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Resident Evil: Game Boy Color - Released on the 4th of feb (2012)

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  • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
    What Darkmoon says is indeed correct. So, to make life easier for some of you conspiracy nuts out there; here's what you can gather by just fiddling about online and what I can add to it.

    -The current owner of the carts is indeed the person who released it (the donations were used to recoup the loss from buying the second cart)
    -The most complete of the two builds is the very same build as could be seen in lots of old THIA material and also the 99 handycam footage
    -The background rips and various hex values I posted previously in this thread were something that was whipped together on a sleepless May night back in 2007. I was bored, someone needed a quick hand with something.
    -The aforementioned background rips, along with some spriterips I've long since misplaced, were to be featured in the RE1 section on the site (along with some other neat stuff that were worked out with both people within and outside the community. You know who you are, and so do I. Not forgotten.)
    -The correct amount of people who died were 5, but the official number thrown around is indeed 3. In RPG tradition, they were never heard from again.
    -The dumping equipment used to dump the most complete of the two builds is a USB powered GB Transferer 2 (owned by yours truly)
    -The fact that these carts surprisingly enough now resides merely half-day worth of driving my place, my equipment was shipped around the globe and the previous owner had to secretly (ab)use a family computer to gain access to the LPT port needed for the aforementioned dumping equipment.
    -The big $3500 joke back in 2007 was "WTF? Your fucking machine just formated the fucking GBC flash cart!"
    -The funny thing is that I laughed and found it funny, rather than being shocked, scared and disappointed.
    -The thing that surprises me is how people actually paid up. Previous attempts at fundraisers for four digit releases have usually resulted in not a single person donating the money they claim they'd be willing to donate.
    So you pretty much admit to at one time around 2008 holding the cartridge in your hands, dumping the rom?


    That, or you meant to say you sold or shipped the equipment with it...

    Let's figure this story out, no BS, alright?

    -Dot lists this as one of his top 3 collection pieces way back when.
    -Apparently you had this game once in your hands, had the dumping material etc.
    -Supposedly had background rips / hex values back in 07.
    -Buddy buddy with Dot


    Let's just hope THIA's staff never gets there hand on 1.5, because if they did, they wouldn't release it, just like RE GBC. Which they had since 07.

    I was right all along, and every disbelieved me. TSK TSK.
    Last edited by Chris' Boob; 02-05-2012, 05:44 PM.


    • Reading comprehension is a cool thing.

      Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
      So you pretty much admit to at one time around 2008 holding the cartridge in your hands, dumping the rom?
      Does "you" refer to me or THIA?
      Also, where'd 2008 come from? Pretty sure the only year I've mentioned is 2007. People read what they wanna read or something, no wonder conspiracy nuts never gets their facts right.

      Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
      Not really. It's completely irrelevant and of no significant importance as far as the community goes.

      Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
      That, or you meant to say you sold or shipped the equipment with it...
      Pretty sure I meant exactly what I wrote. Reading comprehension.

      Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
      Let's figure this story out, no BS, alright?
      What is there to "figure out"? Also, the only "BS" here seems to be whatever amazing way your imagination twists things or fills in the blanks ;D

      Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
      -Dot lists this as one of his top 3 collection pieces way back when.
      Correct. Forgot if he mentioned this when Swedish Super Play (iirc) did a two page article on THIA/Dot50Cal's collection. Seem to recall that interview being done at the same time.

      Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
      -Apparently you had this game once in your hands, had the dumping material etc.
      Again, does "you" refer to me, "THIA" or someone else? The cartridge reader to dump this was indeed supplied by me. Dunno how much more straight forward I can say that without leaving room for misinterpretation. The cartridge didn't exactly move a lot, since it's safer/cheaper to send a $35 piece of electronics back and forth than a $3500 cultural treasure.

      Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
      -Supposedly had background rips / hex values back in 07.
      Supposedly? I love how you misinterpret stuff, make things up, and also for some reason cast doubt on any facts/statements presented. Part of the bait tactics to fish for more or are you just that stupid?

      Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
      -Buddy buddy with Dot
      Of course, he buys stuff all the time under the impression that me and the rest of the guys will play it with him.

      Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
      Let's just hope THIA's staff never gets there hand on 1.5, because if they did, they wouldn't release it, just like RE GBC. Which they had since 07.
      Okay. So let's get one thing straight at the bottom of all of this; Believe what you want, but I'm pretty sure that hadn't THIA's assole staff been around to do what they do, you'd probably never have seen this game (along with a good few other things). The handycam video is all that you'd be likely to've ever seen of that game. There'd be no new footage in 2007, no content for the RE1 section (had we had the motivation to wrap it up) and there'd be no ROM dumps released once the fundraiser from the current owner reached its goal.

      However, it's worth noting that it's amazing people like yourself that always makes finding, negotiating, securing and releasing these sorts of things incredibly troublesome.

      Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
      I was right all along, and every disbelieved me. TSK TSK.
      Sounds to me like you're being a tit (SEE WHAT I DID THERE?) and I'm considering ending the night with bloodshed (upping the killcount to 6/4)
      Last edited by Carnivol; 02-05-2012, 06:03 PM.


      • 1) I meant 2007.

        2) Okay.

        3) Okay.

        4) The fact Dot lied and said he never owned the RE GBC beta sounds a lot like BS doesn't it? But apparently he couldn't care less if people know he owns it now....

        5) Okay, I never read it, nor do I remember him ever admitting it. He remembers me though

        6) You, means you, the one making the post. You said you created the cartridge reader, and 'helped' someone rip backgrounds and values. So maybe I'm misinterpreting it as you took the rom as they dumped it with their tool, and you ripped it. But maybe you're saying you gave them the tool to dump it and they did everything themselves? They = whomever has the cartridge.

        7) You just said you spent a bored night helping someone. So I dunno man.

        8) That basically confirms you are all in a clique I guess.

        9) Nah they helped, but they also hide a lot from the fans, I'm sure of it. I'd like the explanation of how PEOPLE who stand UP FOR THE FANS make things difficult for negotiating and what not. I'll wait for this answer. Because I've done nothing wrong :3

        9) Bloodshed? Bans? Lol. Let's ban someone because they're just expressing their opinion on the whole situation, yah!!!!!! Although I have no idea what you mean by bloodshed, I'm just assuming this because you're upset.

        Yes, whoever owns it, is entitled to whatever they want. But the fact people have ignored the fans is wrong.
        Last edited by Chris' Boob; 02-05-2012, 06:23 PM.


        • Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
          9) Bloodshed? Bans? Lol. Let's ban someone because they're just expressing their opinion on the whole situation, yah!!!!!! Although I have no idea what you mean by bloodshed, I'm just assuming this because you're upset.
          Generally being unappreciated in helping something people wanted to play for years would make someone upset.

          You're just trolling now Boob, stop it. The fact that you're getting so worked up over something that doesn't concern you is just really bizarre.

          People don't get banned for opinions, they get banned for being assholes.

          Appreciate your contribution to this Carnivol!
          Last edited by Wrathborne; 02-05-2012, 06:36 PM.


          • Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
            Generally being unappreciated in helping something people wanted to play for years would make someone upset.

            You're just trolling now Boob, stop it. The fact that you're getting so worked up over something that doesn't concern you is just really bizarre.

            People don't get banned for opinions, they get banned for being assholes.

            Appreciate your contribution to this Carnivol!
            Everything to everyone is now considered trolling. I miss the days when the word didn't exist. You think RE4 sucks? You're trolling. You think RE4 is good? Oh you are definitely trolling!!

            I'm getting worked up over something that doesn't sit right with quite a few people who just won't come out and say it. It's been sealed away for ages, and Dot was in denial about it. I bet I have the original conversations from way back when too.

            How am I being an asshole in any way? I'm not flaming, I'm not doing anything wrong. You and your accusations though are dragging this topic off-topic.

            You clearly don't know the history of THIA. It may say I've been here since 08 but I've been hear since longer. There's a lot to learn. I'm not saying I'm not some know it all, but I'm just saying from someone who's only been here since the 10 (I'll give you 09 too) missed out on a lot.

            I appreciate that my favorite beta is released, in no doubt, but I just don't like being lied to. Got it? All I wanted was to clear up a few missing details from this 'story' which Carnivol has been nice enough to provide. So it's not like I'm *****ing about it.
            Last edited by Chris' Boob; 02-05-2012, 06:43 PM.


            • Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
              Everything to everyone is now considered trolling. I miss the days when the word didn't exist. You think RE4 sucks? You're trolling. You think RE4 is good? Oh you are definitely trolling!!

              I'm getting worked up over something that doesn't sit right with quite a few people who just won't come out and say it. It's been sealed away for ages, and Dot was in denial about it. I bet I have the original conversations from way back when too.

              How am I being an asshole in any way? I'm not flaming, I'm not doing anything wrong. You and your accusations though are dragging this topic off-topic.

              You clearly don't know the history of THIA. It may say I've been here since 08 but I've been hear since longer. There's a lot to learn. I'm not saying I'm not some know it all, but I'm just saying from someone who's only been here since the 10 (I'll give you 09 too) missed out on a lot.

              I appreciate that my favorite beta is released, in no doubt, but I just don't like being lied to. Got it?
              Did you donate any money to the fundraiser?
              Did you help program the Rom at all?

              If the answer to both these questions is 'no', then it doesn't concern you.
              This sounds more like a vendetta against Dot and Carnivol more than anything.


              • Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
                Did you donate any money to the fundraiser?
                Did you help program the Rom at all?

