkin. It's a shame he really had only one game where he "shined." It was cool to see him in RE0, though. If you think about it, William is just as important to the series mythology as Wesker is, and certainly not as over-the-top.

                              As for main characters, I find Claire to be the most underrated. Chris, Jill, and Leon are always stealing the spotlight; methinks it's time for another Claire game!

                              Most Underrated Monster

                              I loved the Jabberwock S3s from Darkside Chronicles. They looked absolutely terrifying, how you could still make out the human face amongst the rest of their shape. Also, the fact that they clearly originated from research done on Steve's corpse is a nice tie-in to CVX and gives the series a sense of forward direction. It's a shame we can't fight these things in a non-rail shooter where you actually have control of your character.

                              While I'm on the topic, though, I'll also say that the Bandersnatches looked amazing in Darkside Chronicles, too. Every time I play through CVX now I think of them looking as they do in Darkside, since it's far more terrifying to me (and let's face it - in CVX they looked hilarious).

                              Most Underrated Boss

                              This may be an odd choice, but I'm going with the G mutant from Outbreak. The fight itself wasn't difficult (even on harder difficulties), but it was just a very interesting battle due to the setting (the nostalgic marshaling yard) and the use of an environmental hazard (the train engine).

                              Most Underrated Song/Soundtrack

                              Code Veronica's soundtrack, easily. As for a song, this one:

                              It's easily the best "the end is nigh" music in a game I've heard.
                              Mass production? Ridiculous!


                              • #30
                                Most Underrated Game: Dead Aim

                                Most Underrated Character: Sherry Birkin

                                Most Underrated Monster: Jessica

                                Most Underrated Boss: Victor

                                Most Underrated Song/Soundtrack: Courtyard Theme
                                If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.


