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Resident Evil Revelations

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  • I'm having to take a break from Raid Mode unless anybody can give me some good tips to level up quicker, it seems to be taking me forever and it's getting quite tedious


    • The "Trench" levels seem to work for that.


      • Originally posted by TheOrganization View Post
        I'm having to take a break from Raid Mode unless anybody can give me some good tips to level up quicker, it seems to be taking me forever and it's getting quite tedious
        Resident Evil . Net is actually having to events. One of which helps you level up faster if you kill oozes in raid mode. give it a try , it's fun and quite rewarding ;)


        • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
          And also I think Wrathborne is right on "earthquake attacks", Dragginazo and Norman can hit you even if they don`t hit you.
          You're meant to interupt the attack, the punishment for failing is damage and/or being knocked over. That is the entire point of them.

          Originally posted by DeadArtist View Post
          Resident Evil . Net is actually having to events. One of which helps you level up faster if you kill oozes in raid mode. give it a try , it's fun and quite rewarding ;)
          The bonus XP is worthless, they applied it to the enemies but the actual enemies barely reward any XP, finishing stages gets you lots of XP, killing every enemy with the XP bonus will net you +100xp or so only, worthless.
          Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


          • But the globster week got me lots of XP? At least I think it did.


            • Originally posted by DeadArtist View Post
              But the globster week got me lots of XP? At least I think it did.
              Nope globsters the same, XP difference for beating for example stage 2 Trench was 100xp, for the entire stage which contains about 20 or so globsters. Capcom really didn't think it through.
              Last edited by Dracarys; 06-15-2013, 12:24 PM.
              Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


              • Months later, it's still disgusting that CAPCOM's "translators" still haven't caught their own glaring mistakes.

                Originally posted by Wrong
                As our genetic mapping of the new virus (The Abyss) neared completion, the Global Pharmaceutical Consortium offered the assistance of their research branch via their contacts in an unnamed country.
                Originally posted by Accurate
                When the gene analysis of the newly-discovered virus neared completion, a research institute of an international pharmaceutical company offered cooperation through the route of a certain national organization.

                Originally posted by Wrong
                The Federal Bioterrorism Commission was founded by the U.S. government to be the enforcing agency of the guidelines set forth by the National Species Protection Act.


                The duties of all FBC members include the research, training and support of the biological community. Policies will be fomented on a needs-only basis, with any additional budget expenditures and extraordinary activities being approved by a plenary session of the Wildlife Protection Committee.

                The FBC chair is selected by the Wildlife Protection Committee. The chair's duties include complete oversight of the FBC and coordination of all activities with respective U.S. Cabinet officials. The FBC chair is the final overseer of the National Animal Protection Community.

                All members of the National Animal Protection Community are entitled to request help from the chair, including the Secretaries of State and Defense, and the Director of National Intelligence.
                Originally posted by Accurate
                The FBC was established as the enforcement agency of biological defense in the United States, under the provisions of the 2001 National Biological Defense Act.


                The FBC formulates systems considered to be necessary for research and development in relation to support, training and biological defense with FBC personnel execution of duties and has the authority to draft schemes for budget and action plans under the approval of the National Security Council.

                The FBC Chairperson is elected by the National Security Council and not only oversees FBC personnel and shoulders the unification of strategic decisions and regulations of biological defense branches within the government, but also holds the additional post of National Biological Defense Community Director.

                Regarding the enforcement of activities, they have the right to demand support from the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who participate in the National Biological Defense Community.
                The WWF would be so proud of the coverage of animal welfare!
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • I would like to have more PS3 Site Buddies on Anyone want to add me? My nickname at is DeadArtist .


                  • Fuck off CAPCOM.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • If that Rev. 2 poster is real, then it gives me a reason to keep my 3DS. Otherwise I was just gonna sell it.


                      • Anyone still have that Revelations 2 poster somewhere? That website's down.


                        • "Revelations 2", "Outbreak: Tall Oaks", "RE7: The War Ends Now".... What comes next, The Neo-Umbrella Chronicles? Operation Rockfort Island?
                          The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                          • I googled it and must say that it looks pretty bad. Plus, if they were to make revelations 2 a 3DS exclusive until after a year or so , wouldn't make the game on an HD console as good as it could be. I mean Revelations HD is already pretty good, but some textures do look cheap or some animations could be way better like the charackters mouths etc... They should make a console title and make it as good as possible with enough content and then release a smaller version to the 3DS. The next games convention is far away, I'm guessing... so we will probably have to wait a long time to see if this is legit.


                            • One word: Nintendo Direct. They can announced this game any day they pleased.

                              Also they did say they had more 3DS games yet to announced.

