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Resident Evil Revelations

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  • It´s not legit, how could they name "Revelations 2" and announce an exact "3.12.13" release date when there isn´t even a teaser. And also a "Pre order now" message, so where is the pre-order?
    Just another stupid guy trying to play with us.
    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


    • The same way they named Outbreak File 2.

      It's possible, if they started working on this right after finishing the first one, they will have 20 months of work. More or less the same time they had with REV 1.


      • I would love Revelations 2 to be true, but it's another fake most likely. What is it with all these fake announces these days?


        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post

          Fuck off CAPCOM.
          I have to agree with that... At least when worn in the virtual realm. <_<

          Originally posted by Grem View Post
          I would love Revelations 2 to be true, but it's another fake most likely. What is it with all these fake announces these days?
          I think it's like a loser lottery. Some fame starved basement dweller sees a successful game, wants recognition for being the first to leak info about its much anticipated sequel and throws his fake out there in the hopes that within a month or so that he'll seemingly be proved legit.
          Last edited by AsteroidBlues; 07-01-2013, 01:17 PM.


          • Originally posted by Vito View Post
            The same way they named Outbreak File 2.
            Outbreak was a separated saga and had its own number scheme, Revelations is part of the main entries, so "Revelations 2" is a silly name, unless Capcom would be trying to split the main series in two separated ways.
            Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 07-01-2013, 01:34 PM.
            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


            • Enough with the cheap fakes for God's sake... this one is particularly ugly, the guy clearly didn't put any effort into this shit whatsoever.


              • Originally posted by Sly View Post
                Enough with the cheap fakes for God's sake... this one is particularly ugly, the guy clearly didn't put any effort into this shit whatsoever.
                I totally agree. By the way, I totally just found this somewhere on the internet.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	48.3 KB
ID:	403144
                Last edited by AsteroidBlues; 07-01-2013, 03:43 PM.


                • I miss special outfits just being mostly regular clothes instead of costumes.

                  I mean, this is a cruise ship right? Just have Jill and Chris dressed up for a cruise? Pirate Jill and Short-shorts Chris are just so awful.

                  The special outfits should fit the theme of the setting at least...and short-shorts Chris is again, too far in the wrong direction. If an outfit is too silly to be taken seriously, then its the wrong choice.


                  • Seems as though the page that had the RE:R2 poster up has disappeared. Who would have thought that would happen. xD


                    • Click image for larger version

Name:	resident-evil-revelations-poster-1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	19.9 KB
ID:	403146
                      PSN Gamercards


                      • The ass behind the fake artworks needs to get a life. Fucker.


                        • I just uploaded every cutscene in the game, in HD. Your welcome.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • I don't remember thanking you... but considering that you have prematurely stuck your neck out, I guess I will just so you can save face.

                            Thank you kindly, good sir.

