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Resident Evil Revelations

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  • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    Now if you had said that the cut-scene director greatly impacted on whether it was horror or not, I'd agree. Hidé Gondoh is an action director, and conveniently only started working on the series with RE4. Every fancy action move made in the games (including Ada's tongue-lip moment) is due to him, and those hurt the "horror" more than anything.
    The cutscenes have become more over the top with each installment. I enjoy Code Veronica and yet I'm aware that there was a lot of cheesy action in those cutscenes. And this was before RE4 mind you. To me, the cutscenes can have a certain amount of action to them if they want. At that point you weren't really invested in cutscenes unless you were interested in the story. I think the high point was RE remake and to some degree RE Zero. You had occasional moments of bullet time, but the characters were much more tame and took their situation seriously with humor only used mildly. It was usually the game play that drew in the horror because the cutscenes were known for their B-movie quality. From RE4 onward we have quick time events to keep us engaged no matter what. Sometimes they catch us off guard which was good in design, but that's not what always makes it scary. As you said, the cutscenes are more action packed now so the quick time events are driven to follow on that most of the time. You're not scared of Wesker breaking your neck. You're tense over which button prompt will pop up on screen. Characters we've been fond of for being practical and human are now walking action cliche's known for their amazing feats. Integrating this into the actual game play doesn't do it any favors either. No vulnerability or limitations; no actual concern for them outside the amount of hits they take on their life bar.

    Stuff like overabundance of ammunition is true and I agree completely, but honestly, none of the games were short on ammo. Anytime I play RE2, I always have countless shotgun shells or grenades left, and I end up throwing the handgun away completely by the time I reach the laboratory. RE3 is even worse when it comes to ammo due to the gunpowder feature, yet that game is still amazing. Ammo is quantified appropriately in each game (until RE5). If there was less, you'd have less freedom, and fighting enemies would be shit. The actual complaint should be that enemies should not drop ammo.
    I think that seasoned players can be more skilled over how much ammo they obtain. If you shoot everything instead of saving it for tougher enemies then you will have a harder time. People tell me Code Veronica is the worst offender for limited ammo, but I stock plenty because the knife is one of the best weapons to use as opposed to knives in the other classic titles so I can conserve ammo accordingly. Still it is recommended that you conserve ammo and avoid enemies as often as you can. Capcom knows this was a classic feature which is why they highlight Revelations as limiting your ammo for that reason.

    As for enemies dropping weapons I'm torn on it. RE4 and RE5 had money, health and ammo for nearly anything that could be shot down from ganados to crates. Even the crows dropped grenades!! Limiting that would be welcomed, but I don't think abandoning it is necessary. In RE3 you had the option of fight or flight when it came to Nemesis encounters. Running was always the best option, but if you managed to bring him down during some encounters you were rewarded with health or custom parts he would drop.

    Not all the RE4 mechanics were bad for the series. When RE1 came to the nintendo ds they had a rebirth mode where some kills you did (if I recall knifing on the touch screen) allowed enemies to drop ammo and herbs. Occurrences can be welcomed during intense moments. Use it too much and it becomes overabundant. Other features RE4 did well on was left trigger to bring out knife on the spot and combining buttons to reload on the fly. This saved having to go to the menu screen each time and was actually convenient features that didn't bring the scare factor down.

    Fixed camera angles? Because that is seriously the only thing from the earlier games that it's "missing".
    It's a key element that connects to others if I can be honest. I've already explained the advantages of camera angles in RE, but it also serves to generate the horror film atmosphere. Watching your character creep down a hallway or fight a certain monster in different angles is much more interesting than staring at their back while they gaze over everything in front of them. It made traveling around the settings more haunting. It made some of the puzzles more challenging since you had a limited fixed view of where to trigger the solutions.

    There are far fewer chances to perform melee attacks in Revelations, and from what I have seen, the only kick Jill performs is the one when breaking out of a hold after being attacked, which does absolutely no damage.
    I'm not too sure about that. I've seen her charge up her melee attacks, and in a certain boss encounter you can bring them down in similar fashion to how you would in RE4 and RE5 with them. We'll have to wait and see to know for sure, but regardless melee still exists in the game. They might have toned it down, but that just brings it to RE4's level.

    You can examine things in RE4/RE5 and REV just as much as previous games. The exploration has never, ever disappeared. Don't know where you're getting this one from.
    I never claimed RE4 and RE5 lacked such a feature. I only said that the only interesting element of exploration for Revelations will be the scanner, and that's true for the most part. No other RE game that I've played encourages scanning the area for hidden items. Not even the classics. I'm skeptical if that feature will work for the series, or if it'll merely be a gimmick that is discarded after this game. It sounds like something that could break the pace of the game or be a distraction from the horror if you have to scan around places and enemies to find things. People have said otherwise so I want to play it for myself to understand how it works so well. If you need it to pull ammo off enemies then it doesn't abandon ammo drop, but gives you an added obstacle. Might be good. We'll see.


    • Resident Evil: Revelations demo is already out in the UK and US.

      The demo became available in the UK hours ago. In the US, it's got on eShop since 9AM (PST) and also at 12PM (EST)

      I believe the demo is around 1149 blocks.

