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Resident Evil: Game Boy Color - Released on the 4th of feb (2012)

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  • Resident Evil: Game Boy Color - Released on the 4th of feb (2012)

    I'll just copy paste here and say that any Resident Evil beta fans who care about this particular game should be on this now. If you wait, you'll never see it again.


    Originally posted by kiff[U
    Fundraiser – Resident Evil GBC[/U]

    $2,000 (EDIT BY OKEI: This is how much the seller wants in total)

    Time Scale
    Midnight (GMT) 29th February 2012

    Payment Details
    PayPal payments only to –
    • All donations should be sent via 'gift' or 'payment owed' (Nobody wants to be paying fees on a fundraiser)
    • All donations to be sent in US dollars ($) only; donations sent in any other currency will be returned
    • If the total isn't reached by the allotted date then ALL donations will be returned
    Most people are probably aware of this title but for those that aren't – This was canned around 90% into development (so so close to release; what a shame). It was designed by HotGen to be a direct conversion of the Playstation original. Capcom refused the final build in 2000 saying that they 'were not confident that the product would have made both consumers and Capcom happy'.

    I am running this fundraiser for a third party who does not wish to be identified. I do not personally own this cart so please do not contact me with regards to a private sale. The ONLY way this will ever see sunlight again is via the fundraiser.

    The build that is to be released is very nearly complete in gameplay terms but when you get to the door at the Guardhouse Underground Watertank you cannot open it (even though you have found and have the correct key in your inventory). You can bypass this point by changing some memory values and 'jumping through' some of the rooms but I think we will leave that for you to figure out; keep some excitement in it.
    You have unlimited ammo and the Zombies are very slow so the game itself is quite easy. The Beretta and Shotgun work fine, you can find the Bazooka but can't get it to fire!
    The only enemies which work are the Zombies; Jawn is in the attic as usual but he just stands there and does nothing.
    Plant 42 is present but again, it doesn't work.
    Most of/ all of the cut scenes are present and work but I am not 100% if any of the endings work.

    Hi-Res Packshot


    This is the point where the door won't open -

    Nearly 12 years since the original was cancelled we have an opportunity to get this out into the public.
    This is a non profit release; infact, the owner is taking quite a substantial hit on this one.

    I am open to answer any questions...

    (This has been cleared with Assembler)
    If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P

  • #2
    Man I want to purchase that shit right now. $2000 is like nothing. Even DOT knows I've been crazy about the GBC port for the past years of THIA....
    Last edited by Chris' Boob; 11-28-2011, 09:54 PM.


    • #3

      Good news - I won't be donating though because (1) Too late.. (2) I get very little satisfaction from GBC games, even RE. But yes, good news its going to be out there sooner or later so good luck..
      Last edited by Scream; 11-28-2011, 10:45 PM.


      • #4
        Last time they put an announce on Assembler Games about 1.5.
        The one who purchased it got a nice rip off...


        • #5
          The ROM of this game never leaked to the internet?


          • #6
            I'd be more excited about 1.5 or a BH3 beta, but this one could be interesting to play around with as well...
            Is it known whether this build is more, less or the same in terms of completeness compared to the build shown in several gameplay videos on thia some years ago?


            • #7
              Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
              The ROM of this game never leaked to the internet?
              The game can be found for free all over the Internet. They are taking $2000 just for fun...

              Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
              Last time they put an announce on Assembler Games about 1.5.
              The one who purchased it got a nice rip off...
              That was an obvious prank, and no proof was supplied. I don't think anybody was stupid enough to send any money to that guy.
              Last edited by Anders; 11-29-2011, 08:24 AM.
              lostreleases // demopals


              • #8
                If you read the thread you'll see the deal can be trusted... so donate now, so everyone else can download.


                • #9
                  @Anders: What? The ROM for REGBC has never been leaked or released.

                  I might donate once it gets closer to the data to see how much is remaining left...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                    @Anders: What? The ROM for REGBC has never been leaked or released.
                    Sarcasm, because the question I responded to was slightly absurd - why would anybody charge money for something which is already online?
                    lostreleases // demopals


                    • #11
                      No money was ever transfered for 1.5 that I know of.

                      And time for people to put their money where their mouths are. Tons of people saying they will donate hundreds for the game, let's see it happen.


                      • #12
                        Will they update us on how much they are at every week?

                        I will donate near the end if the goal is not reached, as tight as I am on funds, I really want the rom. If it's $50-200 off I'll donate that. I just don't want to be the only one.

                        Everyone should donate, this will be one of the best causes for the RE's not as big as 1.5 or 3.5 but I still say it's a big deal!
                        Last edited by Chris' Boob; 11-29-2011, 07:33 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                          I just don't want to be the only one.
                          It says donations will be refunded if the target isn't met. You won't lose your money.
                          lostreleases // demopals


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Anders View Post
                            Sarcasm, because the question I responded to was slightly absurd - why would anybody charge money for something which is already online?
                            It's just a question, with your same argument I can ask you: why do you bought original games if they can be downloaded from the internet?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
                              It's just a question, with your same argument I can ask you: why do you bought original games if they can be downloaded from the internet?
                              There is a very large difference, and you're basically not making any sense whatsoever.

                              1. The RE1GBC ROM up for donations is a ROM file, not the actual GBC cartridge. It is stated that the original cartridge will remain with the current owner. If the ROM file had already been online, why would anyone pay to download the same ROM file again?

                              2. Buying original games is buying collectibles. Buying the original RE1GBC cartrige is also buying a collectible, but the cartridge is not offered for sale. I would gladly pay money for the original cartridge, even if the ROM file was available for download.

                              3. Releasing an old, cancelled game like this may not be entirely legal - after all the game is still Capcom's property, even though it was never released. However, downloading released retail games is plain and simple piracy. You should support the developer by actually purchasing any game they have released which you want to play.
                              lostreleases // demopals

