Originally posted by Dracarys
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Resident Evil Revelations
Which I still don`t understand is why Revelations is at U$S 50.00 on Steam when RE6 was 40.00. I mean, I know RER does many things better than RE6, but come on it´s a port, selling them at such price is totally absurd, how are they expecting 1 million sales on each platform with such price.Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 05-15-2013, 06:51 PM.
Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View PostWhich I still don`t understand is why Revelations is at U$S 50.00 on Steam when RE6 was 40.00. I mean, I know RER does many things better than RE6, but come on it´s a port, selling them at such price is totally absurd.
Originally posted by Carnivol View PostI think it's enough for them to've said they're adding new stuff (they've of course shown some stuff already). They shouldn't have to show it outside the game; they should make sure that whatever they've added delivers on their claims of having added worthwhile new content. Really hate this whole marketing thing where you gotta show all the explosions and reveals in the trailers and all that's left is for you to kinda "be there yourself" and fill in the shooting bits.
Originally posted by ParasiteAdam View PostDid anyone else get some odd lagging issues while playing the demo on PC?
-Intel core 2 duo
-8GB Ram
-1GB ATI Radeon HD video card
-Windows 7 Ultimate
No noticeable lag, and my processor is kinda on the poop side compared to todays processors.
The only gripes with this release is that they still have not fixed jills face.
Jill looks absolutely nothing like she did in remake-5.
Her face and voice makes her seem like someone entirely different. Yet they leave firetruck arms face the same.
The door stuttering is a mess and really breaks the flow of the game.
60fps REV is absolutely beautiful though.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Just looked at the Jill face pic above - it is in NO way different between the 3DS and Ported version - it's just better colour and a little more polygons.
Her actual face - eyes, nose, mouth, cheekbones etc haven't moved at all .. Her skin looks more colourful on the right though, more real I guess.
I like her Rev. look - definitely better than ORC in any case.
Her hair could be better - I mean, if you imagine that face with RE3 hair , she'd look great. The only thing different is her nose is slimmer, that's it.
Look at her Gamecube model again and you'll see. Personally I feel RE5 they made her bridge wider, looks funny."I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"
Her face in BH5 is the exact same as REmake. Literally the only difference is lighting.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Here we go .. merged all images together and got some lovely results.
I merged 3DS and Port Jill over each other - No difference as you can see in the top middle image - only skin tone is better.
I then merged RE3 Remake Jill over the HD port Jill - their faces - including her skinny nose - is the same .. only her eyes are smaller and more realistic in Rev.
I think this look (bottom middle) suits her the best, maybe it's the hair IDK but I like it a lot.
TBH I would have loved to see her remake S.T.A.R.S outfit as an unlockable for REV but ain't gonna happenHer pirate outfit is out of character for her I feel .. its nice but silly
"I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"
Originally posted by News Bot View PostHer face in BH5 is the exact same as REmake. Literally the only difference is lighting.
It really isn't. I don't want to open this can of worms again, but I'll just say that this is one of the few times I can say that you're wrong.
Lemme dust off this old image here:
It's mostly a lot of small adjustments and lighting, but there are parts of the face that have some extra emphasis.
The nose, its mostly unchanged, but there seems to be a bit of extra emphasis at the tip of the nose being slightly more rounded than the original Julia Voth face capture.
The cheekbones have been made to stand out more on the RE5 model as well as narrow her jawline out, which is also noticeable. This gives her face a lot more slenderness as you can see, the one major change that does stand out is that the mouth on the RE5 model.
The mouth width has been decreased a lot as well as the wideness of her bottom lip. It's also been adjusted some so that its got a smooth oval to it.
Jills RE5 models eye lids have also been slightly adjusted so that on the top they're a bit lower giving her a slightly sleepier look.
While you are right about the lighting making a big difference, there are enough adjustments on the face as so that it looks enough like the original Julia Voth model they used to use, this ones face has been adjusted enough so that its not the same and your eyes are drawn to different areas of her face due to the extra emphasis on the nose, cheekbones, and lips.
This face has enough difference to it to be a different face in my humble opinion.
Lighting does a lot of things to a persons face, but when you have whats mostly neutral lighting as in the image there you can see the differences.
I've been studying facial structures for god knows how long now, more than 10 years and I've gotten pretty good at noticing things, so my opinion is still taken with a grain of salt, but being that I've been drawing a good decade or so since most folks here were born and have a strong background in several areas of art, I'd like to think Its worth an extra grain of salt.Last edited by Wrathborne; 05-17-2013, 01:05 AM.
Thanks for proving my point, Wrathborne!PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium