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Resident Evil Revelations

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  • Originally posted by HOTvirus View Post
    they now know what to do and what we want
    now is up to you crapcom, your last chance
    From what I just heard at a panel at the local anime/game convention, Capcom is scared to make a new RE game.

    I learned a lot of interesting facts about them from the guys who hosted(all 3 work in the game industry as critics/press, one guy at Game a panel called "Whats wrong with Capcom?"(Next years "whats wrong" will be about Nintendo) but they said that there are two main things wrong with Capcom Japan right now:

    1: Unrealistic sales expectations. RE6 was supposed to make like 7 million units in the first month of its release, right? we all saw how that turned out. Apparently the fact that the recent Tomb Raider reboot ONLY sold over 3 million units in its first month means its a commercial failure and any plans for a sequel are dead. I kid you not.

    2: Capcom Japan, is stupid. Really stupid. Stupid, stubborn, ignorant. We all know this, but its apparently a business logic. They want to be like the highest success in the gaming industry on a global scale, but they dont give a fuck what anyone says outside of Japan. They continue to spend money as if its never going to stop coming in, and when a game fails, or fails to meet their expectations sales wise...all future entries are cancelled.

    Which would make sense if they didnt have the assumption that a game was going to sell an insane amount of copies to begin with. A block buster series that costs like 15 million to make(and say an additional 3 for advertising) and sells 2 million units at $50 a unit is NOT a failure, that 18 million spent just made about 82 million dollars profit. This is just one game from one of their many popular franchises, thats a failure how?

    Because its not COD which happened to sell 3 million units at the same time? They desperately want that extra one million units in sale, so they're now gonna copy as much of COD as possible to try to get that extra 1 million in sales...and instead they get like 1.2 million in sales on this sequel, to the game that made the 2 million unit sales.

    They panic, freak out and cancel any further development on the games sequels and instead re-release previous entries for other consoles so that the brand is still out there and remembered, but nothing new is going on with the IP.

    Oddly enough this example here, which seems to be the fate of Resident Evils future entries as it stands now, also happened with another Popular Franchise, Mega man.

    When Inafune left, all development on future Megaman titles ceased. Dark stalkers, while still popular, wont get a new entry due to Capcom fucking up with their sales expectations on re-releasing an old arcade game, and really its the management thats to blame.

    Capcom USA, and Capcom Europe have pretty much no say in Capcom Japans insanity, which you'd think they'd have at least a little say in, but thats now how it works.

    This is pretty much the way things are and there is a slight chance we may not see a new entry in the RE series, or an entry that we want to see, for a long time.

    ORC was moderately cheap to make, and sold very well if I remember and since Capcom doesn't even develop their own games so much any more, I'd guess we're gonna see something new from Slant Six soon.

    From everything I'd heard, it sounds more like RE Revelations is our last chance. If the HD ports dont sell enough to make them blink its "our fault" and the series will get put on ice for however long.


    • Finished it and it's pretty good, better than RE6. While not the return of survival horror it's a step on the right direction, more so than Leon's campaign on RE6 (oooh, you can only walk, terrifying). My only complaint are the wonky mouse controls, I've missed a lot of time because of its lack of precision.


      • Has anyone had any joy with the "That'll leave a mark" achievement? found a couple of cheap tricks on google for it but they haven't worked so was wondering if anyone else had managed it and how?


        • never mind, two minutes after I wrote my previous comment I got the achievement


          • Wow, I`ve just watching a raid mode video and noticed that they changed one of the requirements for the trinity bonus, it`s much better now, it was impossible on 3DS.
            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


            • Originally posted by TheOrganization View Post
              never mind, two minutes after I wrote my previous comment I got the achievement
              I'm assuming you just buy a rocket launcher and kill any enemy with it, right? Not sure how else you could do it...
              Mass production? Ridiculous!


              • Wrathborne : I seriously doubt Capcom will stop making RE games just because of RE6. Ok RE6 sales didn't meet their expectations, but they sold 5 millions units! More than enough to make a sequel. I bet they are already making the next RE. It's their best selling franchise, they are not going to give up just because of a misstep.

