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The Underrated Resident Evil Topic

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  • The Underrated Resident Evil Topic

    You see too much hate on the net. People are always complaining about how something is overrated and they think it sucks.

    Well this thread is about love. It's about appreciating great things that, for whatever reason, were overlooked.

    To get the ball rolling, here are a few examples:

    Most Underrated Game

    Most Underrated Character

    Most Underrated Monster

    Most Underrated Boss

    Most Underrated Song/Soundtrack

    And so-on and so-forth. you are welcome to submit your own Most Underrated Whatever.

    I guess I'll start.

    Most Underrated Game: Resident Evil Zero
    Uninspired bosses and environments notwithstanding, I love pretty much everything about this game. I think Billy is not only the single greatest Male Hero in the series, he and Rebecca are the best Duo. The game doesn't have that much of a plot but I enjoyed the Marcus Mystery and discovering the origins of the T-Virus. (way to go Capcom. It onlyt ook you like eix games)

    So what about you all?
    Last edited by Becky's Butt; 09-17-2011, 03:49 PM.

  • #2
    1) Biohazard 1.5
    2) Elza Walker
    3) Gorilla
    4) 1.5 Birkin
    5) This One


    • #3
      Most Underrated Game
      SURVIVOR.What >D? I liked the story okay!

      Most Underrated Character
      Lott Klein/ While Sherry was defenseless and just ran around crying, Lott grabbed a baseball bat and actually TRIED to defend himself. He has an awesome design to boot

      Most Underrated Monster
      I guess I'd say the Gonado/Majini, everyone hates them for not being zombies but I thought they were a pretty inspired choice. They remind me of Crimson Heads without the scary appearance.

      Most Underrated Boss
      The centipede of RE0, I thought it was fucking creepy as hell. People bash on the 0 monsters, but if a giant centipede grabbed me, I'd be crapping myself.

      Most Underrated Song/Soundtrack
      I guess Ada's theme counts? From Re2? It really reflects the tragic nature of her growing feelings for Leon, but there's also something dark about it that continues to swell during the music, vurrrrrry mysterious.
      Last edited by Kei_M; 09-17-2011, 04:26 PM.


      • #4
        1.Resident Evil 0
        2.Billy Cohen
        4.The Worm in RE3
        5.Sound of Prototype


        • #5
          Originally posted by aris13 View Post
          1.Resident Evil 0
          2.Billy Cohen
          4.The Worm in RE3
          5.Sound of Prototype
          Pretty much this.

          The grave digger was pretty cool, the sliders pissed me off though. I liked Billy because he was a breath of fresh air from the usual straight edge cookie cutter hero types. Chimeras, how can you not miss them? Sure, they're creepy and look like final stage Jeff Goldblum from The Fly, they hook your scalp and they screech and scuttle about(which is why I simply dub them, "scuttlebutts", however there's just something about blasting them from the ceiling and seeing all those maggots squirm about.


          If I had to add anything, it would be the Hypnos T-type tyrant from Survivor. Sure, the game itself is...different, but the story/setting was great along with the final boss. The designs were really cool, the second and third are my favorite.

          Last edited by REmaster; 09-23-2011, 07:00 AM.
          "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
          Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


          • #6
            Most Underrated Game

            Resident Evil 0 by far

            Most Underrated Character

            I think I'm going to go with Chambers on this one, I think her whole character still has great potential.

            Most Underrated Monster

            Bandersnatchers. Excellent failures of BOWs

            Most Underrated Boss

            Even if 0 has the most unoriginal boss designs, I still think the mutated bat was one of the best boss scenarios on the series.

            Most Underrated Song/Soundtrack

            Resident Evil 0 credits

            I'm sure a 0 whore <3


            • #7
              Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
              Most Underrated Game

              Most Underrated Song/Soundtrack

              Resident Evil 0 credits

              I'm sure a 0 whore <3
              That tragic piano melody at 1:06 gets me every time. Damn you Spencer for your betrayal, damn you to hell!
              Last edited by REmaster; 09-23-2011, 07:30 AM.
              "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
              Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


              • #8
                Originally posted by Becky's Butt View Post
                Most Underrated Game

                Most Underrated Character

                Most Underrated Monster

                Most Underrated Boss

                Most Underrated Song/Soundtrack
                -Survivor, Survivor, Sur-fuckin'-vivor. Despite the lackluster graphics, clunky mechanics, and voice acting which set the series back a few years to its 96 roots (debatable whether that's a good or bad thing, depending on your tastes), the design of it and certain story points are interesting enough for a look back at least once a year. At long last, Resident Evil: ORC took a page from it in choosing to put as many BOWs as humanly possible in the game. While it could have used RE3's randomization feature, the idea that one room you could run into a licker, then the next into Mr. X, and then into a group of hunters in the next just kicked ass. Plus, in terms of story concept, we get to see Umbrella at their utmost depravity in Vincent Goldman.

                -Steve Burnside. I'd say this is an example of a serious character who was just burned by the rattiness of his voice actor. His brashness and automatic mistrust could definitely be chalked up to a combination of the situation, the trauma of losing his parents, and I dunno, the fact that he's still a damn kid. Underrated isn't really getting to it.

