Originally posted by Darkmoon
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Billy Coen
Marcus (Any form of)
Like every Zero enemy
Human Birkin
Ben Bertolucci
Robert Kendo
Chief Irons
Annette Birkin
Steve Burnside (Mod a Leon?)
Bruce McGivern
Fong Ling
Ark Thompson
Lott Klein
Lily Klein
Enrico Marini and the rest of Bravo (Even Rebecca has only had one)
Lisa (Trevor?)
The entire cast of Outbreak
And of course:
Anyway as a side note thought this might interest someone, I was keen til I saw I'd be 89$ postage to the UK. Who knows how much it'll finish at and *gasp* no boxes (!) but Wesker is there and as the only Wesker (save for the RE5 version) it's worth it for him alone although the rest are pretty damn desireable . . .