                However, if RE7 fails again, then there is a chance for Capcom to stop milking the franchise.


                • Originally posted by TheOrganization View Post
                  Has anyone had any joy with the "That'll leave a mark" achievement? found a couple of cheap tricks on google for it but they haven't worked so was wondering if anyone else had managed it and how?
                  if your current lvl is higher than 20, just buy a rocket launcher and enter on of the first lvls. I took the lvl where jill wakes up during the campaign. Just aim at the ooze and blow it away. than you might here a plink sound;)


                  • I tried that but I don't think my level was high enough so I didn't get it, instead I bought a rocket launcher and started level 20, then just fired it at the middle scagdead and the combined total of damage gave me what I want and I also got the lovely Chris Sailor suit


                    • Originally posted by Grem View Post
                      Wrathborne : I seriously doubt Capcom will stop making RE games just because of RE6. Ok RE6 sales didn't meet their expectations, but they sold 5 millions units! More than enough to make a sequel. I bet they are already making the next RE. It's their best selling franchise, they are not going to give up just because of a misstep.

                      However, if RE7 fails again, then there is a chance for Capcom to stop milking the franchise.
                      I also believe that abandoning the RE series might be the bigger risk, then to release another title that surely may be a profit. I mean which RE title hasn't been a profit for capcom?


                      • Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post

                        1: Unrealistic sales expectations. RE6 was supposed to make like 7 million units in the first month of its release, right?
                        Wasn't it 7m in the fiscal year, so from release until end of March? It shipped 4.5m, then another 400k at some point. 4.9m for a game that was slated by both critics and fans is pretty impressive. Ok, so most of them would have shipped long before the stink of the game came about, but the extra 400k implies they were selling through.

                        If it wasn't a load of shit the 7m figure may have been possible.

                        Capcom will not walk away from RE, it is by far their biggest money maker, they'll clone the movies and add Alice and psychic powers before they'd ever walk away. If you'relucky they'll reboot instead though.
                        Last edited by Dracarys; 06-01-2013, 08:53 AM.
                        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                        • or.....they will reboot and add Alice and psychic powers

                          The worst case scenario.


                          • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                            If you'relucky they'll reboot instead though.
                            Because it went so well for DmC.


                            • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                              Wasn't it 7m in the fiscal year, so from release until end of March? It shipped 4.5m, then another 400k at some point. 4.9m for a game that was slated by both critics and fans is pretty impressive. Ok, so most of them would have shipped long before the stink of the game came about, but the extra 400k implies they were selling through.

                              If it wasn't a load of shit the 7m figure may have been possible.

                              Capcom will not walk away from RE, it is by far their biggest money maker, they'll clone the movies and add Alice and psychic powers before they'd ever walk away. If you'relucky they'll reboot instead though.
                              Right, it was 7m during the first year, not in the first month, so it was reasonable and they would reached their goal (2 million more copies) if the game would receive positive critics and reviews, but this isn´t what happened.

                              I think Capcom just need to make a less expensive RE, the 600 people team they used for RE6 didn´t helped the game to be the amazing memorable game they wanted for, so make a game with less people, less characters, less campaigns, less huge stages, less explosions, less DLCs, less vehicles and that would give less development time and the sales requirements would be lower.

                              More is not better, RER is much shorter than RE6 and has less content, but still most people think it´s better than RE6.
                              The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                              • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                                Right, it was 7m during the first year, not in the first month, so it was reasonable and they would reached their goal (2 million more copies) if the game would receive positive critics and reviews, but this isn´t what happened.

                                I think Capcom just need to make a less expensive RE, the 600 people team they used for RE6 didn´t helped the game to be the amazing memorable game they wanted for, so make a game with less people, less characters, less campaigns, less huge stages, less explosions, less DLCs, less vehicles and that would give less development time and the sales requirements would be lower.

                                More is not better, RER is much shorter than RE6 and has less content, but still most people think it´s better than RE6.
                                I couldn't agree more, a smaller project has much more focus then a 600 developer mess. A lower budget, horror focused game that has that unnecessary fat trimmed from it is what should always be done.