                -Las Plagas sprouts. I remember playing RE4 for the first time, and when the introductory scene came up, I just panicked. Essentially, it turns ganados from a chore into a dread gamble. While I liked duvalias, for the most part the RE5 iterations made it just a chore once again. Maybe it's because of RE4's less than favorable reputation among a lot of fans' perspectives, but I don't hear about the three spawns of this game getting on people's lists.

                -Nosferatu. I like how the game uses the fog to obscure your view taking aim with the rifle. I'm also a huge mark for the music. So, I guess the atmosphere in general allows me to favor this fight. I don't usually see it get a lot of props.

                -This one's mostly based on the fact that the Saturn version of RE is more or less unknown, but I can't shut up about its Battle Mode BGM whenever it does get mentioned.
                Last edited by GuardhouseMusic; 09-23-2011, 07:47 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post

                  I'm sure a 0 whore <3
                  Can't blame you. I find myself replaying the game a lot lately.


                  • #10
                    Most Underrated Game
                    ( Resident evil 3)

                    Most Underrated Character

                    Most Underrated Monster
                    crows ? ( i really dont know what to answer here)

                    Most Underrated Boss
                    axe man in outbreak file 2

                    Most Underrated Song/Soundtrack
                    Resident evil outbreak theme.


                    • #11
                      Most Underrated Game
                      Resident Evil 0

                      Most Underrated Character
                      Billy Cohen

                      Most Underrated Monster
                      Mimicry Marcus (One of the scariest enemies next to the Regenerator, in my opinion.)

                      Most Underrated Boss
                      Queen Leech

                      Most Underrated Song/Soundtrack
                      THIS. (AHHHH!)
                      Close second: Somber Interlude from the REmake. I love this track.

                      In short, RE0 all the way. Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks so.<3
                      Last edited by PracticalAl; 09-23-2011, 08:49 AM.


                      • #12
                        Most Underrated Game
                        Tough choice, but probably Resident Evil 0. I had a hard time playing it originally, but I think that was due to just so much backtracking I had to do and not being able to find those damn statues.

                        Most Underrated Character
                        Billy Cohen. He was awesome, unless I had no choice and had to use rebecca, I always used him. Wish we'd see him again... Barry is also an honorable mention.

                        Most Underrated Monster
                        Eliminators. Damn these things are creepy, look at those teeth man!

                        Most Underrated Boss
                        A close tie between Proto-tyrant and Neptune for me. Proto-tyrant was awesome, got to see the first "failed" tyrant, and it wasn't hard to tell why. As for Neptune, that whole segment in REmake where you go to empty the tank and neptune smashes into the glass I thought was extremely well done.

                        Most Underrated Song/Soundtrack
                        This, definitely this. Love this as well.
                        Last edited by Spera01; 09-23-2011, 02:02 PM.


                        • #13
                          Most Underrated Game

                          Resident Evil 0 :
                          People couldn't get over the fact that this game forces you to employ strategy and to think ahead. No magic boxes are a good thing. You just have to use your grey noodle. That's all.

                          Most Underrated Character

                          DIJ, the lil' mouse that wrote a diary in CVX. If more people remembered this guy, nobody would dare question the silly and inane crap they find in other games.

                          Most Underrated Monster

                          Evil Monkey from 0
                          The damn monkeys in RE0... I rather fight a Tyrant than having to deal with those buggers.

                          Most Underrated Boss

                          He doesn't get much love since most think he's a blatant rip-off of the Jaws shark.

                          Most Underrated Song/Soundtrack

                          The ending song from RE4.... is rather effective. This when watching the images of how the village became full of Ganados. How they were living peacefully and then slowly, they became infected with the parasite. How the adults no longer cared for their children and willingly would let them die off. Creepy stuff.
                          Last edited by Pikminister; 09-23-2011, 01:58 PM.
                          Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                          • #14
                            1. Most underrated game :

                            I'd say Darkside Chronicles. The game isn't great for sure, but it was a very solid spin-off. I especially liked the storytelling which consists of flashbacks and an unreliable narrator (Leon), the fact that they successfully showed how Krauser turned bad and also the awesome soundtrack! (see number 5)
                            But I don't know, nobody really give a damn about that game. It's as if this game never really existed. Weird. Especially when we see that Umbrella Chronicles is far more popular than this one, yet UC is wayyyy worse than Darkside.

                            2. Most underrated character :

                            Steve Burnside. Definitely. Everybody hate that guy and I seriously don't understand why. He was actually interesting and more developped as a character than even the main protagonists. I feel sympathy when I think of him, because his story is really tragic. Ok, he was annoying at times, but so is everybody at the age of 17.

                            3. Most underrated monster :

                            I don't think there really is one.

                            4. Most underrated Boss :

                            Hmm, maybe Saddler. Everyone was disappointed by this boss, but I think he was really decent and about as good as any other final boss in the series.

                            5. Most underrated song/soundtrack :

                            The entire Darkside Chronicles soundtrack, hands down. Seriously it is the best RE soundtrack ever. Just listen to This and This.
                            Last edited by Grem; 09-23-2011, 02:17 PM.


                            • #15

                              One of, if not my favorite RE game. Bruce and Fong are just fucking beast.