                If the answer to both these questions is 'no', then it doesn't concern you.
                This sounds more like a vendetta against Dot and Carnivol more than anything.
                Oh you. But this conversation doesn't concern you, does it now? So why are you 'butting' in? Oh quite a hypocrite. You should stop dragging on this little argument, because again, it doesn't concern you. It's pretty much over. Carnivol answered what I wanted to know, and that's that.

                And it (the release of the ROM and history behind it) concerns the true fans of Resident Evil. Everyone who loves the series just as I do.
                Last edited by Chris' Boob; 02-05-2012, 06:49 PM.


                • Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                  Oh you. But this conversation doesn't concern you, does it now? So why are you 'butting' in? Oh quite a hypocrite.
                  A Resident Evil topic, on a Resident Evil forum, about an unreleased Resident Evil game does concern me. You'd also be surprised to know that when you bring an issue forward in a public thread that it can concern anyone who reads it.

                  If you're gonna bring something out in the open, don't be surprised when someone makes a comment about it. If you really didn't want anyone to say anything about your opinions, you would have sent Carnivol a PM instead of attacking him.

                  That's common forum knowledge.
                  Last edited by Wrathborne; 02-05-2012, 06:51 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
                    A Resident Evil topic, on a Resident Evil forum, about an unreleased Resident Evil game does concern me. You'd also be surprised to know that when you bring an issue forward in a public thread that it can concern anyone who reads it.

                    If you're gonna bring something out in the open, don't be surprised when someone makes a comment about it. If you really didn't want anyone to say anything about your opinions, you would have sent Carnivol a PM instead of attacking him.

                    That's common forum knowledge.
                    Yes, but you should really stop contradicting yourself, and stop arguing with me. I'm dropping it, why don't you do the same? You said it doesn't concern me but apparently it concerns you now? What are you talking about and why are you babbling about some random crap?

                    Since when is questioning someone 'attacking' by the way?

                    Drop it. Before the moderators and staff get more angry.
                    Last edited by Chris' Boob; 02-05-2012, 06:53 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                      You clearly don't know the history of THIA. It may say I've been here since 08 but I've been hear since longer. There's a lot to learn. I'm not saying I'm not some know it all, but I'm just saying from someone who's only been here since the 10 (I'll give you 09 too) missed out on a lot.
                      I do know the history of THIA. I've been at this version a long time. I was a member of two, three versions before this. I've been a mod on and off for the last decade or so, and have been threatened with being made a admin a couple of times. Isn't that a terrifying thought, boys and girls?

                      I'm also friends with a lot of folks and while not directly involved, I have a better idea of what's going on that most people. So let's play a game I like to call 'Suppose'.

                      Suppose someone, such as Dot, did get hold of a beta like the GBC version of Resident Evil. Suppose he gave his word he wouldn't leak it. Suppose that he might have been keeping such a rare and unusual item to trade for something equally rare and unusual, such as 1.5. Suppose that he just didn't feel like giving away four figures worth of game, but was maybe letting a few people with the technical skills and machinery access to it for things like putting together new sections of the site.

                      Suppose that he gets into a serious accident and is badly hurt, looses his job, and can't afford to pay his medical bills. Suppose that maybe he has to sell some of his stuff to stay above water. Suppose that new owner doesn't have the same obligations and desires and decides to release it and make back part of his investment (and yes, I'm not supposing it was only part).

                      I won't say all that is correct. I don't actually know what went down. Just more than most of you guys.

                      Now, let's get back on topic and stop slinging shit around, shall we?


                      • (Personally, I think it'd make a shitty TV soap opera)

                        It always fascinates me how some people don't really care about the retail games, nor about the actual historical importance of prototypes from various milestones in development of a title, but what they do care about is for some absurd reason the history and drama surrounding certain prototypes.

                        Also, nice post @Darkmoon. What'd I ever do without you?
                        Lots of supposing, but I suppose I could say most of it is supposedly correct... I suppose.

                        Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                        4) The fact Dot lied and said he never owned the RE GBC beta sounds a lot like BS doesn't it? But apparently he couldn't care less if people know he owns it now....
                        Definition of "ownership" is a bit of a tricky term. Sometimes, you get to borrow something, other times you only get to see something, and then you have the times when multiple people split the tab on something ...

                        So, anyway, let's entertain the idea that he said he never had it... problem being? Are you somehow entitled to having the facts there? Does it matter to you whether or not he had it? Why does it matter to anyone, actually? Bragging rights? "Told"? What about previous owners? Anonymous sources of origin?