      It's taking like 4-5 minutes or so to download - just finished downloading it right... now... and yes... you only get to try it out 30 times.

      Quick impressions... like the 3D effect of the menus (LOL)... you can change a lot of stuff in options including the language... you only got one level of difficulty to begin the game with: Normal... Okay... see you later, I'm playing this sucker.
      Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


      • yea im playing the demo and its pretty cool it revolve around some virus called the T-abyss and the demo u only get to play it 30 times thats what mine said anyway so farim impressed got the old feel to it im loving it right now u can bet ur ass im buying this one when it comes out


        • Another impression, this time about the controls...

          They work great. Took me just a quick trip to the bathroom (in-game) to get used to them. Killed all the ooze dudes with no problems (in terms of using the controls, that is).

          So, I don't think I'll get the Circle Pad Pro for this one. Maybe for MGS. Gotta try that demo to make sure about that.

          Fuck it, I'm gonna leave the demo on... keeping the 3DS on sleep mode to give it another go later.
          Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


          • disturbing yet sexy :3

            Last edited by rehunk88; 01-19-2012, 01:24 PM.


            • Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
              So, I don't think I'll get the Circle Pad Pro for this one. Maybe for MGS. Gotta try that demo to make sure about that. Fuck it, I'm gonna leave the demo on... keeping the 3DS on sleep mode to give it another go later.
              I feel the same way. Glad I don't have to spend money on an extra accessory. (For Kid Icarus, it will be a different story..) The camera is absolutely fine. Stays behind you just as you need it to. No need to control it yourself. (And even if you do want to, that's what the scanner is for.) I have the 3DS on sleep mode with the demo still on too! LOL!


              • why do you only get 30 times to play the demo ?
                that dosent make much sense.


                • I am really liking this game. I played it around 6 times already and man it feels like an old school RE quite a bit. The music, sounds, and limited ammo bring back fond memories of the series past games. Really This what I have wanted for years. I'm also loving the slow pace of the game and the exploration. This is what RE5 should have been!
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • I have no idea.. It's not like you can play past where the demo ends.. Maybe because CAPCOM thinks if you already have the demo to play, you won't buy the full game?
                    Last edited by PracticalAl; 01-19-2012, 01:33 PM.


                    • Originally posted by PracticalAl View Post
                      I have no idea.. It's not like you can play past where the demo ends.. Maybe because CAPCOM thinks if you already have the demo to play, you won't buy the full game?
                      I just find that really really really weird a limit on how many times you can play a demo .... if you love the demo its not like ur gonna get tired of the rest of the game
                      if you play the demo 200 or 300 times..
                      so a limited demo is just ... weird.
                      Last edited by rehunk88; 01-19-2012, 01:34 PM.


                      • It's the same content that they showed at Gamefest and the Eurogamer Expo, amongst other places. Just this version is clearly based on the finished build with the menu's and stuff.

                        I feel the same as I did the first time, though it's great to finally her the music and stuff, which is great, but the fucking grenades need to go - it would be so much more survival horror, ammo isn't a problem because you can throw the bloody things about.
               The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
                        Review and contributor for


                        • Originally posted by PracticalAl View Post
                          I feel the same way. Glad I don't have to spend money on an extra accessory. (For Kid Icarus, it will be a different story..) The camera is absolutely fine. Stays behind you just as you need it to. No need to control it yourself. (And even if you do want to, that's what the scanner is for.) I have the 3DS on sleep mode with the demo still on too! LOL!
                          I guess we all plan to do that LOL. But 30 times is not enough. Stupid restriction. The more I play a demo, I might be more interested in getting the full game.

                          "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                          • It's not classic RE experience with some minor exceptions regarding the ammo. The puzzle in this demo is pretty simplistic, and requires little effort in solving it. Basically if you enjoyed the touch puzzles that were in Deadly Silence you might like the one in this demo.

                            The rotation of the camera is different since it is still behind the shoulder yet you can rotate the camera around to view your character fully. Once you move though it rotates back to behind your shoulder. I've so far played on the default setting which are close to the Mercenaries 3D controls. These are fine. I don't think I need to invest in a circle pad just yet. My demo was cut off before I could finish because I was too busy exploring the layout of the first few areas I was in. My impression is that there is some laziness in the ship's beginning design for the demo. The artwork of the paintings for instance were ripped from Spencer's paintings in Lost in Nightmares which in turn had basic RE5 settings on them and a outlook of his new mansion. Unless Spencer made a tong of copies to put on the Queen Zenobia I really think Capcom could done a better job in making new art and putting that little bit of effort into it. They can change Jill's face, but some paintings are too much to differentiate?

                            The menu is convenient on the touch pad. I had an easier time switching weapons and reading files.

                            The 3D was effective, but I turned it off after a while cause my eyes were starting to hurt. Even with the mode off the game still looks amazing and colorful on a hand held. Next I'll try out the scanner and see how I fare with that.


                            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              ORC happens to be written by English speakers (who don't know shit, so it balances out).
                              Mass production? Ridiculous!


                              • Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
                                It's the same content that they showed at Gamefest and the Eurogamer Expo, amongst other places. Just this version is clearly based on the finished build with the menu's and stuff.
                                It has a couple new features, can scan the enemies now for example.
                                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."

