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Resident Evil: Game Boy Color - Released on the 4th of feb (2012)

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  • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
    people just keep it under wraps because if capcom found out who sold it to the community, that person would be in deep shit.
    Stop being dramatic. Capcom couldn't care less, it's not a valid argument.


    • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
      Stop being dramatic. Capcom couldn't care less, it's not a valid argument.
      How is that being dramatic? there's a reason no one's released this to the people who want it yet and we know the game is in the wild. In reality, releasing the game is illegal.


      • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
        How is that being dramatic? there's a reason no one's released this to the people who want it yet
        Because in most cases they either paid a crapload for it, traded something worth a lot for it or only gained it/access to it on a basis they not release it or show it off (and are true to their word). I doubt Capcoms thought on the subject ever came into it except perhaps if someone working for Capcom did an original leak 14 years ago.

        The way the community reacts unless someone was going to release it they should shut up and keep it to themselves.
        Last edited by Dracarys; 02-09-2012, 04:29 AM.
        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


        • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
          In reality, releasing the game is illegal.
          Yes mister obvious, but your point is?


          • Not going to take sides on such a petty argument, but I can at least see why some would be concerned. So quick to forget SOPA and PIPA? IF Capcom were to care that someone made money sharing their private property, it could cause some serious issues. The government already shut down Megaupload for piracy, and now most reliable fileshare sites are running scared. Honestly...this self-righteous attitude of "WE'RE FANS SO WE DESERVE IT HURRR DUUURRRR" is monsterously annoying. Get over yourselves. I downloaded it, sure, for the sake of having it in case it gets shut down, but really...its just yet another rendition of RE1. I doubt I'll ever play it, and it'll probably sit unzipped and forgot on my HD. I am thankful towards those who donated, and for the owner for making good on his/her promise to release it. It certainly is nice for the community. But all this needless bitching really necessary? Who the fuck really cares if someone on THIA had it and was sitting on it for a while? Enjoy what you get, and stop thinking you should have ever single thing Capcom works on. Small wonder no one wants to release 1.5. If I had it, and saw people acting like immature brats, I'd never share it.
            Are you tired, Rebecca?


            • Originally posted by Bertha View Post
              1. Not going to take sides on such a petty argument, but I can at least see why some would be concerned. So quick to forget SOPA and PIPA? IF Capcom were to care that someone made money sharing their private property, it could cause some serious issues. The government already shut down Megaupload for piracy, and now most reliable fileshare sites are running scared.

              2. Small wonder no one wants to release 1.5. If I had it, and saw people acting like immature brats, I'd never share it.
              1. $2000 dollars is hardly money, and none were "made" as the owner took a loss. On MegaUpload, you could find pirated material of officially released films, music, and games, and the owner made millions of dollars. The difference is insane, though it doesn't mean releasing the ROM was "legal".

              2. Bingo. After seeing everything which happened with this release (and already hating the haters anyway), I would never release anything (unless it was a requirement to complete whichever deal).
              lostreleases // demopals


              • The amount of bitching and sense of entitlement over "the betas" is comical.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • I think perhaps that the topic should move from bitching and moaning and actually get onto discussion of the released ROMs, including the patches.

                  (As for entitlement, say if there was a donation drive and the guy didn't make good on it - I think that would be understandable in terms of complaints regarding entitlement, but then again I'm the sort that provided there's no strings attached would be more likely to make stuff public (which is what I'm trying to do in regards to Clock Tower currently), but that's just me).

                  Anyway. Please no more needling, bitching and moaning and get onto an actual topic. Carn has already come in to curb it.

                  If there's any further needling in the topic, I will be handing out infractions.

                  I played a bit of the first rom, though no idea how attacking the zombies works - do they just drop to their knees and remain on the screen? That was the result when I used the Beretta and Jill. Got killed by simply touching another zombie when trying to use the knife though.
                  Non-blurry Signature Version
                  Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)


                  • Originally posted by Enetirnel View Post
                    I played a bit of the first rom, though no idea how attacking the zombies works - do they just drop to their knees and remain on the screen? That was the result when I used the Beretta and Jill. Got killed by simply touching another zombie when trying to use the knife though.
                    Just don't get near them, stupid zombies in close quarters are lethal. Once you get the shotgun blast them away...

                    So I've got up to the guardhouse and I'm stuck with the red book. I can't use it to open the door to Plant 42. Is there a way to get pass that?

                    I'm amused this got so far and was cancelled. Maybe it wasn't the best port, but damn it, it's impressive for a GBC game.

                    "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                    • This is more of a return to form than Revelations ever was.


                      • Originally posted by Enetirnel View Post
                        I played a bit of the first rom, though no idea how attacking the zombies works - do they just drop to their knees and remain on the screen? That was the result when I used the Beretta and Jill. Got killed by simply touching another zombie when trying to use the knife though.
                        Yes, they are dead when they are on their knees. The knife doesn't seem to work.

                        Originally posted by Beanovsky Durst View Post
                        So I've got up to the guardhouse and I'm stuck with the red book. I can't use it to open the door to Plant 42. Is there a way to get pass that?
                        It's impossible through normal gameplay. You have to edit some hex values to jump your character into the next room. However, there's a patched ROM available for download in the Assemblergames thread which fixes this. It unlocks the double doors instead.
                        lostreleases // demopals


                        • its never enough that people get a release and just be happy about it, they have to find and condemn the person who had the game and "hid" it from us... just play the game and enjoy it and be thankful you can now play it. I know I am! More important things in life to worry about.

                          If 1.5 was released, (prob never will lol) I would be happy to just get to play it. And not worry so much of how it was released and who had it blah blah blah.


                          • Originally posted by Anders View Post
                            It's impossible through normal gameplay. You have to edit some hex values to jump your character into the next room. However, there's a patched ROM available for download in the Assemblergames thread which fixes this. It unlocks the double doors instead.
                            Thanks Anders, this was really helpful.

                            "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                            • Originally posted by Stars_g36 View Post
                              If 1.5 was released, (prob never will lol) I would be happy to just get to play it. And not worry so much of how it was released and who had it blah blah blah.
                              I don't want to high jack this thread and make it about 1.5 but yes, we will get 1.5 one day. Many people in the RE community have had contact with people who own this game, and i'm not just talking about curator.


                              • We'll never get 1.5 simply because of the people who hide RE GBC and RE0 N64. I like how people tend to 'secretly' brag they own these secret betas to egg people on. It's comical too.

                                On a side note, I have RE 1.5. Gimme $5 and I'll release it. Oh and you have 10 seconds until I light it on fire in a pool of gasoline. GO!