                        Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                        6) You, means you, the one making the post. You said you created the cartridge reader, and 'helped' someone rip backgrounds and values. So maybe I'm misinterpreting it as you took the rom as they dumped it with their tool, and you ripped it. But maybe you're saying you gave them the tool to dump it and they did everything themselves? They = whomever has the cartridge.
                        I never said I "created" the cartridge reader. Heck. I even mentioned the brand and make. Learn to read.
                        Background rips and basic memory values were indeed my handywork. Not that anyone else couldn't have accomplished the same by now themselves, but seeing as no one else have taken a shot at it ... I guess it just confirms how useless I tend to feel people can be.

                        Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                        7) You just said you spent a bored night helping someone. So I dunno man.
                        Sure did. Just counting the days/hours for my two days off and a flight in the middle of a busy project. Good times.

                        Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                        8) That basically confirms you are all in a clique I guess.
                        Totally. The bonus point system is exsquisit and unparalleled. Right now, I'm just two $2000 and one unreleased proto away from getting a two week cruise in the Bahamas.

                        Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                        9) Nah they helped, but they also hide a lot from the fans, I'm sure of it.
                        Helped doesn't even fucking describe it. As for the hiding part; it's like the world of MS-DOS out there. Plenty of hot and quiet women who're ready to obey our every order and command. All the good shit is under wraps. No. Seriously. I mean it. We're not sure if we'll ever actually be able to speak about certain things, but I can say this one thing right here and right now:

                        THIA's core site and content staff (and affiliates) has done the following:
                        -Supplied an absurd amount money to fund what I shall now refer to as just "stuff" (anyone who has ever spent money knows exactly what it was spent on and how much they spent of the grand total of whatever prototype, preview build, or other content they have participated in funding)
                        -Properly testing the waters and ensuring that no one's losing their heads over "stuff" suddenly resurfacing
                        -Made sure that any duplicates or content otherwise deemed "uninteresting" has been traded/sold for more interesting material, without bridges being burned, ropes cut, and/or said exchanged content being somehow devalued.

                        Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                        9) Bloodshed? Bans? Lol. Let's ban someone because they're just expressing their opinion on the whole situation, yah!!!!!!

                        Yes, whoever owns it, is entitled to whatever they want. But the fact people have ignored the fans is wrong.
                        "Ignored the fans"? I think it's more like "the fans" (ie. you(?)) is being ignorant and not understanding when it comes to what's actually in play when dealing with these sorts of things. (Also, people should know by now that I only come out of my cave when I'm either incredibly happy/excited about something or when I wanna murder someone... or both)

                        Trivia that people either already knew, don't care about or for some reason feel "entitled" to know about:
                        -Around 2007-ish, THIA related core staff spent a five digit sum on "content" that over the years have been released to the public. (When's the last time you did something of that magnitude "for free" and "for others"?)
                        -There's still content that's been yet to be released from that pool, though (not just from the stuff acquired in 2007).
                        -As far as Resident Evil content goes, we don't have too much left anymore, but we're ready to strike if needed.
                        -When content has exchanged hands for money, the money's been split % based on who paid what for the content sold.
                        -Some content was funded entirely by THIA as a result of approached people being able to actually pay up when they initially claimed they'd gladly donate X amount of money towards something.
                        -Some content was released after countless claims from people that said they'd donate if a release happened. No such post-release donations have ever happened.
                        -Some high profile decimaled content was not acquired, partly 'cause the "fans" you speak of weren't able to deliver on their end of the bargain.
                        -Some stuff was documented very well in advance, but kept under wraps for a long time due to circumstances and powers beyond our control.
                        -As far as 1.5 goes; you'd be amazed to see what we'd be able to deliver if we actually got our hands on a legit copy of that thing. It'd be unlike anything anyone's ever done before.

                        Anyway, so to anyone who just "demands" stuff for free and "instantly"; Entitlement issues much? Heard of consequences? Ever thought about contributing without getting in the way of those who know what the heck they're doing? Ever had to choose between apples and oranges?

                        (The funny thing is; those people who bitch and moan the most about OTHERS being hoarders or whatever, are usually the ones who should take a good look at themselves in a mirror. In the end, it's all just absurd entitlement issues and penis envy.)
                        Last edited by Carnivol; 02-05-2012, 07:22 PM.


                        • -Some high profile decimaled content was not acquired, partly 'cause the "fans" you speak of weren't able to deliver on their end of the bargain.

                          What is this? I'm interested. I'm wondering if this was the whole 1.5 fiasco from a while back.

                          As you said, back on topic about RE GBC. If you want, message me about it Carnivol if you are so ever caring.
                          Last edited by Chris' Boob; 02-05-2012, 07:29 PM.


                          • I actually amazes me how something like this happened, not to mention a release. I think we've seen TOO little about RE GBC through out all these years, but saw so much about RE 1.5. Don't get me wrong, this is awesome that we finally got an unofficial release for this, but RE1.5 was so damn close to us a few times and we got nothing


                            • BATTLE OF THE BETAS
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                BATTLE OF THE BETAS
                                Ah, that old chestnut.
                                See you in hell.

